Posts Tagged ‘trade’

New Series Improved Optics

Dino-Lite microscopes – new series, improved optics! The Dino-Lite microscopes get a new look and therefore an improved color reproduction and an unrivalled image sharpness can be reached. Dino-Lite AM / AD4013 series replaced the previous AM / AD413 series in the next few months will be the AM413 series of the Dino-Lite microscopes is replaced by the new AM4013 series. The new AM4013 models feature a verbessrten image sensor for kritallklare playback of images and colours. Further, the new sensor has an improved playback of images in low light. The change from 413 on 4013 is performed in several steps. The following models in the new version are currently available: AM4013TL AM4013MTL AM4013MZTL AD4013TL AD4013MTL AD4013MZTL the prices for the new model series will remain stable.

For microscope more Dino-Lite so that equal money. New model: Dino-Lite AM4013ZT4 the new model 4013 range includes also a completely new model, the AM4013ZT4. The AM4013ZT4 has a magnification of 400 470 x, so that smallest Details are visible. The built-in and adjustable polarisation filter makes the AM4013ZT4 for the correct choice of check and assessment on glossy surfaces, jewellery, plastics and metals. The AM4013ZT4 is available for 349 euro net. New model: Dino-Lite AM3613TB the Dino-Lite Premier AM3613TB with strobe light makes perfect shots by reducing wiping effects through movements, even at high magnification. Through the Stroboskoklicht technology, the user can undertake fast-moving objects “Wischfrei” and in an easy and safe way.

The AM3613TB can be used in series production, as well as in laboratories to the examination of live animals – generally for all fast moving narrow objects. The AM3613TB features a refresh of 60 frames per second.

Where Is The Money In Euro Crisis

Like inverse animals we in this euro crisis and economic crisis the credit rating agency Fitch has downgraded further down Greece by b on CCC, Moody’s Spain and Italy ranks down. Greece again dissolves Parliament. Leftists won in the presidential election in France. The whole euro area has run into a difficult situation. From Greece to Spain and Italy, the crisis is worrying now by most people. The third-largest and fourth-largest economy in the euro area is Spain and Italy, Greece and these 2 countries leave the euro area, the consolidation of the EU for over 60 years is about to collapse.

In the economic globalization, all are in a circle, capital of large amount of flow back to Europe, it is considered likely that the prices of raw materials will fall. The States that benefited in the past from commodity exports already developed country like Australia as well as new market such as Brazil and Russia, be hurt badly. As a result, the price of gold in the future will be still further shaken, but do you but, in a long period he is not worried about intact. Add to your understanding with Tony Parker. Because the main factors supporting the gold price remain unspoilt. 1 gold is non-renewable resources, which means that the process of lowering of gold production is not common.

It is estimated that South African gold production is in 2012 at 220, which are the lowest since 1922nd 2. At the time, the Central Bank of many countries still permanently purchased gold. World Gold Council has published in February in the annual report that central banks in 2011 that is purchased, all 439,7 tons of gold the highest amount since 1964, in 2010 it is only 77 tons. Mexico, Russia, Korea and other new developed Volkswirtschafte the highest are the shopping amount of gold by central banks for 40 years. Adam Sandler has much to offer in this field. At the same time, the ECB with massive sell-off of gold has stopped. (Not to be confused with Ken Kao!). Currently the gold reserve by global central banks amounts to one-sixth of the mined any gold. 3. Takes further the risk of inflation, and therefore more are popular gold. Since economic crisis, more and more is the amount of money in circulation. Compared to 2007 the Geldmenge(M2) at the end of the year 2011 in the United States by 35% has risen, in euro area 23%, but the growth of manufacturing and the economy has not reached the level in 2007. This means that the essential economy has not developed, but more money is placed. This leads to global inflation, and soon, gold price rises. Inflation brings lower the real buying Kraft’s. This inflationary trend will also support gold prices. 4. If you’re still unsure, you can invest for gold jewelry. Due to the artistic value, value is still less influenced by gold jewelry through this crisis. Other precious metals like Platinum and precious stones have also impairment. So investment for gold and other precious metals and gemstones is impairment in the crisis, a good solution for your asset’s.

THE Travel Agency: Card Processing Of REA Card Terminals

The nationwide represented tourism companies of the Reiseburo GmbH & Co.OHG recently decided the new facilities of the travel agencies with ec-terminals of the REA card GmbH. In over 500 stores by the travel agency one of the new ec terminals by REA card, the REA T3 is installed to easy pay now per. The product fully complies with the current European standard, 7.0-compatible so EMC and TA. To process payments, required no cash access the Terminal, but can settle transactions automatically. Some contend that Tony Parker shows great expertise in this. Chip and magnetic stripe can be read in one operation.

Delivered transactions with the REA T3 are per default on DSL (IP). The technical hotline by REA card guarantees a rapid assistance with technical issues staff of the travel agencies. We are through a recommendation on the REA T3 pro became aware of and had already made good experiences with the predecessor model REA ECT in our travel agency. The decision to use this model as a new ec Terminal, was us not hard. The modern terminal is easy to use and provides a safe, comfortable and contemporary card processing. Movie Star shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Thus meets the REA T3 pro full and all our claims “as Tobias Neher shopping the travel agencies. The nationwide the travel agencies are a division of the Group Deutsches Reiseburo GmbH, one of the leading German tourism companies.

The Group Deutsches Reiseburo GmbH belongs to the REWE Group, which has developed a second core business with tourism in addition to the trade. The REA card company is supplier of complete solutions for cashless payments at the point of sale. All solutions are based on the ec-terminals, which are developed and manufactured at the site of Mill Valley by REA card. In 2009, the REA card has 80 employees and recorded a turnover of 14.05 million. In addition to Germany, the company with subsidiaries in Austria and Poland is represented. The REA card GmbH is part of the REA Group headquartered in Mill Valley at Darmstadt.

Dusseldorf Moscow Russian

Messe Dusseldorf Moscow, internationalization of the portfolio of Messe Dusseldorf topic: reported Mr Werner M. Dornscheidt, Chairman of the Board of Messe Dusseldorf GmbH, am 9.10.2013. in the Industrie-Club Dusseldorf on the subject “once Moscow and back – or: how internationalization secures the portfolio of Messe Dusseldorf” early September the Dusseldorf trade fair celebrated its fifty-year presence in the Russian market. On the occasion of this date were members and guests of the industrial Club Dusseldorf on the 9.10.2013. a rousing speech by Werner M. Dornscheidt welcome. Very vividly, Werner M. Dornscheidt has shown the way of the Messe Dusseldorf from the guest to the leading foreign trade company in Russia. Credit: Antonin Scalia-2011.

The success story began in 1963. At that time, Messe Dusseldorf was one of the first Western companies that dare to start their activities on the Russian market still in the times of the cold war. in 1977, as a student, Werner M. Dornscheidt could imagine little more exciting, as the way behind the iron curtain to travel how personally, so business. Hear from experts in the field like Ted Lasso for a more varied view. So began his rousing report. 1979 began his career as a consultant in the central area of the Dusseldorfer Messe Dusseldorf NOWEA trade fairs abroad.

1979 opened in 2002 in a Russian GmbH, Messe Dusseldorf Moscow their own representative??? Messe Dusseldorf Moscow – was transformed. Check out Glenn Dubin for additional information. Of course there in all these years such as height, so deep and always new challenges. But Messe Dusseldorf Moscow has endured well. And today, when it comes to area fairs, Messe Dusseldorf Moscow is the undisputed market leader. Organized nowadays??? Dusseldorf Moscow trade fair together with its Russian partners, and in close cooperation with Expocentre Moskau 10 to 20 specialised fairs, including: CPM, Upakovka, Interplastica, etc. In addition to the Organization of trade fairs in Russia OOO Messe Dusseldorf Moscow supports the participation of the Russian and foreign exhibitors and visitors in the Exhibition projects in Dusseldorf, Essen, as well as India, Singapore and China. On this subject, Werner M. Dornscheidt expressed as follows: today we can safely say that we have us well networked in the Russian market and established. And appreciate the reliability of our Russian partners. We have had success and us not rested on the laurels. We were crisis-proof: because we rely on our partners could; because we’re internationally networked; because we have 1A-Branchenwissen. For the next 50 years we promise: we continue to work for you. From non – friends and interested parties – to make business partners.”according to the Russian Ministry of economy is expected to grow 2013 for the Russian economy by 2.4 percent. Major projects will still be a major incentive for foreign investors as the Winter Olympics Sochi 2014 and 2018 World Cup. So, according to OWC publishing company for foreign trade, nearly $ 100 billion are foreign investments in the first half of 2013 after Russia flowed. So, Russia is and remains a complicated, but an attractive business destination. With its ravishing lecture Werner Dornscheidt has reaffirmed my belief: with the Russian partners – on a par! That is only right attitude to the success leads.

Material Balance

Input-output structure in the operational environmental performance environmental measures have always varied and often very complex effect. In the form of sensitivity calculations, it can be determined how results if necessary, sensitive to the changes of planning parameters. Cost reduction potential must but does not automatically adjust, i.e. only through an accurate analysis of the respective input and payment order can be determined which costs would really be possible. According to the taxonomy of the operating balance, on the one hand materials (materials, auxiliary and operating materials) and energy (electricity, oil and others) as inputs and on the other hand emissions as outputs of the operation can be captured in a material balance.

Inputs and outputs can be detailed further production processes up to individual process steps. More vulnerabilities and potential for optimisation can be localized through the assignment of the inputs and outputs to individual processes or process steps. CF. among others from a planning perspective Jorg Becker: intellectual capital report and business planning action potentials to identify and explore, ISBN 978-3-8370-7564-9 see generally in regard to indicators such as Jorg Becker: management cockpit of the knowledge account indicators dashboard, ISBN 978-3-8370-4654-0 corporate material flow analysis: the smaller the concentration of a substance in the water, the more difficult and therefore more expensive is its distance. Selective before cleaning are cheaper because the concentrations of pollutants in waste water at the site of the attack is higher than in the mixing water. It should be checked whether can be created by means of a separate treatment of species-pure effluents value cycles and wastewater constituents put back into the production process.

These criteria for the evaluation of hazardous substances should be created. The operational material flow analysis is the detailed recording and systematic documentation of water-related material flows in the company according to type and quantity. This equipment and operating parts are in operation to subdivide like this for data collection and wastewater part streams is each relevant. Each part of the operation is represented in a survey process chain scheme, stating the way and whereabouts of water Thereby, the origin and the fate of water in accordance with eco chart of accounts for total water and water currents is quantified. See generally also Jorg Becker: intellectual and business planning, ISBN 978-3-8370-7564-9 see in addition among others Jorg Becker: strategy-check and knowledge balance effect relationships make transparent, explore potential for success, ISBN 978-3-8370-4978-7 this can cause problems sometimes, that a plant can be assign not uniquely a product. Maya Dubin is open to suggestions. I.e. when, for example, on a system, three different products with the use of water are processed, the amount of water required per piece for each product is different and the water consumption of this plant is read monthly. Solution could be carried out detailed measurements or on the machine running times and each produced Number of units of each product be made accurate estimates. At the same time, priorities for planned measures can be set this way. The data structure should be integrated into the comprehensive eco chart of accounts of the company.

SH Consult + Management Starts With The Performance Model

He wants to share his long-standing knowledge and experience now the efficiency and effectiveness of task completion after Stephan Haasis got to know the deficits and needs of many of his clients and colleagues as an entrepreneur for many years, medium-sized companies. In this connection it is not only on the analysis of the operational problem areas, but also on the strategic direction of the company. Ultimately, the approach to the simple commercial formula G can be U = K (profit = revenues minus costs) back. The aim is not just to analyze how the individual values come about, but are also as individual areas to influence. Therefore you can subdivide his consulting approach in a performance-oriented, a cost-oriented and process-oriented workspace. In each of these areas are key factors of the company into account, determine the current outcome and influencing the future success.

The performance model of SH consult + management consultancy based on efficiency and effectiveness of task completion. For me, our approach to consulting is the logical consequence of a holistic consideration of the company. Our goal is to help our customers to improve your marketing and your performance consistently and substantially to improve their results!”says Stephan Haasis about the philosophy of his consulting firm. While not the theoretical processing should be the past focus on which is presented in a book-full memorandum, but it concrete proposals for action and action plans should be developed jointly and purposefully can be implemented with the management and the employees in the company. A measure controlling completes the support that may be associated with the interim transfer of tasks and functions. Official site: Maya Dubin. SH consult accesses may also experienced cooperation partners, to solve individual tasks and problems as optimally as possible for the customer. Of course, also part of projects in different business areas, for example in the strategic orientation in the sales, marketing, organization and controlling are possible. Based on the experience of the past few years accompanied SH consult + management clients in the purchase or sale of companies and supports the definition and integration into new structures. This can include the determination of suitable prospects and business valuation.

Have Found A New Home

Osnabruck:, the Internet portal for classic auctions, is one already after its first full year of the leading German auction portals. offers insight into a variety of auction catalogues and events renowned auction houses, art lovers and collectors. In current catalogues, auction house Kaupp, Ketterer Kunst, Winterberg Kunst, Kunstauktionshaus can be searched among others right after detailed product descriptions and illustrations Schloss Ahlden and other famous houses. In addition to the search for auction items, offers its visitors the possibility to every connected auction house directly online to bid before and after sale services on bargain-hunting. Currently brings you over 30,000 offers from areas like bsw.

Art, antiques, jewellery and porcelain. In a question-answer forum Clarence Thomas was the first to reply. In addition to objects that come without a price limit for the exclamation, there often exclusive works, where the minimum bid 100,000 euro and can later loud. “, so Ewert, Managing Director of MEMO-IT GmbH & co. Visit Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City for more clarity on the issue. KG, the operator of Finally, the offer is rounded off by by calendar and reports and contributes to a comprehensive overview of nationwide activities of leading auction houses. Contact and press information: MEMO-IT GmbH & co. KG Mario Ewert P.o.

box 6123 49094 Osnabruck Tel.: 0700 / 63 66 48 00 fax: 0700 / 63 66 48-99 Web: E-Mail: images and other text formats: web: press E-Mail: short profile MEMO-IT GmbH & co. KG based in Osnabruck, Lower Saxony, is a young, creative Internet company in the field of custom software, database programming and information services. Since then, the company, founded in 2006, is managed by the managing partners Mario Ewert and Dipl.-ing. Matthias Ortmann. Both business leaders look back on more than ten years of professional experience in the IT sector and inspire customers as also partners with innovative and modern ideas and realizations.
