Posts Tagged ‘the present time’

Business Of Health

Patients in waiting rooms, new districts without ambulatory, long waiting lists for interventions, beds of hospitals in the corridors and professionals demotivated and tired centers, in many cases, with more than 200 working hours to the month. This could be the reality of exhausted countries, nevertheless, is Spain. on the subject. A study of the Spanish Ministry of Health esteem that in this country 3,000 doctors lack. Spain has three doctors by each thousand inhabitants, which locates to this country only over Greece and Italy. Howard Schultz describes an additional similar source. In order to palliate this situation, some Independent Communities have proposed to create for the next New Year faculties that distribute the Medicine degree. A controversial proposal. One of the critics talks about to that only three of those new faculties will be public. The other six are private.

For example, in Madrid there will only be a public one, the one of the University King Juan Carlos. In this sense, the Conference of Medicine Deans has explained that the one that are so many private centers it can take that the formation of new doctors sees as a form of very profitable business. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Glenn Dubin by clicking through. Deprived universities, like the Francisco de Vitoria of Madrid or San Vicente Martyr of Valencia, already have announced that the next year will be able to be attended Medicine in them, although not yet they have a training program accredited and of that do not satisfy the requirements legal to do it, according to the Conference of Deans. Every year, they leave the Spanish counterpart Medicine faculties near 4,000 lawyers and a considerable number of foreign titles. The number of doctors who retire every year is of 2.500. And thus it is anticipated that it is in the next decade. The medical community and the students assure that the extension of faculties is not the solution to the situation of public the sanitary system.

Maintaining Motivated Affiliates

The execution of programs of affiliates, is easier that never with the aid of software. Nevertheless, as to maintain motivated affiliates it is not quite easy to do. If, the success of its business is based of how you motivate to its affiliates, that you want to do, like providing the suitable tools to them to carry out the work so that it is done successfully. If you are already executing a program of affiliates for its products, you must know that a great number of the people who register in the program, never sabian of him. Nevertheless, he can reduce the number of the productive affiliates constantly and remaining in contact with them. Recurdeles its names of user and passwords, and they say that to initiate session to see their statistics or be creative.

He always mantengase informed into new line of products or changes in the policies or procedures. The key for the motivation is to make sure that it is in contact. It pays attention who is its superior selling, and always asegrese that this in contact with them on a base to regulate. It pays attention to its worse producers, and asegrese to stay constantly in contact with them also. The main reason of the majority of affiliates that do not realise thus is because they do not own any leadership or direction.

This can easily be changed in writing or a course of marketing, that can even be offered for the sale of the affiliates, although you must make a disposition to his affiliates free. He maintains his advertising messages and sale of unit to the day. You Also must provide new material his affiliates and to use regularly. Providing to them nothing else that a text connection. It provides to his affiliates commentary, bills of sale, announcement, banners of different forms and size, and any other thing that comes to him to the mind. Asegrese that their affiliates know the material that is there, for them. It listens his affiliates, and always it receives the feedback adapted on his material. You must also hold virtual meetings. To establish chat rooms where his affiliates can attend virtual meetings weekly. Asegrese to respond any questions, so that you do the meetings more motivated. The credit that deserves is also is very important. Every month, you must give credit to the best artists in his branch in bulletin of the news. To give small bonds to which they have a good performance, and can even be established a structural payment of reward to which they have commissions higher and greater volumes of sales. Always, it asegrese to do all the possible one to help its affiliates, to be successful and to make money in its program. If they are making money – you are successful and she also makes money. In fact – its success is its success.

Western Hemishpere

He is only poor that one that chose the ignorance like life style. Proverb Finished one more a Summit, hoping than the encounter has waked up more commitment, solidarity between the attending countries, especially those of cuts Socialists, who trust that the United States with their present president Barack Obama, is not simple promises, dispositions without action, but that really it demonstrates the interest of the United States to take step to a diplomacy that it looks for to approach more the countries, to jeopardize with an integrity, solidarity that the economic crisis confronts seriously world-wide and of passage to a new approach that favors to all. As it reviews the reason is, the V Summit of the Americas with the important success that supposes approach between the United States and countries like Venezuela whose leaders have carried out verbal and diplomatic conflicts with Washington. Nevertheless, the leaders of the Western Hemishpere do not have managed to agree a position for the elaboration of document end. After the plenary sessions in which it was spoken of economy, security energetics, governability or global heating, concluded the summit, described by the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, like most productive of the last decade, according to it picks up the agency of the news ABN., already that is important always considering the position of protest of president Chvez before the profits of these summits. On the other hand, the president of Trinidad and Tobago, Patrick Manning, explained that it has attended many meetings, but no has had " the spirit of as positive cooperation as the one that we had here in Port Espaa". In addition, it emphasized the initial moment of the summit when American president, Barack Obama, spoke of " a new one direction and a new vision of the United States " towards the continent, and soon this vision " one was reflected in an equivalent declaration of the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chvez". .

Italian Literature

Wikipedia remembers to us, that Of Vulgari Eloquentia (Eloquence in the vernacular language) is the title of a test of Dante Alighieri, written in Latin and initially it wanted to consist of four books, but Dante aborted the idea after the second. Visit Tony Parker for more clarity on the issue. Probably it was written in the years that they preceded the exile of Dante of its Florence birthday, between 1303 and 1305. The Latin tests were very popular in the Average Age, but Dante made some innovations to its work Its great work the Divine Comedy, remembers to us, that is an allegorical epic in tercetos chained written between 1304 and their death, considered as one of masterpieces of Italian Literature and mundialNumerosos painters for all time created illustrations exceeds she, emphasize Botticelli, Gustave Dor and Dal. It wrote it to Dante in the Tuscan, first dialect of Italian the present one, that was used between centuries XI and XII. The work is divided in three parts: Hell, Purgatorio and Paradise Each of its parts is divided in 33 songs, composed as well of tercetos. The composition of the poem is become ordained according to the symbolism of the number three (number that symbolizes the sagrada Trinidad, Father, Son and Spirit Santo, as well as, number three symbolizes the balance and the stability in some cultures, and that also relation with the triangle has): three main personages, Dante, that the man personifies, Beatriz, whom he personifies to the faith, and Virgilio, that he personifies to the reason is not necessary to forget already as he indicates, in century XV, many Italian cities had created groupings of specialists dedicated to the study of the Divine Comedy. During the centuries that followed the invention of the press, they appeared more than 400 different editions only in Italy. The Dantesque epic has inspired, in addition, to numerous artists, until the point of which editions illustrated by the Italian teachers of the Renaissance Sandro Botticelli and Miguel have appeared Angel, by the English artists John Flaxman and William Blake, and by the French illustrator Gustave Dor. .

Web Travel

Why to continue going to a travel agency to buy something as basic as tiquete aerial national? The Trips Online are the new tendency and now the Internet allows us to plan and to buy everything for our trips, beginning by tiquetes aerial, to see opinions of hotels in specialized pages and to directly make our reserves with the hotel, to buy entrances to parks of diversions like Disney, to select a chair to see a spectacle of the Circus of the Sun, to see photos and characteristics of the car that it requires soon to come with his rent and to arrive at destiny with the things in sequence; this and much more is the supply of benefits that can obtain if it is decided to buy his Trips Online. Others including San Antonio Spurs, offer their opinions as well. What needs to buy his tiquetes aerial online and why to make it in Internet instead of go to a travel agency? For a domestic flight it requires of a card debit or credit to be able to make the purchase; for an international flight yes it is necessary to have credit card. If it has a favorite airline or it wants to fly by a certain one then company directly goes to its page Web; if it does not know the direction can place the name in Google and it will find it there. If there are many alternatives of airlines and do not know by which of them to travel or one is an international flight that operates several airlines is recommendable to go to the finder of flights or travel agency online to see the possibilities but EYE! it makes use of this page as source of intelligence but once has tariffs and airlines decide the option that agrees to him more and goes directly to the page of the airline to make the purchase final (him this directly buying to the supplier of the service and this means better tariffs and majors benefits). In this vestibule it can find procedures and very simple techniques to buy his Trips Online of safe way and with the best relation quality/price.

Internet versus Travel agency (advantages to buy online)? In the page of the airline it will find better tariffs normally. What the travel agencies make physical and online is to enter to system of airline (equivalent to that do you it by his means) and verifying tariffs soon to load a commission or administrative rate to him. While one moves until his travel agency or takes the telephone to call can enter the page of the airline and less than make its purchase in 10 minutes. The Internet does not have schedules and when buying online it can do it to any hour from the comfort of his home and in addition to accede to great amount of information and benefits. The Trips Online are a wonder in the times that run and once it is decided to experiment with hotels and other services will not want to stop using the Internet for their next trips. I would like that you left a commentary me on this article, how it is your experience with the Trips Online Trips in Internet? Already purchases your tiquetes, hotels, rent of car and other services of trips in Internet? What problems you have, what you would want to learn? Suscrbete to the bulletin to receive information on these subjects. Original author and source of the article.

Santa Inquisicin Progress

The leftists are reviving the ambiguous thoughts of one hundred years ago, repeating the phraseology of the time, since their philosophical creativity it arrived at ground zero, and the ignorant young generations are gotten excited with their cliches as if they were novel. In order to have an idea of the level of extremism to that they have arrived the sandstone, the Spanish Constitutional Court issued a decree according to which the negation of the Holocausto is not a crime, but an opinion. Under that lineament, the Spanish Civil War did not exist, because it does not give the desire me. It is my opinion. ETA never committed no terrorist attack, Santa Inquisicin is a myth, the conquerors did not kill natives, What is a Gulag? Hiroshima and Nakasaki are Japanese lies, the Muslim clergymen are good types, Ajmadineyad does not want to destroy Israel with nuclear bombs, Columbus did not discover anything, the world is flat, and Zapatero, Chvez, Morales and Kirchner are great statesmen. Aldous Huxley said: the facts do not stop existing because these are ignored. To be as rights, on the other hand, serves to be identified with Hitler, Franc, Mussolini, the military dictators Latin American and any repressive one that governed 30 or 60 years ago.

In the list they do not appear preservative politicians of the caliber of Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Menahem Begin, and so many others that marked the difference, taking to its towns to La Paz and the progress, in democracy and freedom. Primitive cultures that are contiguous with the savagery, became suddenly in possessing from innumerable knowledge, worthy to be learned and imitated by the modern societies. According to revelations of the indigenous wizard and Secretary of State of Bolivia, David Choquehuanca, the stones have sexual organs. The imbecility dominates in the world. We are living in the heat of was computer science, but the published information is not always true, and the mistaken information is not an instrument that takes to the elucidation and the progress but, rather, leads in opposite sense. The TV by cable and the Internet, are the mass media more extraordinary than they have been invented, but we see televising programs directed by charismatic and entertained suffered brain damage, or blogs created by extremist fanatics, is not a way towards the cultural nor spiritual advance. When imposing their unrestricted tolerance without codes morals, is giving I cheeped to that the intolerant ones shine to those who accept unconditionally. The virtues are not in the ends, but in the balance of the means that give to the moderation and good sense. The acceptance without discrimination of good and the bad thing at the same time, are taking to the dangerous extremism, del that the politically correct ones are their defenders, and will be its victims.

Urban Enchantments

The night of Halloween approaches, with all the magic and the mystery that one means. In Urban Enchantments we give it keys so that you elaborate look of Halloween sexy and terrorfico you simultaneously. We know that always a celebration arises from disguises and you do not know of what and how disfrazarte, without pasarte of the ray and to make the ridiculous situation. If or you have taken note from the tricks to be sexy in Halloween, to create your own Look de Halloween it is important that you choose thematic of your disguise or clothing (in case you do not want to go disguised). You can choose the classic style and disfrazarte of sorceress or to perhaps be a little more bold. Now that the saga Twilight is fashionable, the thematic vampiresca can be a good idea, but we can give a estiloso touch him, contributing to an interesting air vintage.

For it we advised to you that you consult the proposals of dresses vintage. The colors or you know, or black or orange. Although always you can reinterpretar to the classic ones, that depends on you. In order to complement look of Halloween, several marks exist that offer appropriate jewelry shop that they offer suitable accessories like for example decenarios or bracelets of great quality and that in addition previously match perfect with the recommended thing. In brown leather and with the brujito in silver they are the perfect bracelets for one night plagued of fear and scares. If you are not convinced with this look of Halloween, can choose thematic a little on the other more dark ttrica and, convirtindote in a fallen angel. For it you only need a black skirt tul, basic a black t-shirt, crucifijo and black wings that you will be able to find in any store of disguises.

In addition, with this look of Halloween you can play with the maquillaje, doing it less terrorfico. The last cosmetic shout of thematic vitiates comes from the hand of Mac and Disney. One exists in particular that is inspired by the bad ones of Disney and has very alive colors. Considering that is an edition very limited, if you do not find it in the stores, we propose the maquillaje to the style Twilight, that also can complete your aspect. You choose the thematic one that you choose, the question is to amuse itself. For all these looks we propose the footwear to you that is breaking this season: booties with buttoned airs vintage can be found in several footwear of mall. One more an idea for one night mysterious. You can be a sorceress, a living dead, or a tool of the devil but, always, with elegance and style. Finally you can visit ours blog and leave your commentaries.
