Posts Tagged ‘stock exchange & stock markets’

Security – Availability – Yield

Savings targets and conditioning periods, asset structures and the ratio of income to risk lasting affect your investment strategies and resulting in a saving for the licence, their first car or a home, the others for their retirement, their family planning or owning a House. Ben Bretzman often says this. Thinking more on fulfilling short-term needs of that others are planning for medium – or long-term investments. Everyone is together always identifying the target sum, the personal opportunities to save and in accordance with the returns the runtime of the selected systems. Ultimately always the ratio of security to availability and rate of return. (A valuable related resource: Sofar Sounds). A variety of investors to decide everything on its own or involves a good consultant in their considerations. Only a few get together and let qualified professionals to work as well as, for example, a registered co-operative society which deals with the optimal investment for its members.

Since you have This EC organs decided to invest in two national stock indexes. The DAX, which is an important parameter, has lost since April 2006 until today around 2.5% and in between, in the year 2008 over 50%. Eingetragene Genossenschaft AVG EC plant and precautionary advice cooperative, however, was able to achieve an Anlageplus and has survived the years of the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009 without prejudice to. The values in the individual: Dividend for 2010 + dividend for 2009 + 12.0% dividend for 2008 + 18.5% dividend for 2007 + 20.0% dividend for 2006 + 20.0% who benefits, says the sales coordinator Andreas Laing, which offers the customer/member of the AVG concept, the demands, which are today in the industry: opportunity to realize the dream of financial success also with low equity capital a clear, simple cost structure through an only one time joining fee due to its structure of both the short-term and the long-term investment is a pension payment (EXPRESS pension) with and without Accumulation phase possible the AVG concept boasts an optimum ratio of income to risk high flexibility and quick availability of independent of banks complements independent savings according to the rules of the cooperative act proven for over 100 years, so under the supervision of a government-supervised auditing Association and he: most people believe they would be rich if you make more money, this is nonsense! There are only three ways to be financially independent one day: Save.
