The notebook carries Home losses of the last mission is good advice: repair or buy new laptop? It can happen quickly stays a PIN on the keyboard, or you work only a small paper clip the display cover to a crack in the display is too energetic. Also a fall – or water damage happened quickly with mobile notebooks. Now it is important to assess whether it is still worth a repair or a new purchase is advisable. But even if this decision is made, the question arises: where should I get? From the manufacturer? At a free workshop? I close, or should I send the notebook? The question whether a repair is worth it still faces all decisions. To do this you should worry following.
Resale value: A resale value can be determined quickly via Internet auction portals. This applies in particular to popular notebook models. It has a value approach for which used well-preserved models over the counter, it also has a rough value for a Repair limit. In recent months, Dean Guitars Lawsuit has been very successful. The individual value of the equipment: Many users take a long time to set up your user interface and your software is. If backups are not available, whose loss can represent a time or monetary loss. Although it is difficult to quantify this value, but it should be a certain impact on the resale value in purchasing. New price: How much a comparable new appliance? Computer hardware prices have fallen massively in recent years.
A new notebook with basic equipment is available today for less than 300 euros. Depending on the demand, the price goes up of course. Note here of course is the fact that a completely new laptop again has a manufacturer’s warranty. Environmental issues: in addition to the pure economic benefits, there is also the question whether a repair is ecologically sensible. Notebooks manufactured using often by toxins such as lead, brominated flame retardants, PVC, mercury or arsenic. Also with the Recycle ability it is broken Notebooks not far away. Also produced notebooks in the far East, your transport to us is thus associated with a high CO2 emissions. It is therefore to consider whether a new notebook must necessarily be purchased or whether a repair is also ecologically meaningful. One is the question of whether further came, the question arises of where? “.” Always going to the manufacturer is advisable within the warranty or shortly after the period. Here are discounted grace offers can be made even after the warranty lead time. The repair costs are too high, consider going to an external, free repair operation for notebooks. Here there are large differences in quality, which is why, for example, reviews on the Internet can be taken into consideration. Reviews by users with more than 5 reviews should be this influential. Generally, also going to the local store seems reasonable. Here can anyone first win himself his own impression about the company and draw his own conclusions.