Each company there is a problem with the footage. Not so easy to find a specialist who knows the right employer to manufacturing processes, and operatives can qualitatively and looked fulfill its problem. Students are always hard to start his career. Even more difficult to find a job that will not just make money, and help integrate business processes of enterprises and will contribute formation of a highly qualified professional. The reasons for this reluctance is the first enterprise to attract inexperienced young people unfamiliar with the manufacturing processes and with the objectives of the company. Others who may share this opinion include Related Group. List reasons that make it difficult for students looking for work: 1. Inexperience (employer must spend time learning specialist) 2. Not full-time (Student does not work full-time) 3.
Periodic stops working process because of the sessions (exams, tests …) Naturally, we take into account the fact that the student is interested in working and want to work, strives to improve himself, adds baggage of their professional knowledge. Russian presidential aide on economic issues, Arkady Dvorkovich proposed to establish a support system for students receiving grants and assistance in finding employment. We conducted a survey among students. Most young people positively responded to these initiatives, as they are called to the business together to build a system of training, transfer of knowledge and experience. Each company there is a problem with the footage. Not so easy to find a specialist who knows the right employer manufacturing processes, and operatives can qualitatively and with interest to carry out its tasks. As a rule, the majority of workers sitting on work long delve into the work, by all means give the appearance of it, so as not to lose their seats.
And, as practice shows, not always in the right direction. In this situation, there is a solution. Enterprises of different branches of activity can take the first step not only to meet the students, but also to solve its problem of training.