Posts Tagged ‘internet & multimedia’


With new alcohol 120prozent for the AL2C Internet portal Poing kicks off 5.5 Platinum, Munich (June 23, 2009) – it often faces complex and commercially flooded Web portals as interested users and often is lost in the jumble of links. Also the FRANZIS Verlag faced the challenge, clear and informative to present the client with its growing product portfolio. The challenge of FRANZIS turned himself in and will be from July 1 with the new version of alcohol 120% launches its new Internet portal 5.5 Platinum. presents the originating from the House of Franzis software products classified burning, copying and backing up the function topic. San-antonio-spurs often says this. Clearly structured and clearly put together the software for burning, backup and copy clearly explains the interested user and described. With tips and tricks, help offered to technically uncurious users and access under the arms. The decision, a private Portal for our products from the segment to burn, backup and copy in the life, has among other things also the background that these application areas our users are very popular and we want to clearly present the interested customers individual solutions. But also the technological development for new applications of the application software has evolved dramatically in the past few years.

The digital lifestyle calls solutions for mobile communication devices, various burning and backup devices, and last but not least the success of Netbooks requires returned to new easy to use solutions. We offer the platform, which deals with this issue.\”so, Jorg Schulz, head of product management and Internet area at Franzis in detail the portal, burn, backup and copy the customer in addition to product offerings also serves as information portal. In addition to tips & tricks, like for example quick and easy to assemble files and on a DVD or Blu-ray burning, virtual drives, sets for Netbooks, the bekanntlicher way have no optical drives or converts music or videos for his iPod, offers video workshops of the products. .

Paid Inclusion: Yahoo! Search Submit Pro Firststars GmbH

Yahoo! relies on Berlin online & mobile marketing agency of firststars Yahoo! has now chosen the Berlin online & mobile marketing agency of firststars GmbH for the circle of its partners in the paid inclusion Search submit Pro (SSP) program. firststars is a thing with a few agencies in Germany, that this instrument in the search engine marketing (SEM) can offer their customers. An award by Yahoo!, which pays tribute to our long-standing and good cooperation, and strengthen them in the future and make even more successful, says Henning Hock, CEO of firststars. The SSP technology enables more efficient to market the customer firststars, special product data via the Yahoo search. This then guaranteed within 48 hours in the natural search results from Yahoo! are taken into account and updated in the 24-stundlichen rhythm. You can be”, so, with the help of Search Submit Pro elaborate search engine optimizations, which often weeks or months of temporal effort would mean saving Henning Hock and to integrate the customers now effectively the long tail”.” Asked about the relevance of firststars, says Henning Hock, also founder of the Agency: we consider it as a vote of confidence for our previous service and are proud to include Yahoo! opens up the possibility that with the partnership for SSP to take advantage of the marketing tool paid inclusion with its high efficiency potential of the few selected agencies. Glenn Dubin is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Our main goal is always to offer a custom optimized and measurable success-oriented combination of actions and instruments.

Here we supply always full transparency our customers on our service, as well as a detailed measurement of success, which allows a meaningful cost-benefit analysis at any time.” Firststars GmbH firststars GmbH is a leading German full-service online & mobile marketing agency headquartered in Berlin. Under the leadership of Henning Hock, the Agency sees with currently 19 specialists in comprehensive support of clients in all areas of the success-oriented Internet & mobile marketing focus. firststars offers both search engine marketing (SEM) as for example keyword advertising, search engine optimization (SEO) as also affiliate-marketing, traditional banner advertising and consulting both on national and international level. More information under: press contact: firststars GmbH Online & mobile marketing Manuela Beese Rosenthaler str. 42 10178 Berlin Tel: + 49 (0) 30 280 42 75-23 fax: + 49 (0) 30 280 42 75-29 E-Mail:.

1A-chat With New Webcam Chat

1A-chat has made a new webcam chat online the free chat community. is a chat community 2005 were founded and grows steadily since. (As opposed to Tony Parker). But not only on the but that membership also on the free functions that are available to each Member. The community has aligned itself from the outset on the webcam chat and remained free until today. This is one of the largest free webcam chat communities in Germany 1a chat. Also by the possibility of making to the community in English is the diversity of Member also becoming increasingly international.

Through the user-friendly interface, easy to use, and Admins you have always a sympathetic ear can look forward the community remains strong interest. The community has in addition to the descriptive member profiles, message system, groups, vote, Forum and of course a webcam chat that is always full. The community is reading something completely free and for everyone like. Here you will learn quick and easy new friends or one large Love know. Just through the webcam chat you can be safe from fakes. Contact information is here: Tony Parker.

Even if the Member has no webcam, here you get to know new people group or a personal ad in the Forum by interesting. The new chat has now in addition to the usual chat function now many members want additional functions get. With the new chat, the chatter now has the ability to determine the design itself. The chat offers many setting possibilities such as Usericonsr, time display, and much more so to adapt to the chat as you would like it. Also there are the now private chat feature to be times alone with the selected user. Whisper is now simply click in the input field. Privacy and determination are also taken care. Now, any chatter on private can be, what that means can adjust the webcam that is visible only on request for other users and allows no private chat. Can also now manage friends and bans in chat. The functions are explained also in the 1a chat blog with images. The whole thing is anyone can for free on look at the

Berlin Tel

The detailed overview of the event is new to the site. All dates are listed on the events page, is by means of icons differences between federal and regional group meetings. In addition an extensive calendar function, we have adapted for the page. A creative, fresh and individual design the content positioning is strengthened by a creative, fresh and individual design. The home boasts a large image slider in the header, this ENTREPRENEUR is introduced through various topics teaser in the wide range of the boys. Large header images and concise headlines on the bases, as well as many image galleries, loosen up the overall appearance. In addition, we have introduced a variety of icons to the intuitive user guidance.

More presence for the country areas and regional circles of the entry to a total of 56 areas of country and regional circles is made possible by a large map, which the user can navigate to any area of the country or regional district comfortably and quickly. The land areas have now all an own page received, where the regional groups through their own URL, as well as a differentiated Appearance have gained independence. The network the young ENTREPRENEUR is the only Association for young families and owner managers only up to 40 years. As political advocacy of family entrepreneurs family entrepreneurs and young entrepreneurs have developed over the past six decades to a recognized and sought-after Advisor of policy and a significant network of entrepreneurs. THE more young entrepreneurs… Our passion for the medium of the Internet is undiminished after 15 years. Since 1996 as one of the first Internet agencies, we realize solutions for complex and communication-intensive Web sites.

For this we were with the Grimme online award, as well as many other prizes awarded. Discharge complication *-our key strength is our interdisciplinary competence. We offer everything from one source: conception, design, programming, editorial, online marketing, hosting, Suchmaschinenoptimierungund of course apps-new communication for a new time. PRESS contact Alexandra LAU 3pc new communication 3-point concepts GmbH Reichenberger Strasse 124 10999 Berlin Tel.: 49-(0)30-28 51 98-24 email:


Who wants to be present today, the get around hardly a presence on the Internet, which you should check before setting the Internet side of the domains, so that you choose any already reserved who wants to be present today, the get around hardly a presence on the Internet, which you should check before setting the Internet side of the domains, so that you choose any already reserved. If you have a company today, which should be represented in most cases also in the Internet, so potential customers can actually find it. Many sales (E.g. via a Magento shop) and relationships happen today via the network or be entertained in this way. Who is not present in the Internet, but at some point do want, must first of all looking for a suitable and appropriate way and put the website together.

This includes among other things the creation of an appealing website of that meaningful introduces the company and everything that is related. For this purpose, many of the entrepreneurs take Seek professional help, so the concept from the beginning to end agrees and goes on. However, the best site on the Internet uses only very little if it is not found. Also it should be considered absolutely. There is also the Internet address, the so-called domain, an important factor should also not be underestimated. In any case you should check in advance the domains.

Who is so made thought, which Internet address on his page should be, who should start a review only once. Because in many cases it is also so that exactly the desired address is already in use, you should come up with different, but appropriate and meaningful addresses. Now to find out which is still free, you must check these domains. There are free options on the Internet and in a few seconds you receives a response on it. What but the whole effort, like ask you there. This is quite simple. Any Internet address can be associated with only one owner and may be forgiven therefore also only once. So, in any case, an absolutely exact mapping is possible. Everything else would leave a shambles in the Internet. Also, people who want access to the data and the information from the page, to find also all necessary and not in the empty search.

Goose Rearranged!

Surf provides the Gaensefurther mineral water brand new with a refreshing relaunch of the site on the Internet. At the same time, the full service agency sets the large-scale online contest mineral treasure”to. Focus of the relaunch is an increased entertainment value that the traditional family-owned company with the goose as a landmark fresh and modern presents. Related Group is full of insight into the issues. Surf is responsible for design, graphic design and technical implementation of the site realised with TYPO3. A varied gastronomic guide with restaurant recommendations and recipes, as well as the extensive product descriptions of refreshing assortment range are the focus of the new corporate site.

Promptly with the relaunch, Gaensefurther launches a winning code action, in which players have the chance to gold bullion worth each EUR 2,500, short trips or hundreds of prizes. In the Flash game by surf the Gaensefurther goose acts as adventure hero. Winning codes for participation are available in trading in PET bottles of Gaensefurther products. The open source CMS TYPO3 as a technical environment allows the flexible integration of new functions and a user-friendly content maintenance on the customer side. Nice refreshments, see Niels Struckmeyer goose

Berlin Consumers

With my xplace puts this argument into focus. To deepen your understanding Jorge Perez is the source. Because the online portal of my-xplace GmbH and the display of product availability stationary trade can support POS purchasing decisions of consumers anywhere and win back consumers for purchase in the shops. My xplace is interesting not only for large national or international retail chains. Small or medium-sized stationary traders benefit from a use. With the presence on my xplace, you will receive a new sales channel, with which they can win not only new customers, but strengthen its position in the competition with the online stores. Also can generate the retailer through the portal of cross-selling effects and obtain valid statistical data to the targeted customers. In addition to the presentation of their entire product range, the retailer at the end of the year for each individual branch can so-called micro-sites”or Create merchant pages. On this page, you can present themselves individually, and upload its logo, a short portrait and pictures.

Also videos, eProspekte, and coupons can be integrated here. In addition my xplace offers more advertising options traders, to alert consumers to. The own online presence does not affect the connection to my xplace, rather this experienced a strengthening through the link to the online-shop. For consumers, the use of my xplace offers unique features not only for traders but also for consumers a number of advantages. The display of the local availability, prices, product information and product videos are today standard. In addition the user performing ability, a comprehensive product and price comparison has comfortably from home. Due to the diversified industries and product portfolio my xplace is on all users who learn on the Internet about products. Creating and managing of Wish list allows the user to keep track of his personal favorites.

Bargain hunters take advantage of the price alert. Here, the consumer for a particular product can set a personal price limit. As soon as the product at this price (or cheaper) a branch offered his environment, the user receives a message. To the individual products the consumer can tell his opinions and experiences by he or she posted product reviews. In addition, he can recommend products by mail or social media capabilities. Additional features such as dealer brochures and coupons can be integrated from the end of the year. Facebook social media & apps via the social media networks, the my-xplace GmbH is also in constant dialogue with the users of the portal google + youtube and twitter. Furthermore is planned an app as well as the networking of the participating dealers in the social media realm. Participating retail chains are up-to-date on my xplace around 120 retailers and retail chains. More are integrated at the time. The retailer come out the various sections, so that entertainment and electronics to apparel and beauty, footwear and toys to garden, all segments of trade covered pets and DIY etc. About the my-xplace GmbH my xplace GmbH is the operator of a location based services (LBS) shopping portal for stationary trade, and a 100% subsidiary of xplace GmbH in Gottingen. The my-xplace GmbH has locations in Cologne, Berlin and Gottingen.

Free Website Builder Launches A New Key Feature

The new feature in the website builder system uCoz uCoz free website builder system with more than one million active websites has received a major update on his seventh birthday. The new feature has been added to keep pace with the success of the company in traffic charts (200 Web pages appears uCoz currently in Alexa’s top). Building on its healthy success in markets of Eastern Europe, the developer of the award-winning content management system has launched its 22 system module. According to the latest Internet trends and needs of users from all over the world, the video module was presented fully tests of the public after two-month beta. This module was developed in close cooperation with users and complies with the wishes of the webmaster and the General parameters of the online video market. “We will do our best to satisfy the increasing demands of the World Wide Web.” And the substantial part of these claims now focuses on video platforms. Through this launch, we plan through the manufacturing and distribution of quality video content Increase the effectiveness of integration into Web projects to encourage.

And if you want to create any type of website or want to have to differ more than ever before,”said Evgeny Kurt, CEO of uCoz. This new feature is provided with increased effectiveness in updates, especially for V-blogs, entertainment, tutorials, and socially-oriented Web pages that have been created with uCoz. A more valuable property will be elevated levels of visitor commitment, because video content-oriented projects are more popular with each passing year (from a statistical standpoint). With this new feature, uCoz users will have the opportunity to integrate videos from video share services, such as YouTube and on the fly. This integration is possible, simply with the addition of links without any special codes. In addition, users can upload videos in the most popular file of share services directly from their websites.

This launch also aims to enhance the Mission of the company: to allow an unlimited number of free to anyone with a PC and Internet connection Web pages to create. About uCoz uCoz is an advanced free website builder with 22 modules, webhosting. unlimited traffic and disk space, and complete CMS that offers users complete freedom in customization of templates using HTML/CSS. It was founded in 2005 by a team of Ukrainian developers and got 2007 group a strategic venture capital investment from DST and the The headquarters is in Moscow. Among the awards of the society the RuNet Prize for technologies and innovations “and the open Web Award for the best site for publishers, both 2009 currently is available the system in 14 languages and has received about 1.3 million active Web pages, the more than 150 million daily page views. You can use it to create multiple Web projects: blogs, forums, and company websites, fan websites, online stores and more. uCoz Web service
