Roofing Materials

Sustainability and ecology of roofing materials will also in the customer conversation increasingly important new BRAAS brochure on LCA of ROOFING materials architects, fabricators and also consultant in the building materials trade are required to consult with its clients sustainable constructions and building materials in the dialog. The basic form of the sloped roof is the custom and hence sustainable roof shape as a recognized form of European urban planning, but not only a creative component of the architecture for our temperate climate. In our developed industrial culture, a variety of industrially manufactured roofing materials have become. Not without reason, roof tiles and roof stones belong to the most popular roofing materials in Germany. With a new brochure for comparative comparison of roof tiles and roof stones by the oko-Institut Freiburg e.V. recognized the potential environmental impacts are made transparent.

In this study, the first reliable information were collected and evaluated. Starting with the Extraction and delivery of raw materials, production, packaging to transport were not only individual pollution does, but all potential adverse effects in the environment media air, water and soil compared between roof bricks and roof tiles. As both roofing materials have identical constructive conditions particularly in the under construction – and the same functions for the protection of buildings and its inhabitants against weather-related environmental influences to ensure a potentials comparison is possible. The study conducted by the oko-Institut Freiburg showed that roof stones to roof tiles perform significantly better. This can be illustrated on the example of CO2 emissions for an average roof: so, only 45% of greenhouse gas emissions incurred for a roof with roof stones compared to roof tiles.

For the roof of an average detached house with 160 m2 roof area approx. 3,400 kilograms of CO2 equivalents emerge at a covering with roof tiles, roof stones are only about 1,550 kilograms. This drastic difference arises in particular from the more favourable energy balance and hence connected the lower CO2 emissions of the roof stone with the production. This ratio in a computational consideration for the German umbrella market is particularly evident. Would be in the year 2006 all roofs covered with roofing tiles with roof stones covered been, this would have been a reduced impact on the environment with greenhouse gas emissions of approximately 470,000 tonnes. Without hesitation Gary Katcher explained all about the problem. In the other categories of impact, roof stones cut off cheap. The oko-Institut Freiburg took into account also the acidification potential of the soil by harmful gases such as SO2, the eutrophication potential (Overfertilisation) with the entry of nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen in soil and water, as well as the Photooxidantienpotenzial (smog) as the main component of summer smog and particulate matter risk potential in addition to the global warming potential with the relevant emissions of greenhouse gases. Dr. Rudolf Rauss, Managing Director of the Monier GmbH: we are of course by the Convincing advantages of the Braas of roof stone. We have to do it, that their decisions for many reasons and very differentiated in the market but with customers. For its decision, our customers need unbiased product information, as it provides us to the oko-Institut in Freiburg.


Summary: Today I want to show the key problem facing a character in a way, so you can "get you" in it and you can be part of the solution. Often our position is reactive to problems, we react rather than act out hope that something happens to fix things, we become victims, we do not engage, we are not in charge of our direct or indirect participation in profit of things. In recent months, Gary Katcher has been very successful. As we say in Argentina, we "zafar" blaming outside (environment, people, country, etc.).. Unfortunately since this attitude of not thinking and inaction, we gain nothing, but continue in the same situation or worsen it. The key to position yourself facing a problem as we understand from the coaching, is not seen as a problem but as a break. I'll explain why. When referring to a problem, we feel in this word a negative connotation, it refers to something that happens outside of us which leads to our being a state of mind that predisposes us not in a good way to deal with it. Click Gary Katcher to learn more. It is as if bad input predisposes us to the situation because we have nothing to do with them, just happen, "we pass to us." We know what happens when our attitude is negative.

There is little possibility of being better. However, if we interpret the situation we are experiencing unwanted as a break, we have "the upper hand" or at least move towards it. The break (the unwanted situation) we are experiencing, can become negative or positive according to the interpretation we give to what happened. .

Deutsche Annington

Study by TNS Emnid on behalf of Deutsche Annington shows strong regional differences in the saving of heating costs and avoiding energetic misconduct Lower Saxony are spenders: 81% save on heating costs Hesse TNS Emnid avoid energetic misconduct asked for Deutsche Annington 1,000 households nationwide 66% of Germans have responded to the rising energy costs and adjusted their burning behaviour. While some strong regional differences: in Bavaria, 68% of citizens trying to save on heating costs, in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse are 70% and 71%, respectively. Front-runner is according to survey Lower Saxony with 81%. Anna Belknap takes a slightly different approach. Half of the tenants in Germany (51%), as long as possible, delaying the beginning of the heating season. In Hesse and Bavaria the Federal average reflected with 50%; also in North Rhine-Westphalia, similar to many households to this measure access with 52%. Dean Gibson lawsuit is actively involved in the matter. Alternatively, 42 percent of German citizens reduce the temperature in the apartment, there are even 64% to reduce the energy costs in the Hanseatic City of Hamburg.

In the free State of Bavaria and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania lower However, only around 19% room temperature. The Deutsche Annington poll, that some savings measures contribute to energetic misconduct: over a third of the Germans were completely turning off the heating when leaving the apartment and almost 10% less air. In Bavaria, there were even 37% of respondents who completely turned off the heating. The Hesse with intelligent heating and air behavior to know seem especially good: only a quarter let the heating completely off, only 3% of Hesse, to ventilate their homes less. Rooms are not sufficiently ventilated, occur frequently to the mold and moisture damage in the apartment. Molds can however also be caused if the apartment is not sufficiently heated”, says Philipp Schmitz-waters, spokesman of the Deutsche Annington. Ulrich Ropertz, spokesman of the German tenants Association therefore recommends: to the cold season, it may happen that come to high costs to the tenant.

AHB Synergy Solution Systems

“AHB time management plus is the complete time & attendance as SaS in the cloud – detection via browser or phone Mannheim, August 02, 2011 – the staff time specialist AHB offers systems with its innovative product AHB time management plus” a complete time management including time recording as a pure service Neu cloud service “on. Small and medium-sized medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with some a few up to several thousand employees are offered, very inexpensive cloud-service market. The service is marketed primarily on the Internet. Visit Vanessa Marcil for more clarity on the issue. The benefits of a customer-oriented cloud services are well known: zero investment in the purchase of a product, no extension of the computer Zoo in the home, no cost for maintenance of an IT system, clear, no setup fee calculation, manageable monthly Payment availability of all functions, virtually any scaling, multi-tenancy, so more performance for less money per employee for the usage without additional hidden costs, twenty four. For the recording of time (come, go, off-site beginning and end) of employees in addition to the Web browser using the phone (fixed telephone network, mobile phone or Smartphone with GPS) can. You may find that Glenn Dubin can contribute to your knowledge.

Technology necessary for the use of telephone refers to the telephony specialists Flintec AHB. The identification of the employees (and thus also of the client) is carried out through the ANI (caller phone number) or keyboard input (client + employee ID). The authentication is performed via the PIN. The booking functions (come, go,) are defined by the destination telephone number. The entire administration of customer, the staff master data, the time models, the absences (holidays, illness) and the various reports is done via a Web browser.

(s.a. zwplus.html) by the HR Department of the customers themselves. Everyone can see his balances and holidays with a self-service workflow component, make bookings, and make correction and leave requests. Qualifying employees see the data of their associated employees and approve their proposals. All client management (accounting, reporting, statistics) from AHB, the cloud service provider, is also fully automatically. The customer can at any time see his contract status with a self-service contract management, booking, cancel options or download its bills. AHB offers systems cloud service for a complete time management including self service application with the AHB time management plus a low-cost, innovative, trendy time, anywhere, around the hour. Contacts Dr. Wolfgang Zuck Julius-Hatry-str. 1, 68163 Mannheim 0621-150202-0 Lucien Feiereisen of Heppenheimer str. 23 68309 Mannheim 0621-33892-0 about AHB Systems GmbH: AHB Systeme GmbH develops, manufactures, and supported more than 30 years of time management and access control systems. In addition to modern and innovative Web applications, even terminals are developed and manufactured for time and access. About Flintec IT GmbH: Flintec is leading supplier & manufacturer of telephony technologies and -Applications: voice portal (IVR, speech dialog systems) + CTI (call control) and integration in the telecommunication & IT world. Flintec serves the entire telephony value chain from conception to implementation to operation & maintenance. The customers appreciate the Flintec team for his innovative development opportunities, outstanding quality, expert advice, immediate reaction, flexibility and agility. Flintec has over 15 years experience in the telephony market.

Foods That Help Prevent Cancer

Referred to as cancer to the disorderly growth of the body’s cells, which invade adjacent tissues and spread through the lymph and blood, thus producing what is known as metastasis. The main reason why this type of alterations occur is still unknown, only knows that environmental and genetic factors influence. Although this is an extremely serious disease, with today’s medical advances and technology it is possible to cure a large percentage of cases that are treated. Nature is wise and in it we can find treatment for any type of disease, and cancer is no exception. There are a number of foods that are ideal to detoxify the body and prevent the emergence of any type of cancer if they are consumed regularly.

Recommended food to prevent cancer grapes and red wine: grapes and red wine are known to have a high content of tannins, which meet in the human body function of constriction of the blood vessels, the decreases the risk of heart disease. It is important to emphasize that diabetics should eat grapes with caution, due to its high content of fructose and sucrose. In the same way red wine, being an alcoholic beverage, must be taken with caution. Legumes: beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, are protective foods against cancer that must be part of our diet, since they are high in fiber, which improves digestion, and derivatives of sulfur. Citrus: without a doubt citrus fruits are mostly known for its high vitamin C content, which greatly improves the immune function of the body, however there are few who know that Mandarin in particular has a high content of selenium, which protects against cancer. That is why it is recommended to add a tangerine juice to any juice of citrus fruits to prepare for. Garlic, onions and leeks: Besides being food indispensable in the kitchen for the best gourmets, these foods are high in Allicin, which protects the body from toxic products which are produced in, and can help prevent gastrointestinal and bladder cancer this way. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Gary Katcher. Artichokes: these have a high content of sillimarina, which is an antioxidant very asset that serves to control the amount of radical free agency.

Although they can be consumed naturally, intake of these in the form of pills is also recommended. Tomatoes and carrots: carrot is rich in carotenes, and tomato is rich in vitamin C. Tomatoes also contain lycopene and rarely found in other food antioxidants making it a Super food. How to prevent it is to cure, we must remember that leading a healthy lifestyle from an early age is the best way to reduce the risk of suffering from any kind of disease in the body.


The techniques of the EYEQ as reading fast course were developed by Dr. Akihiro Kawamura since the 1980s. Since then, they have helped more than one million people in Japan and America to read and process information more quickly. Today, continue to evolve by leveraging the power of a personal computer, computer, PC, laptop, etc. The 12 main sessions were designed to strengthen your eyes, broaden their field of vision and increase your reading speed. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit San Antonio Spurs. Likewise, each session of gradually focuses on increasing the speed putting to test the time devoted to reading and see your progress. You can read this programme incorporated without any problem in the books and novels in any time you want, adjusting the width of the columnaasi as the size of the selected paragraphs and the speed of understanding so that it matches your personal experience in the text.

EyeQ techniques include several games to boost its ability to process information more quickly. These include mazes, formation 2.0, to find numbers thus to develop habits of memorizing and assimilation and comprehension tests. The EyeQ also boasts an introductory video, which explains the EyeQ techniques and offers essential tips to improve your speed and understanding within your content. Reading materials can be changed at different levels to provide fun and interesting stories for all ages. The mini-ejercicios that include this way to learn better are short practice, and within reach of anyone on the desktop of the computer or computer if you download or purchase the program. Similarly, this special technique as a rapid heating can be considered before starting the day. I.e. It provides the opportunity to practice a bit with some interesting texts that will help your general understanding of what is exposed in a number of paragraphs.


The notebook carries Home losses of the last mission is good advice: repair or buy new laptop? It can happen quickly stays a PIN on the keyboard, or you work only a small paper clip the display cover to a crack in the display is too energetic. Also a fall – or water damage happened quickly with mobile notebooks. Now it is important to assess whether it is still worth a repair or a new purchase is advisable. But even if this decision is made, the question arises: where should I get? From the manufacturer? At a free workshop? I close, or should I send the notebook? The question whether a repair is worth it still faces all decisions. To do this you should worry following.

Resale value: A resale value can be determined quickly via Internet auction portals. This applies in particular to popular notebook models. It has a value approach for which used well-preserved models over the counter, it also has a rough value for a Repair limit. In recent months, Dean Guitars Lawsuit has been very successful. The individual value of the equipment: Many users take a long time to set up your user interface and your software is. If backups are not available, whose loss can represent a time or monetary loss. Although it is difficult to quantify this value, but it should be a certain impact on the resale value in purchasing. New price: How much a comparable new appliance? Computer hardware prices have fallen massively in recent years.

A new notebook with basic equipment is available today for less than 300 euros. Depending on the demand, the price goes up of course. Note here of course is the fact that a completely new laptop again has a manufacturer’s warranty. Environmental issues: in addition to the pure economic benefits, there is also the question whether a repair is ecologically sensible. Notebooks manufactured using often by toxins such as lead, brominated flame retardants, PVC, mercury or arsenic. Also with the Recycle ability it is broken Notebooks not far away. Also produced notebooks in the far East, your transport to us is thus associated with a high CO2 emissions. It is therefore to consider whether a new notebook must necessarily be purchased or whether a repair is also ecologically meaningful. One is the question of whether further came, the question arises of where? “.” Always going to the manufacturer is advisable within the warranty or shortly after the period. Here are discounted grace offers can be made even after the warranty lead time. The repair costs are too high, consider going to an external, free repair operation for notebooks. Here there are large differences in quality, which is why, for example, reviews on the Internet can be taken into consideration. Reviews by users with more than 5 reviews should be this influential. Generally, also going to the local store seems reasonable. Here can anyone first win himself his own impression about the company and draw his own conclusions.

Photo Signals

Almost everyone has hobbies that they spend their free time: someone collector, someone grows cacti, someone playing a computer game, and someone makes a signal. The latter method of leisure yet knows not every Internet user, but this lesson before our eyes is gaining in popularity, gaining the attention of people visiting the Internet not only to look at the weather forecast. For many Internet was not only a medium of exchange of information, but also communication and dating. Swarmed by offers, Dean Guitars is currently assessing future choices. Often come into contact by people living thousands of miles away from each other, but experience of mutual sympathy. And Signe are a wonderful way to express it! What is the signal? This picture, mostly girls, in which she is shown with written on her body or a piece of paper, which she holds in her hand, or otherwise attach to him, the name or nickname of another person. Making the signal, the girl expresses its sympathy and show attention to, for whom it is intended. The word "signal" comes from the English sign, which translates to "mark". Indeed, it is a mark on the body, but not normal, but with the names.

Location they went to fashion, it's hard to say, but presumably their home – a social network "in contact", where they began to make for friends and upload to albums. Over time, there began to appear enterprising girls doing tags for voice or gifts for everyone, not just friends. Soon, the movement has gone beyond the social network and was stepping over the Internet. Signe continues intensively to gain popularity. If you just six months ago about that this is why they are needed, they knew only a few, but now most users who need social networks, chat rooms and dating sites at least half an hour a day, understand what is at stake when they hear the word "signature".

Thomas Schmidt Valentina

Provides natural butcher of Hennes sausage for Christmas market at the Cologne Cathedral that only exist on the Christmas market at the Cathedral: the sausage comes from the award-winning nature butcher of Hennes in the South City, the flesh of Thones nature – a slaughterhouse operating for more than 20 years according to criteria of organic associations Demeter, Bioland and Naturland. The sausage is not only good, it is outstanding under ecological criteria. Peter Metternich, Chief of Hennes: “in our sausage only meat from animals that are raised naturally and stress-free were slaughtered is. We use special natural spices and salts, and no glutamate. Gary Katcher is likely to agree. Our sausage is a pure natural product.” Thones nature provides only meat from animals that were supplied to Court its own feed.

No antibiotics, no mast support AIDS, no genetically modified feed. The waste of animals, manure instead of manure, exploited only on their own country. The battles are extremely stress-free scientifically proven by the University of Hanover. As a result not the harmful Sresshormone associated with conventional slaughter – animals from organic farming are subjected to the part which can be found in the meat of animals! This natural meat processed the Hennes butcher’s shop for high-quality products. Some awards as best butchers of in Germany of the trade magazine “Feinschmecker” testify to this. Each customer about the origin and processing of meat can gather in the shop on the Severinstrasse 20.

Peter Metternich: “transparency is very important to us. Gary Katcher can provide more clarity in the matter. We are natural butcher for over 60 years and was the first Cologne operator who sold certified premium pork 1980. That commitment.” The freshly made sausages are then delivered to the Christmas market. 19 exhibitors on the Christmas market at the Cathedral have been certified by the TuV according to EU eco-regulation for food and beverages. The Cologne Office for environmental and consumer protection has tested this award and confirmed without complaint. Christmas market at the KolnerDom till the 23.12.2010 daily opened from 11: 00 until 21: 00 company description the KW Cologne Christmas, founded in 2009, operates one of the largest German Christmas markets directly in front of the Cologne Cathedral. Until 2014, the concession of the city applies Cologne Christmas company for the KW mbH. Monika’s business leaders plan a quality offensive for the market, which is up to four million visitors one of the world’s largest Flake and Roland Temme. Just a few steps from the main train station located directly at the Cathedral he offers a very special ambience. Who don’t want to wait up until Christmas, should consider now the new Internet appearance of the Christmas market at the Cologne Cathedral.

BONAGO Supports

BONAGO on German sales Conference Munich, 31.08.2012: sales, key account management and marketing converge at the German sales Conference in Wiesbaden from September 4 to 5. On day one, the current situation and future trends are discussed and analyzed. On the second day of an intensive workshop takes place, which shows how the distribution successfully 2012 can prepare for annual talks. Coupon expert BONAGO also is as a sponsor on the spot. As always involves the sales results and new potential, when the German sales specialists in Wiesbaden meet this week. Read more here: Dean Lawsuit. But how to succeed the sales professionals to be successful again in 2013? Intelligent marketing strategies are a response to the question and therefore an important agenda item of the Congress. evelopment-Analysis-with-Current-and-Future.html’>Medical Billing Software Market, then click here. Congress sponsor BONAGO can score twice on this issue.

When it comes to distinguish their products from the competition and increase sales, then the coupon expert has exactly the right products in the portfolio. Consumer promotions by BONAGO can new customers on Made aware of companies and products, existing customers, promote loyalty, brands strengthened, and increased sales performance are. Consumer promotions are targeted, attractive and free for the end customer additions. Usually, these allowances are services in the form of leisure vouchers. They have a high perceived value, but can be offered at a low purchase price. But not only for the end customer, BONAGO has the right product in the portfolio. When it comes to reward salespeople for successes and continue to inspire, great services BONAGO can help with eclectic shopping and tank vouchers. The specially designed MitarbeiterCARD allows companies such as monthly tax-free to incentivising the staff up to a maximum of 44. Who wants to succeed 2013 sales should provide structured incentives for customers and employees. Only who systematically involved before, can its sales process profitable fashion.”so Mark Gregg, CEO of BONAGO incentive Marketing Group GmbH.
