Archive for April, 2012

Rio Grande Do Sul

Bruno Cardoso In my infancy (not that I am so distant of it), I remember the teacher of History telling of great civilizations that had finished existing in this world. The pyramids of Egypt and its faras, the Eiffel Tower constructed in century XIX with objective to honor the French revolution, the Christ Redentor, a landmark of the Carioca capital and as much other places cited for it that he has been visited for millions of people annually around of the world. We are a people entirely blessed by being part of a rich set of natural beauties the national level, for possessing diversified cultures that become in them differentiated of other peoples. Of the Acre to the Rio Grande Do Sul countless wealth that come increasing the flow of tourist to each year. The proper foreign investor has gotten resulted with its investments in the coast northeastern constructing great complexes of leisure, for being one procedure of certain easy and income-producing form. To the times, I have the impression, as other Brazilians, who we do not cut the umbilical lace since we leave such procedures to occur so easily in our proper land. We know that some regions of the country do not possess the minimum qualification for the sector of rendering of services. Our hope is that these ' ' companies estrangeiras' ' they invest in the local community in order to characterize them and to repay them for the use of ' ' substance prima' '.

Every year hundreds of Turismlogos if form in search of performance in the market as true professionals. In accordance with (CABRAL, 2007) they are of its ability the versatility, creativity, sensitivity to the necessities of the integrated work and synergic mobility in order to reach the objectives in common. So that they can carry through true modifications in the similar Tourist sector of improvements in the quality of life, a bigger incentive of the government and of private companies for ends of attainment of real results will have also to be occurred. We must all have greater futurstica vision of what it is possible to be reached, but for this we must modify a Brazilian characteristic, I.

State Tourism

For in such a way, if it appealed to the available materials in in charge institutions of its efetivao, – State Secretariat for Subjects of the Pantry it World of the FIFA Brazil 2014 (SECOPA), Office of the Pantry it Mundo (ECOPA), Secretariat of Turismo (SETUR), Company of Tourism of Bahia S/A (BAHIATURSA), Salvador Company Tourism (SALTUR) -, beyond consultations the periodic ones, as reviewed and periodicals that reports to the carried through pantries already and to that one to be promoted in 1914. How much to the management of people if it verified that, until the gift, they had only been composed commissions you specify, as much in the scope state, how much municipal, who not yet make use of staff to give concrete information. Considering this fact, if made a proposal of consultoria in hypothetical management of people, come back toward the tourism, inside of the historical context of the accomplishments of events of the sort of the Pantry of the World. Words key: Management of people, Tourism, Pantry of the World of 2014, Salvador. Introduction: Pantries of the World the Pantry of the World is an event that mobilizes great part of the population of some countries. It was idealized by a Frenchman, Jules Rimet, in 1904, in the same year of the creation of the Federation International of Football Association (FIFA), whose function would be to organize and to fiscalize the games of soccer in international terms. National, the sport is supervised by the Brazilian Confederation of Futebol (CBF) and each State is represented by its respective federacy.

Tourism Operators

In first place to speak of support in the tourism it is necessary to be cliente of the 3 included dimensions in this word so mentioned currently. The dimensions ambient, sociocultural and economic are basic for tourist companies and destinations. When we speak of tourism we think soon about tourist destinations, hotels and services as tours, strolls and restaurants, beyond store and other services directed toward specific segments of the tourism are business-oriented, experience, health, religious, adventure, etc. Can imagine that the sustainable tourism is that one where the tourist enjoys of products and services, without attacking the environment, consider the sociocultural questions since the purchase of the package, the stay until return for house and understand economic the aspects involved, that include the place where it was carried through the purchase, the destination and the products and services used during all the process. We know that a completely sustainable trip is utopia, but is possible to consider factors to minimize aggression to the environment, to the population, culture and patrimony of the tourist destination, beyond fomenting the economy of the involved segments. With this, diverse sectors of the tourism come developing action with the objective to minimize negative impacts and to generate benefits for its business, community and for the proper tourist who disfruta of that destination, beyond the spreading of the company through the sustainable activities. The trip operators are considered the link of the chain in the tourism, since she has as objective the tourist distribution of the products and services to the travel agencies and the proper tourist. Being thus, we can say that the operators have basic paper in the development of the tourism most sustainable through the adoption of criteria for election of its products and services and the spreading of the destinations most sustainable to the customer, with objective to not only generate the awareness of its suppliers, but of the proper tourist that will have as option the choice for a more sustainable destination.

Franciscano Convent

The presented article however aims at to enaltecer the religious, historical aspects, sociocultural architectural and of the first Franciscano Convent of Brazil, situated in the High City – Historical Small farm, more necessarily in the slope of San Francisco, n 280, quarter of the Carmo? Olinda/Pernambuco. The joint architectural in question is one of the patrimonies most significant, with great participation in the formation of the pernambucana society. The establishment of the Franciscana Order is registered there, in Brazil, demarcated for the presence of the Franciscana Order in the Village of Olinda, at the time capital of the State of Pernambuco. Such subject promotes the rescue and the reinforcement of the values that aliceraram the society of that time, since way evidencing the taming and aguerrido spirit of the authentic pernambucano. Ademais, is of great value, this contextualizao by means of the o detailing of the gorgeous construction. The primitive dating of the Convent is of the end of century XVI, today, assevera to be one of the units uneven of the franciscanas constructions that if had spread for the world. The joint architectural is inserted in a space of privileged ambincia that instigates the search for knowing it and glimpsing it.

It is noticed that throughout the time it kept and it protected some original traces, contributing for one faithful retraction of the episodes that had occurred there. It must be detached that the Convent of San Francisco possesss the biggest number of works of art for square meter as, for example, artistic panels in tiles, movable, images and other elements in profusion, of the end of century XVI, and also of centuries XVII and XVIII. The paper of contribuidor agent in spreading is understood in this research such attractive one as option for the cultural tourism, as well as the possibility to extend its insertion in the suggested scripts.
