Posts Tagged ‘literature’

The Secret Of Stradivari

The borderless perception of what is possible, what is personal and impersonal reality? How does current knowledge? What are legalities and coincidences the? These questions are as old as humanity itself. Management Trainer, coach and best-selling author Albert Metzler it has undertaken to bring together innovative responses from thousands of years of culture and history of science. The surprising: As different approaches and research methods also are and were they come to remarkably similar results, whether Eastern wisdom teachings or the modern quantum physics. On his philosophical and psychological campaigns through topics of personality psychology, astronomy, literature, mathematics, theology, brain research, and music, the author gradually opens the senses of the reader. Read more from San Antonio Spurs to gain a more clear picture of the situation. A new, creative vision to the borderless world of universal creativity and the brilliant self designed are multi-faceted.

Albert Metzlers findings in the field of personality development can be remarkably easy to implement in practice individual life and are imbued with a life-affirming love of the divine creation. The reader opens up new dimensions of perception, which can lead to a being on a higher, advanced and conscious level. Learn more about the mysterious sources of inspiration of inner force and universal creation.. Check out Glenn Dubin, New York City for additional information.

Hungary: No Hassles With Costs

Hungary catalogue of NOVASOL with ‘All inclusive’ – holiday houses / cheaper exchange rate protects newly at NOVASOL travel budget: the rental costs for energy, bed linen and final cleaning are included in all holiday homes in Hungary during the entire summer season (May September). Also, the currently favourable exchange rate of the forint against the EURO not insignificant saves the travel fund. Also particularly important in uncertain times: that at NOVASOL always in the price included travel cancellation insurance also applies to unforeseen unemployment as a result of termination by the employer. Here, Spurs expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The offer by NOVASOL in Hungary range from the luxurious Villa panorama houses with fantastic views to city apartments in Budapest. Who would like to try his fishing luck at the biggest European Lake, Lake Balaton, is close to the water with sufficient frozen possibilities also for large catches homes specifically equipped NOVASOL also. In addition to NOVASOL guests try the healing effects of the Hungarian sources at discounted prices: for selected thermal baths they get cheap family day passes including spa treatments. In short in the new Hungary holiday house catalogue there is something for every taste: all best in all conditions, to select Hungary this year as a tourist destination. Price examples: A fully equipped cottage with 2 bedrooms for a family of four on the South-Balaton region, 500 metres from the sea, not more than 480 per week, incl. the costs for electricity, final cleaning and bed linen costs in high season. In the Danube metropolis of Budapest NOVASOL offers centrally located city apartments for up to 6 persons, bookable during the high season for around 25,-per person and day. Information, booking and order catalogue: NOVASOL Hamburg Tel 040-23 88 59 82 fax 040-23 88 59 24 E-Mail: Internet:

Santiago Place

The nobility of all the forms to love comes of the personificao of the desire, cannot live all the sensations, feelings and thoughts That inhabit ours five sensible ones. For not losing in them in a labyrinth of insaciveis desires and keeping the lucidity, we place our obedient sensations, thoughts and feelings the biological laws, moral behaviors, social behaviors, religious laws and spirituals. This lucidity and these reins that we place in the sensations in the thoughts and the feeling are that it allowed in them to keep a basic balance in the society. We walk to materialize the society of the pleasure, this society that searchs eliminating the preconception, and together with it to eliminate the parameters and the limits between certain missed e, the right to have opinions, and thus makes the inverse way: We walk for the despreconceitualizao that is the dictatorship of the preconception that eliminates the right the opinion. Without hesitation Jorge Perez explained all about the problem. This society of the pleasure that untied to the reins of the desire is the society that walks for the social and human chaos, is forming a new Sodoma Gomorra, the way that in the salute and always saved in them was of the hypocrisy that conserves our Dirts human beings in a private place they; if we leave to arise you endow our internal dirts and to eliminate the reins and the hypocrisy we will be taking the entire humanity for the basenesses human beings, and we will equal in them underneath, already we inside place the puteiro of our homes, when we allow dental wire girls rebolando in our room to be where to the sundays they are our parents, our grandfathers, our wife and our children who must be educated so that men capable become to guide itself exactly and the society, capable to form family and to respect it, capable to guide and to serve the society.

The sex without reins entorpece the society, the necessity of balance and the capacity of if guiding without if losing inside of the labyrinths of the desire makes with that we impersonate the love and the desire in an only body, this fact sample that subconcientemente we know that the desire without reins and the society of the pleasure are in leading to the social and human chaos. We are a society vitiated to sex. We have places for our lixos, ours sewers and our expurgations; they are because We do not conserve the hypocrisy that is our interior garbage, where we place all our dirts that disobey the laws that balance the society, the human being and the soul. Murilo Santiago J.Nunez the IMPARCIALISMO

Brazilian Symbolism

INTRODUCTION the Symbolism Appeared in France, the end of century XIX, and had as main representatives Mallam, Verlaine and Baudelaire. Visit real-estate developer for more clarity on the issue. These poets abandon the principles of the realistic and parnasiana school and dedicate &#039 to it; ' cult of the etreo, the subjective one, the obscure one, the vacant, sugestivo' ' ; they reject the myth of the descriptive precision; for them, the poetical word must before suggest that to dominate. In 1857, in France, Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) published the Flowers of the Evil and in 1866 it left the first number the anthology Le Parnasse Contemporain. In this, parnasianas productions had been displayed as many compositions simbolistas how much. This literary movement that preceded the World War I (1913-1918) appears as reaction to materialistic and cientificistas chains of the industrial society of the beginning of century XX. The word symbolism is originary of the Greek, and means to place together. The simbolistas, denying the parnasianos, had abolished the cult to the form of its compositions. The symbolism divided with that style the space cultural European enters the end of century XIX and the beginning of century XX.

BRAZILIAN SYMBOLISM INFLUENCES AND CHARACTERISTICS the Symbolism, in Brazil, represents one of the times most important of our literary and cultural history. This movement penetrated in our country, for intermediary of Medeiros and Albuquerque, that, since 1891, received books from the French decadentistas. In 1893, Cruz and Sousa publish Missal and Broquis, workmanships that define the history of the Brazilian Symbolism. It enters the last decades of century XIX and principles of century XX, the simbolistas had coexisted in a period where Brazil looked for to conquer its mental maturity and its autonomy. Exactly after the 1822 independence, the Metropolis still continued to exert its colonialista action. The commerce, the banking transactions, the press was under the influx of the Metropolis.

Ken Follett

Outside it is colder, the days shorter, the rain is increasing. There we are the days on which again often the couch sit, read a good book. The September 2012 holds numerous new works for this, which properly entertain the reader. Among other things, Charlotte link and Ken Follett present their new achievements. Anxiously looked be may also on the literary comeback of Miss Harry Potter”J. K. Rowling and the Professor of all comedians, Eckhart von Hirschhausen. The fall offers many advantages.

He presents a natural in colourful colours and many hours, where we can sit comfortably in front of the stove and spend our time with moving literature. This includes the chance to devote the new works of some highly neither authors in the year 2012. These include four authors, whose previous writing absolute bestseller status could collect with Charlotte link and Ken Follett, Eckhart by Hirschhausen and Joanne K. Rowling. Millions books sold with most of her previous novels succeeded two women to capture Charlotte link emotions within our society and also to trigger just such. In their new Work In the Valley of the Fox “she embarks on the traces of a weird running kidnapping. The victim is transported with catering for almost a week in a box, the kidnappers is but imprisoned by the police for a different offense during the time. Harry-Potter inventor was not less successful Joanne K.

Rowling, who “wants to disperse with a sudden death a little bit of everyone knitted connecting to the sorcerer’s apprentice. The scenery is a market town, in which the sudden death of a municipality Council member provides the beautiful facade of a seemingly intact society with cracks. The life is in the foreground you know Ken Follett as an author of works that mostly epochal themes. Winter of world “seamlessly in the recent bestseller of Britain joins. In the second part of the saga of his century, the protagonists are confronted with the events of the 1930s. These include the Hitler came to power, or even the great depression. This peppered with love and hatred, cunning and lots Calculus is a very explosive mixture. Writes about the life also Eckhart von Hirschhausen, his new work where is love when it is through his stomach? “there is much lighter fare. The Professor see the comedians charged his readers laugh muscles once more and declared medically correct some incident of human life. More information about all latest releases and the latest recommendations for the fall are now in the online shop from and the associated blog. Press contact: GmbH & co. KG Heidi Possmayer, marketing and communication stone Ford 65 a, 86167 Augsburg fax: +49(0)821/4502-299 E-Mail: Web: about is the online shop with over seven million items from the categories of books, audiobooks, eBooks, movies, software, electronics, music downloads and toys. Numerous price hits range from and endearing to search the shop for bargains in the Internet. Customers get free shipping with your order and can choose the shop without minimum order. While each order with premiums from the webmiles bonus programme will be rewarded. has its headquarters in Augsburg and is a joint venture of Axel Springer AG, Holtzbrinck networks GmbH and Verlagsgruppe Weltbild GmbH.

Mary Sergey

– Clearly, – trying as much as possible to conceal his grief, meets Maria, asking another question. – And how much more do you have? – I’m on my fifth year and two months later, I have issue in any city in Russia for further service. Realizing that it is also not pleasant, I felt another blow to the psyche of Mary, the same painful for her, like the previous one. – So, two months later you go? – Asked Mary hlyupnuv nose.

– Most likely yes, you’re not sick by any chance? – Few, I swallowed a pill and went to you. – And I love you forcing me to walk in the cool evening, can doedem to the theater in a taxi? – No, everything’s fine, I feel good. – How such a beautiful girl can be without a guy? Long parted? – Sergey asked, not knowing whether this is so. – No, recently, two weeks ago – with some sadness in his eyes said Maria. – , and why, if I may ask? And how did you meet? – Three years, though last year was one filed with the scandals, but ended up that I accidentally met him on the street, walking arm in arm with a girl – with a vanished smile was the answer. – It is clear, but why do not you split up with him before? – Sergey asked thoughtfully.


Poetical Suatrajetria tried cantorias and its challenges, the twine and improvising suadico, the inicitica alfabetizao and the readings of classics dapoesia universal (Cames and Olavo Bilac). The practical one of the reading became it a self-taught person, however it only was interested for books of histories and common knowledges, but it read ques to guarantee them the knowledge on which it would work in depoesia form. Patativaapesar to have frequented the school for few months, possua a habilidadeinquestionvel in the letters and the forms to interpret world through seusversos. A genius of the memory and orality is owner of a vast production culturalque would reach the radio and if he would spread out midiaticamente until reaching mltiplaspercepes and undoing the border tenuous between what ‘ is considered; ‘ popular eerudito’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ regional and universal’ ‘.

Conscientious Patativa of its dom and its value as poet, and it affirms categoricamenteisso when it says: ‘ ‘ poet who has creativity as the Patativa has, is poucosviu? ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ He is raro’ ‘. (Feitosa, 2003:38). Oque if glimpsed in the trajectory of Patativa of the Assar is permanent dilogodele with its social environment, it wants this dialogue if it gives in chats or in you rhyme. Favourite Suacompanheira was the nature, species of inspired muse. It liked to detrabalhar alone, so that while decides the land, plants, clean; to pudesserefletir better on the things of the life, one to make laborious, that osustento guarantee in such a way of the body, how much of the poetical one. In the interviews, nor always if it showed as the same man of the daily one, had a certainty cuidadocom the approaches most incisive; when in colloquies with anonymous admirers, if it limited to use chaves, that if dealt with cliches, that is, respostasprontas. ‘ ‘ Patativano hears what it does not desire to hear and it has exit of most unusual for asperguntas indesejveis’ ‘. (Feitosa, 2003:18). importante to emphasize how much it primava for a preferential speech on sie on its workmanship, directing the image to be spread out by the media and between seuspesquisadores. Eraum man of strong personality, perhaps until intolerante, but to characterize opoeta goes beyond these trifling details, is to search in closest, the form as Patativainterpretava the things and as its verses spoke on the life, the loves and aslutas not only of the northeasterns, but of all kept out of society people. Umpoeta to the front of its time; the voice in Patativa of the Assar is cantotransformado in some cnticos. REFERNCIABIBLIOGRFICA ASSAR, Patativa of, I say and I do not ask for secret. So Paulo: Publishing presence, 2001. OAK, Gilmar of. Poetical anthology. $fortaleza: Editions Democritus Rock, 2007. FEITOSA, Tadeu Luiz, Patativa of the Assar: the trajectory of one I sing. So Paulo: EscriturasEditora, 2003.

Golden Mountain

I do not know why! _ And now, what vocs they find that the authorities go to make? _ Who knows? Nobody more wants to be delegated here in Golden Mountain range. Although to love the city, after the death of the Fulgncio, everybody lives terrified with the history of the Legend and if the mayor or the judge not to take a step, the city goes to turn city ghost, done the films of caubi. _ But will be that he does not appear nor a man capable to be delegated and goes to be necessary the people to abandon the city? For what we know, the commission agents have only died. From there, if he concludes that the other people are free of the threat. _ Is there that Mr. if is deceptive, young man, therefore the four that they had abandoned were glad men, friends of everybody and later that they had left, they had not spoken with plus nobody.

The Epaminondas was as, wants to say, the first one after the Euclides. Rapidinho was everything very, exactly. Later that the Epaminondas it left, had assumed the Baltazar, the Enoque, the God and Miro. They had taken two months more or less, had delivered the police station and if they had closed without speaking with plus nobody. Only that it opened the peak died of laranjada.

The other wanted to be more male and received lead. Now, what it is that lacks? She is people to see a mount of tanks to enter for the street and the nazistas to finish with everything. Not! People lived a life tranquila to erase a shameful page and I, at least, do not have more nerves. He looks at, the Alberto there is that he had to be nominated delegated. Put citizen the crossbow, only lives with that guitar, seeming that never necessary of nobody.
