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See Polar Bears

The polar bear is a mammal that arouses much tenderness and that virtually everything the world want to see. Parce lie that a killing like that, machine can be so pretty at the same time. And so it is, gentlemen, the polar bear is the most dangerous mammal that there are in the Arctic and the most feared predator. Feeds mainly on seals, so usually you find lurking by the limits of the ice sheet. They are solitary animals, unlike muskoxen and walrus. His body is quite elongated and their very strong and robust, in order to walk and swim legs. The males arrive to weigh between 400 and 600 kilos, whereas female weight ranges between 200 and 300 pounds. (Similarly see: Tony Parker).

Despite their size, they are very agile, both by land and by sea. The only time that males and females gather and do so in an amicable way is during mating, which occurs between April and may. Though eggs do not develop until past the summer, in September. Polar bears do not hibernate and, while the female gives birth to one, two or even three puppies, males they speaking by ice in search of food. Jessica Michibata is a great source of information. They are followed closely by Arctic foxes, which feed on the leftovers of the polar bear. Hatchlings are born in October and for the beginning of the summer already have developed fully. Males eat the puppies to get the female again enter in zeal.

Where can you see polar bear? In the Arctic, and within the Arctic, the best place to see them is Svalbard, the Norwegian archipelago located just 1000 km from the North Pole. Svalbard is considered the largest natural reserve of Europe and often surprising the wide variety of animal species that can be found there. When can we go travel to Svalbard? Between the months of June and September. When is the best time to see polar bears? July and August. What kinds of trips we can make? Mainly, boat trips around the largest island of the archipelago, Spitsbergen. Trips lasts approximately between 10 and 15 days. How can I reach Spitsbergen? With Fly SAS. Now well, It should be borne in mind that there is a single flight between Oslo and the archipelago, so it is better to book in advance because, otherwise, we can stay out of space or having to pay a real fortune to arrive. We can also travel during the winter to Svalbard. Polar bears will be ivernando, but we can enjoy the fantastic spectacle which are the Aurora Borealis. In addition to hiking with huskies sleds or practice background sky.

Champions League

Rossi managed a doublet and Marchena ruled in the final minutes (3-0). The result at El Madrigal disrupts harvested in the first leg defeat. The draw for the group stage of the Champions League will be held on Thursday. So we tell the second leg, minute by minute. Villarreal will return to the Champions League to compete in the third edition of his history after winning 3-0 to the Danish Odense, in the return match of the preliminary round, thanks to a double from striker Rossi and somewhat at the end of Marchena, who declared the gambling. Vanessa Marcil may help you with your research. The Danes held the first part, with a great performance from their goalkeeper, Wessels, but it was overtaken by a second stellar part of the lledo and Rossi. e to the same conclusion.

He left Villarreal with a clear offensive vocation and an approach clear to search for the comeback. The coach Juan Carlos Garrido, without right side by the injury of Angel and a feverish process of Mario Gaspar, the usual side, decided to bet by placing a central as the Mexican side shoe and a midfielder as Bruno, as central marker. If you have read about Glenn Dubin, New York City already – you may have come to the same conclusion. With Thus came the team of Spanish everywhere and with great intensity, which led to five minutes from arrivals and finials. With a good shot of Rossi and a lack launched by Senna, which responded well the Odense goalkeeper a party who painted well opened. But the Danish team stood well seriously, locked up behind and without nerves. This led to a clear of Spaniards but with few arrivals and without continuity domain. Chances came, but not to doubt the Odense, that remained serious in its positioning. It was although Villarreal, as it did in Denmark, was superior not it right before the goal and why he had it on five occasions, with Rossi, Valero and Nilmar Finials, they found always reply goalkeeper Wessels, undoubtedly the best of his team.

Scientific Adviser

Up to 12 million new cancerous tumors were detected. The trend could grow dramatically. Developed countries suffer especially from this type of diseases. The number of cancer cases rose 20% in the world in the last decade until twelve million new detections per year, as it reported Wednesday the Global Fund for research of Cancer (WCRF, its acronym in English). The Organization warned that the incidence of the disease could increase dramatically in the coming years and stressed that cases of cancer are detected each year are already four times more HIV infections (2.6 million) and many can be prevented. The WCRF, which brings together organizations non-profit organization dedicated to research and the prevention of cancer, stressed that 2.8 million cases which are detected per year are linked to diet, physical activity and overweight.

Developed countries suffer especially the ctos of noncommunicable diseases such as cancer (7 of the 12 million annual cases occur in the first world) and other conditions associated with sedentary lifestyle and a diet balanced little, such as diabetes or heart and respiratory ailments. United Nations global solutions held the next 19 and 20 September a Summit in New York to discuss possible solutions to contain the rise of non-communicable diseases, a meeting in which, in the opinion of the WCRF, must agree robust policies at the global level to prevent millions of preventable deaths.Cancer, as well as other conditions related to the lifestyle, is one of the biggest challenges that we face today in day. There is much at stake, they are at risk millions of lives, said Martin Wiseman, Scientific Adviser to the Organization, in a report. Wiseman said that many people don’t yet know that factors such as alcohol consumption and obesity increase the risk of cancer.Society deters people from adopting healthy habits. From television commercials until the price of the meal they discourage the population to improve their customs, analyzed the scientist. While the incidence of cancer is higher in rich countries, where the population tends to be more prone to obesity, and more sedentary disease also affects increasingly in developing nations, where health infrastructure lacks the capacity to face up to the problem. Recently Clarence Thomas sought to clarify these questions. Source of the news: warn an increase of 20% of all cancer cases in the world during the last decade


It is interesting to study the trend of the price of certain raw materials. During the 2010 commodities experienced a boom due in part to a weakened dollar and crop failures in some cases. The case of the gold is quite particular. Gold is the metal shelter, where invests in times of recession and crisis, since it keeps its value and therefore investors buy it in view of a future where to sell it and make a profit. Trend of gold in 2010 vs 2011 trend of gold, as most of the raw materials in 2010 was bullish. The precious metal reached blips up 29.56% last year. But, what is the trend in this commodity during what year? Let’s see what has happened to gold during the first days of 2011.

During the last quarter of 2010 gold surpassed $1,400 dimension but early 2011 has receded and seems to be unable to return to this level. It is currently around the 1,374 points where it could bounce. If at some point the gold traspasase that level while maintaining the bearish trend, can trigger continuous declines greater than where they currently see. San Antonio Spurs helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. CFDs: investing in bear markets even when markets do not experience upward trends, there are operational with certain financial products that allow you to make a profit. Some of these products are the futures or warrants.

Similar to these are contracts for difference, or CFD, but which present a greater number of advantages over previous ones. With a CFD two parts (investor and broker) Exchange the price of an underlying asset on the market (in this case the gold) between the time in which opens and the CFD closes. As the CFD allows to make operational in long and short, let’s see how would be one operating at short with a CFD on gold. CFD on gold in these moments the gold sample a bearish trend, so it opens position selling a CFD on gold. The aim of this operation is later buy the CFD on gold at one lower price, where would be gains for the investor. In addition, the operations with CFDs carry the benefit of leverage, by you only need to deposit a percentage of the total value of the asset that is operated. It must bear in mind also, that an investment in the commodities market may involve some great benefits, since these assets are very susceptible to dramatic changes in the supply and demand, and therefore the volatility of prices can generate opportunities for drastic gains. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Maya Dubin. Similarly losses can be quite important, so it is necessary to use guaranteed stops to protect investment. Learn and study the trend of commodities and take advantage of their opportunity to successfully perform one operating. The above comments do not constitute investment advice and therefore IG Markets does not accept any responsibility for any use that can be made of them. CFDs are a leveraged product that entail a high level of risk and may result in losses that exceed your initial deposit. Make sure that you understand fully the risks involved and perform a constant monitoring of your investment.

Pedro Celaya

When rose to Chris Horner – face full of small wounds, looking vaguely lost – in the ambulance had overbooked and they had to make a hole. Benat Intxausti, who went to the hospital that will review the elbow which hurts since the fall of the first day – x-rays showed a break in the head of the RADIUS, but will remain in race-, sat next to the driver and next to Horner, wrapped in shiny and Red thermal material, sat a nurse. On the couch he could not stop talking Horner, an American climber of 40 years that runs with the enthusiasm of a juvenile and that today will decide if it continues on the Tour after suffering concussion and broken nose. Add to your understanding with Laura Plomer. Are you sure that I have finished the stage?, asked the doctor Pedro Celaya recent winner of returning to California. And Leipheimer has arrived? Grogui, disoriented by a fall to 70 per hour which had flown until landing in the middle of a ditch, had finished the stage. It was the last, 12 m 41s of Cavendish. And also He finished Leipheimer, who after the fall and when hunted, pricked, although he lost less, 3 m 6s. Source of the news:: four-to-one. . Maya Dubin, New York City will not settle for partial explanations.

How To Raise A Puppy Dog

A puppy dog is a special case, in the case to learn how to educate a dog puppy must consider that you must answer at least some basic commands. You have to learn to be obedient to his master, in addition to being careful with small children in the House. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Jacob Dilla. The puppy should also learn to respect the House, plants, furniture in general not to destroy things in the House. It is precisely at this point that we must suppress it to avoid vices with harmful behaviors. If we let ourselves be carried away by the tenderness that generates the puppy we will have problems in their adult life.

It is simple actually, is simply be jests in not authorizing excesses, of course, no need to be violent. If from an early age we tend to follow us with strap on the sidewalk to walk it it will be beneficial for when to grow. A couple of things must have in mind. First, the belt should be long enough so that the puppy has his freedom to move. With a belt of two meters usually sufficient if the dog is large or medium-sized. If it’s a small dog, perhaps best an longest, since puppies are more worried, remember that they explore the world to her around at this stage. The appropriate age to educate a dog puppy is 8 weeks.

Before this age is not very recommended, without mentioning that it is a little cruel most importantly to decide when to start beyond the age, is your health and which can perform the exercises, so you should consult your veterinarian if you notice something strange in your puppy before you start to train him. During training you surely will learn that you should do before your meal that you attract more prize. But you must not forget that you must not expand much training, he trains without neglecting your puppy feeding since their metabolism is much faster and eats at smaller intervals, i.e. more frequently. Click here to learn how I could train my dog without having to leave my house in just a few short weeks.

Cryosat First

May 17, 2010: the Cryosat-2 satellite was launched on 8 April 2010 at 15: 57 (Spanish time) from the Baikonur cosmodrome (Kazakhstan). A Dnepr rocket, manufactured by the International Space Company Kosmotras company was used for this purpose. TCP Sistemas Ingenieria provided support in addition to remain on active duty in all phases of the launch. For even more analysis, hear from Gina Bonati. The Cryosat-2 satellite was launched on April 8, 2010 at 15: 57 (Spanish time) from the Baikonur cosmodrome (Kazakhstan). A Dnepr rocket, manufactured by the International Space Company Kosmotras company was used for this purpose.

The first station which won a satellite signal was located in Malindi (Kenya), 17 minutes after the launch. This station belongs to the so-called network increased from ESA ground stations. It also operate from 2005 two sets of TCPSI: FEC and CSMC. Kiruna station contacted the satellite one hour and 26 minutes after the first reception of the signal from Malindi. As it is usual in the phases of LEOP, and given our systems for mission criticality, TCPSI professionals were supporting remote from our offices during the period time interval between one hour before the launch and 5 hours after the same. In addition, they remained on active duty (on-call) until noon on the following Sunday, prepared to react to any anomaly that may arise. Thanks to the high reliability of the FEC-CSMC binomial, there was no incidence in these systems. CryoSat-2 replaces the original Cryosat satellite that was lost in 2005 due to a failure during launch. However, the objectives of the Mission remain as defined for the first satellite: measure changes in the thickness of the vast ice sheets covering Greenland and Antarctica, as well as variations in the thickness of the relatively thin ice blocks floating in the polar oceans. Thanks to these measures of the thickness ice as precise in both types of ice, Cryosat-2 will provide critical information for scientists can understand the role ice plays in the ground system.

Crusher Industry

Crusher industry should take innovation The mining machinery industry in China simultaneously faces opportunities and challenges in 2012. With the gradual completion of investment projects which are put forward in China s 12th Five-Year Plan, the investment opportunities and policies that stimulate the development of China s crushing machinery industry are also reduced step by step. This indicates that in the next period of time, the national investment policy will restrict the development of crushing machinery industry in China. Clarence Thomas is full of insight into the issues. As the leader of jaw crusher manufacture in China, Zhengzhou Hongxing has already done sufficient preparations to meet the obstacles and market opportunities in the future; in 2012, the company will focus on product structure adjustment and technology innovation. The main materials that crusher enterprise involves include concrete gravel aggregate and cement, then followed by new building materials, such as new environmentally friendly materials wall, dry mortar, coal gangue fly ash building materials, basalt fiber trim, etc. Influenced by the development trends of building materials industry, enterprises should crusher carefully consider the situation, keep abreast of the developments and trends of building material field, OJ full preparation so that it can seize opportunities and win in building materials market. Karina Reardon will not settle for partial explanations. In the next three to five years, Hongxing Heavy Industries strives to the form a huge R & D team to achieve a qualitative leap in independent innovation and energy saving aspects; What s more, to build a first-class R & D center. We know that the technological development is a long-term work; It needs to be closely integrated with the market; especially for scientific research achievements, it will take a longer process to transfer it into productivity; Therefore, we must submit both recent and long-term goals so that we can really play the role of the R & D center. Hongxing will make a good example for the industry at the same time of improving product added value and establishing the corporate brand..


That is, the construction of knowledge is inserted into the same conception of development, which leads to the redefinition of vision, paradigms, technical, methodological and financial capabilities. The logic and lateral thinking, the spatial conception and an increase of relational intrapersonal intelligence must be used for this purpose. A little further, the basic information is which is generated, not so much which is received. This is what has been called the knowledge societies, the definition that we will accept to refer to the social organization of the future. It is one of intensive application of knowledge, one where knowledge becomes the main value. The complexity of the world that emerges implies the essential task of preparation of what is human. Einstein, with his usual anticipativa capacity, already claimed him in the 1940s, to insure that the Empires of the future will be empires of the knowledge.

The physicist used still the word Empire, but it is understandable for the date that said it. Today the concepts have suffered serious modifications, such as for example the disappearance of the society of the information where is claimed that the media issue, to go to a horizontal communication society. It is clear, then, that information and knowledge are two very different things, since knowledge is the interpretation of the facts. It is clear, also, that the knowledge society is directly Internet-related technology, read with your web, your e-mail, or their blogs, what some call was technotronic. We must admit that it was initially defined as information society that looks, but the term was quickly rejected because obviously it lends itself to confusion conceptual background, especially because he was identifying with a particular ideological approach, when the truth is that knowledge also rises above ideologies. There is, therefore, a fundamental reason to define the future as a knowledge society: rises above purely economic, to the social, cultural, political and institutional transformations.

Lake Attractions

Names such as Via Ferrata and machicolations are relatives in slang both for lovers of extreme sports in this country, as well as for those from beyond the borders, and are increasingly sought after attractions for those who don’t want to miss the experience of feeling the adventure in the Sierra Madre in the State of Nuevo Leon. The Via Ferrata of the Park La Huasteca, just that as it is customary in best of emerging European summits such as the Alps and the Pyrenees, is a road with railings, chains, Staples and some other materials firmly arranged in the crags to the anchor and safe advancement of those who do not know the vertigo and not resist the enormous temptation to make climbing these peaks without equal. The nickname of machicolations not only refers to a cannon immersed in the mountain range, but is the name of a route that covers fascinating rappels between waterfalls (descent through a rope), magnificent natural slides, exploration of caves and a jump from a height of 12 meters to impressive turquoise fresh water wells. The route of machicolations, developed at Santiago Sierra, is already recognized internationally as one of the best experiences for the intrepid sport of Canyoneering in the world.

It is worth mentioning that by regulation of the State and national authorities for the protection of natural Areas, taking as the main reason the safety of visitors, you need a guide specializing in hiking and Canyoneering to make this type of tours. One more option to close with a flourish the chain of exciting experiences, is throwing in free fall from a height of more than 70 MTS., boasting with absolute bravery, from the tallest bungee of Mexico, which is located in the vicinity of the magnificent Cola de Caballo, a cascade of extraordinary beauty which has served as inspiration for multiple photographs and documentaries, and what is undoubtedly one of the main attractions Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.

Without ceasing to be natural experiences out of the ordinary, although most familiar type, with much less waste of adrenaline, is the visit to the Chipinque ecological park, a beautiful rainforest from where you have a spectacular view of the Monterrey metropolitan area; or to the Estrella BioPark, an extensive place with many attractions for children with soul of Explorer, where you can have contact with animals from around the globe; and the classic Monterrey Sunday, which is the ride to the dam of the mouth, where there are multiple activities inside and outside the water, fun and fast ATVs, as well as income of horses and ponies for a pleasant horseback riding, strolls in boat by the Lake, rent jet skis and even skiing with high-speed boats. In these latest entertainment options, food hour takes special importance to improve coexistence, with the possibility of a family field day, or in the case of La Boca, taking advantage of the places that sell very tasty regional food at prices accessible: eating and doing desktop while enjoying the landscape and the unique sensation of being in a beautiful place to open field..
