Posts Tagged ‘society and culture’

Cultural Tourism

It is an activity that sufficiently is segmented, and enters these segments of the tourism we can cite the cultural tourism, that currently occupies great space in the tourist sector. Nowadays, the cultural tourism is growing significantly. Inside of this aspect, we can approach the museum as being optimum space, of great attractive tourist, where the practical one of cultural tourism can be developed. In accordance with the Letter of Cultural Tourism, published for the ICOMOS, in 1976, considers the cultural tourism as being: ‘ ‘ That form of Tourism that has for objective, among others ends, the description-artistic monument knowledge and small farms. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Margaret Loesser Robinson and gain more knowledge.. It exerts a really positive effect on these how much in such a way contributes? to satisfy its proper ends? its maintenance and protection. This type of tourism justifies, in fact, the economic efforts that such maintenance and protection demand of the community human being due to the partner-cultural benefits and that it holds for all implied population

‘ ‘ In fact, the tourism is entirely on the culture. However, culture is something that if presents of dynamic and changeable form. Walkiria Toledo (2000, p.9) affirms that ‘ ‘ culture, effectively, is a difficult term of definio’ ‘. However, it is important to think the culture as something essential about the life it human being. Laraia (2009, p.26) apud Turgot (1727-1781), says that: ‘ ‘ Possessor of a treasure of signs that has the college to multiply infinitely, the man is capable to assure the retention of its erudite ideas, to communicate them for the other men and transmitiz them for its descendants as an inheritance always crescente.’ ‘ In this direction, one becomes necessary to analyze the culture as antropolgico element of highest value.

Brazil Movements

This phrase said for one of the bastions guardies of this manifestation demonstrates the multiple and dynamic character of the capoeira, that if transmuta and if adapta, that it is rebelled and if accomodates, that creates and reproduces, that already served to defend itself and to even kill, and that today serves stops to educate, but that always it was an shout of freedom and reaffirmation of a culture and an oppressed people, reflected of the sad history of four centuries of slavery in Brazil (ABIB, 2004). In It hisses (2003), one extends Capoeira to it the dance, fights, trick and combat, mandingueira and objective, malandra and loafer: the Capoeira is the resistance of a people integrated to the mass, is culture, is race, is the phenomenon of the unfinished one. The author also considers, that the capoeira is game, corporal expression that … the same, fight and dances, touches and sings, attacks and defends; it is the body that goes and comes, of a side for the other, finding spaces in the small emptinesses of the circle for, irrationally, that is, without the rational use of the movements, to feel itself exempts of the real and social pressures of exclusion human being (IT HISSES, 2003 P. 55). According to Anna Belknap, who has experience with these questions.

Capoeira is the dexterity fight, where two opponents play in wheel, and through corporal movements expression movements of attack and defense is in its majority with the legs or the hands and etc. in short, fight disfarada in dance is a game/. Vanessa Marcil is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Dramaturgo Days Gomes said that in the capoeira the players, ' ' they are companionable. They do not fight, dissimulate to fight. They look for? brilliantly – to give the artistic vision of a combat. Above of a competition spirit, it has a direction of beleza' ' In this way one perceives that the estimated ones answered by the participants of the research if are similar with some conceptual aspects of the above-mentioned authors.


SMC in 2009 – Groups of Capoeira of the Cear Photo: Gerson of the ValleGrupos de Capoeira of the state of the Cear &#039 will go to carry through called project; ' I am craque in the Capoeira and in the drugs I give rasteira' '. The objective is to debate with on authorities, society, entities and people worried about the propagation of the drugs in our capital, searching a combat form, using in this in case that, the Capoeira as half of social inclusion. They are involved in this project about 15 (fifteen) Groups of Capoeira of the Capital and the Interior the State. At San Antonio Spurs you will find additional information. In all Brazil, more especially in our State, the drugs have proliferated in frightful way, taking many them our young to its consumption and the death; to put the disciplinarian Capoeira as instrument comes occupying space of prominence in this context and offering significant contributions through its educators. According to IBGE, 62% of the pertaining to the state of Cear population live below of the line of the poverty, in contrast with a different concentration of income at the hands of a minority; the unemployment reaches 200 a thousand people, mainly the young. consumption of crack in our capital, a drug with the highly harmful power and quick capacity of degradation human being, has grown of frightful form between youth, adds it this the fact of $fortaleza to coexist 700 slum quarters more than, the majority without forecast of politics publishes of education, culture or leisure, measures these that could contribute significantly to brighten up the devastador social picture that comes daily being shown. Ver. Iraguass, Pupils, Professors, C.Mestres and Mestres in Capoeira – Photo Gerson Archive of the Valle Since 2007, the doctor and councilman Iraguass Teixeira PDT/CE, has given its contribution through parliamentary emendation for some Groups of Capoeira in $fortaleza, in the emendations for 2010, the parliamentarian destined R$ 160,000, 00 which will go to contemplate 15 Groups of Capoeira and R$ 20,000, 00 for the accomplishment of the Municipal Week of the Capoeira of 2011, project of law 9041/05, that this year will have as subject: ' ' I am craque in the Capoeira and the drugs I give rasteira' '. .

Blogs Greaters

Who does not have a side poet of being? The poetry is one of the seven traditional arts, since many years the people uses the words to express its thoughts, thus becoming them in poetry. Almost always we have something pra to transmit through our words. why not to express everything this, so that other people can read? All our experiences, our knowledge, all our dreams, and even though fears, at last, everything what we live can become in art, when written of correct form, either formal or informal it, is enough to have a paper piece, thus if becoming a beautiful poetry. Great names as Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Fernando Person, Luiz Vaz de Cames, Manoel Bandeira and Vinicius de Moraes, had had its poems known in counted books and world the rejection. Today, you can see in several blogs, poems of celebrities, or texts of poets who you never knew before, and exactly thus be touched with the sensitivity of an artist whom she knows very well where to use each word. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from actress. He is possible today to find blogs in the Internet as the Poetry in Blog (), one blog as in the proper name it says, is pure poetry. The owner backwards great texts inspired by what he comes for its mind, being transparent everything what he feels, beyond counting on tips of events and much more.

Blog Poetry in the Chaos (), is one blog full of texts above all what it has happened in the world. Yes in way to the chaos it is possible to become something in poetry. The poet thus searching to bring ideas for improvement the place where we live. Its are well interesting, and with much content. Blogs as the Garden of the Poetry (), is all romantic, valley imposes a fine on to confer.

Already Poetry, art and culture () are one of those blogs that he is full of poetries that are gostosas to read, obtaining to be there for hours. Both are full of new features and brought up to date, with what it has of better in literature. If you also that it loves writing, and expressing its feelings in a paper, because not to only place them in one blog its? You are enough to create one blog to enter in this world. You obtain to mount its blog, and to show pra all as it is practical to make and to write. It tries!

New World

The death of diverse civilians represented the fight of the workers for a new model of society. During the repression, other militant ones had been died and its bodies also are in unknown place. The workers want that all these families have right to embedding its deceased with dignity and respect. To open the archives of that period is a right to the memory, the information and the truth. History if makes with documents and these cannot be jailed in bilges or hidden in the desvos of police agencies.

These doubts and fidgets have that to be decided. The fights of the workers today are on to the contruo of a social democracy, for the right to a worthy job, reduction of the day of wage so that the worker also has right to study, to the leisure and the culture and the conditions of work and experience that respect the nature. Pain, the suffering, in the life of who passed for this social phase, had been marked in its lives and always passed for third ahead, certainly they would approve this guideline. In its dialectics, also they produced growth, change, decision and courage to face new situations. If they were livings creature, certainly in them would convoke the new fights. would be to the front, as commanders, next to the pauperizadas layers more of the population, for the right of the Brazilian citizens to the memria and the truth.

Rio Grande Do Sul

Bruno Cardoso In my infancy (not that I am so distant of it), I remember the teacher of History telling of great civilizations that had finished existing in this world. The pyramids of Egypt and its faras, the Eiffel Tower constructed in century XIX with objective to honor the French revolution, the Christ Redentor, a landmark of the Carioca capital and as much other places cited for it that he has been visited for millions of people annually around of the world. We are a people entirely blessed by being part of a rich set of natural beauties the national level, for possessing diversified cultures that become in them differentiated of other peoples. Of the Acre to the Rio Grande Do Sul countless wealth that come increasing the flow of tourist to each year. The proper foreign investor has gotten resulted with its investments in the coast northeastern constructing great complexes of leisure, for being one procedure of certain easy and income-producing form. To the times, I have the impression, as other Brazilians, who we do not cut the umbilical lace since we leave such procedures to occur so easily in our proper land. We know that some regions of the country do not possess the minimum qualification for the sector of rendering of services. Our hope is that these ' ' companies estrangeiras' ' they invest in the local community in order to characterize them and to repay them for the use of ' ' substance prima' '.

Every year hundreds of Turismlogos if form in search of performance in the market as true professionals. In accordance with (CABRAL, 2007) they are of its ability the versatility, creativity, sensitivity to the necessities of the integrated work and synergic mobility in order to reach the objectives in common. So that they can carry through true modifications in the similar Tourist sector of improvements in the quality of life, a bigger incentive of the government and of private companies for ends of attainment of real results will have also to be occurred. We must all have greater futurstica vision of what it is possible to be reached, but for this we must modify a Brazilian characteristic, I.

State Tourism

For in such a way, if it appealed to the available materials in in charge institutions of its efetivao, – State Secretariat for Subjects of the Pantry it World of the FIFA Brazil 2014 (SECOPA), Office of the Pantry it Mundo (ECOPA), Secretariat of Turismo (SETUR), Company of Tourism of Bahia S/A (BAHIATURSA), Salvador Company Tourism (SALTUR) -, beyond consultations the periodic ones, as reviewed and periodicals that reports to the carried through pantries already and to that one to be promoted in 1914. How much to the management of people if it verified that, until the gift, they had only been composed commissions you specify, as much in the scope state, how much municipal, who not yet make use of staff to give concrete information. Considering this fact, if made a proposal of consultoria in hypothetical management of people, come back toward the tourism, inside of the historical context of the accomplishments of events of the sort of the Pantry of the World. Words key: Management of people, Tourism, Pantry of the World of 2014, Salvador. Introduction: Pantries of the World the Pantry of the World is an event that mobilizes great part of the population of some countries. It was idealized by a Frenchman, Jules Rimet, in 1904, in the same year of the creation of the Federation International of Football Association (FIFA), whose function would be to organize and to fiscalize the games of soccer in international terms. National, the sport is supervised by the Brazilian Confederation of Futebol (CBF) and each State is represented by its respective federacy.

Franciscano Convent

The presented article however aims at to enaltecer the religious, historical aspects, sociocultural architectural and of the first Franciscano Convent of Brazil, situated in the High City – Historical Small farm, more necessarily in the slope of San Francisco, n 280, quarter of the Carmo? Olinda/Pernambuco. The joint architectural in question is one of the patrimonies most significant, with great participation in the formation of the pernambucana society. The establishment of the Franciscana Order is registered there, in Brazil, demarcated for the presence of the Franciscana Order in the Village of Olinda, at the time capital of the State of Pernambuco. Such subject promotes the rescue and the reinforcement of the values that aliceraram the society of that time, since way evidencing the taming and aguerrido spirit of the authentic pernambucano. Ademais, is of great value, this contextualizao by means of the o detailing of the gorgeous construction. The primitive dating of the Convent is of the end of century XVI, today, assevera to be one of the units uneven of the franciscanas constructions that if had spread for the world. The joint architectural is inserted in a space of privileged ambincia that instigates the search for knowing it and glimpsing it.

It is noticed that throughout the time it kept and it protected some original traces, contributing for one faithful retraction of the episodes that had occurred there. It must be detached that the Convent of San Francisco possesss the biggest number of works of art for square meter as, for example, artistic panels in tiles, movable, images and other elements in profusion, of the end of century XVI, and also of centuries XVII and XVIII. The paper of contribuidor agent in spreading is understood in this research such attractive one as option for the cultural tourism, as well as the possibility to extend its insertion in the suggested scripts.
