Archive for February, 2013

Quiet Summer

The summer approached and Spring storms left step to radiant days. The smells of the field impregnated throughout the House. Two months ago we had moved to the cottage, was less than 10 kilometers from the city, environment was rural, fully and with wonderful landscapes, life in the city wasn’t him to Joanna, she was pregnant and now what was important was having peace of mind and get away from the pollution. I was going to have a child and on 20 July was scheduled. The news of the pregnancy of Joanna ran like wildfire among our friends, calls, emails, SMS, with the family was different, most had come to eat at House and Joanna fumbled it as if you comment on it refreshed. -Ah, I must say something, I’m pregnant. They were 7 in the evening and we were still on the table, congratulations, kisses, tears, tips, edges, toast that day ended up with the repertoire.

Life flowed placidly, we lived in the excitement of our son and we gave in the preparation of his birth. Literature, videos, lectures, everything, we become a few explorers in search of any information concerning babies, first months, feeding, diseases in the end, knowing that we were facing and be prepared for all situations that surely that would arise. One day, when they were missing less than two months for delivery, he came to visit us with Elena, the sister of Joanna and as the topic could not be otherwise, we were talking about childbirth and the day after, baby – and thus where you plan to make the list of birth? -The truth, thought advice to you, know when Maria was born, you gave us a web for gift, but I have no idea where I was the link. Mary was our niece and made less than 1 year he was born. -Ah, but if it’s very simple, if you want, look at it in a moment.

We follow it up to the computer, he sat down and entered into the Google. It moved fast with the keyboard, he wrote directly in the browser When Mary was born, I discovered this website and we make the list it and I assure you that it is worth. They also have gift cheques. That evening we dedicate it to prepare the list, and I seemed to notice a sonrisilla everytime I crossed with Elena. You should think about suckers. Secret bottle ft. Black Point I have to (Remix) WwW secret the famous bottle Toy Killao (live) @ the grill the movie premiere of Jane Goodall in Malaga and Barcelona The are ready for the arrival of the baby?

The Toy Libraries

The leisure activity foverece, in childhood, self-confidence, autonomy and the formation of personality, thus becoming one of the primary recreational and educational activities. In all the cultural this activity has been developed in a natural and spontaneous way, but its stimulation precise specialized educators and educators who are her spaces, times suitable to be shared with colleagues, toys that diversify it and enrich, environments and playful climates that facilitate your spontaneity and creativity. Thus emerge the toy libraries as an institution that optimizes the possibilities described and as a unique space for the game, necessary in our present society. The toy libraries are also born because today’s children have difficulties to play with freedom. Is the inadequacy of space-related obstacles: homes reduced, the street does not provide places for the game, parks are little equipped and unsafe places to this reality, we should add the depletion possibilities to meet with peers, difficulty to receive visits from friends and play together at home, poor relations with neighbors of portal, the lack of time free during the period school or, simply, that many children do not even have siblings with whom they share their games. Although the desire to play is spontaneous in the child, the toy libraries channelled its efforts to enhance the development of children’s personality through leisure activities, turning well a pleasurable activity for the child in a very important learning tool. They are not simply places where the child spends part of his time, but a very valuable tool for education and development.

Thus, the toy libraries, try: rescue the traditional game and counteract the negative effects of the culture of the imposed image, with alternatives where formation of autogeneradas from the game creative and symbolic images. Be a space for the free game and use as a method of learning and skills development, skills and desired behaviors. Be an alternative to that, going beyond the space, become a philosophy and an institution that promotes the development of critical and creative children. Structuring toy libraries with these features is equivalent to speak of the toy library as a project, which means compromising in its generation following a plan whose formulation should arise from a genuine process of collective construction, that ideal and probably should follow criteria such as: community and particularly children and girls in interaction with the ludotecario and institutions made the diagnosis of base. Organize working groups from the beginning with the participation of children. Make clear the rules of operation, remember them and arrange them, particularly the handling of power structures and decision-making. Generate a dynamic of knowledge management enabling the community to organize its knowledge, extending them with the formal knowledge and translate them into tools and techniques, and that mainly feed the processes of reflection, awareness and decision-making capacity which qualify all the action. The entire process of construction of the toy library has to be mediated essentially by a pedagogic approach based in the community and the construction of democratic spaces, from the diagnosis of base, organizing groups, the rules of operation or decision making. These criteria allow us to involve children and their parents, allowing us to transcend tradition, which has been very marked by the decision of the adult offering spaces for children, but without the intervention of these in your design, or the choice of toys or activities.

Princess Party

There are many children’s parties we have to organize, since there are many reasons special in the lives of children. And now we can not to miss any of these special dates because they are no longer a problem for decoration. In the market we find many alternatives of decoration, so much so, that lend themselves to carry out themed parties. What are the benefits of recreating a children’s Party? For the party I can choose any reason. From the favorite superhero of my son, until my daughter’s favorite Princess. Ultimately the party is thought in children and for the children, they should then be those who choose the theme of your party. Children shall give priority to their superhero or action dolls and girls will prefer to be princesses or fairies of the film that most like them. The market is all what is needed to achieve an authentic themed children’s Party, posters, posters, Pinatas, banners, tablecloths, caps, dishes, glasses, even the ponques can be decorated with the same theme.

Invitation cards, also lend themselves to be themed and the theme of the party, can explain making the guests and the host, correspond in their outfits. The Festival will be great. It will be full of all the characters involved in the film. Parents can also disguise themselves, may be part of the atmosphere sharing the joy and that time so special for the child. It will be a beautiful memory in the memory of the attendees.

There are many advantages that a party of this kind will bring to your children. Their self-esteem is very high, the family will be United and saved many memories for the future. The childhood memories will be in our heart all my life, so it depends on us leave more beautiful and happy memories in the hearts of our children. There are too many reasons for celebration in the lives of children. Day of the brujitas, triumphs sports or academics, religious initiations. Each with a defined style of decoration. The sporting achievements are they lend themselves to recreate awards shows, games and more to our initiative. The exalt medals or trophies, allocate a site special in the House for display, is cause for celebration. Prepare a feast for recreate a children’s Party, you should anticipate at this date, item, must be defined to participate to the guests on. External details that can affect the event should be analyzed. Weather, time, the same date and place, are decisive for the success of the party. We must also have the option of companies re creationist, specialist and expert in the Organization of such events. The development of these festivals, in the hands of professionals, is to have resources that, as individuals, would be very difficult. Equipment as lights, sound, animators and up to photography and filming equipment. They are responsible for all the details, decoration, animation, music and everything it represents the logistics of the event. A children’s Party, is proud of the parents and a souvenir only for children and details are many, that many times it is better to resort to a large specialized company. In the capital of Colombia, Bogota iluminacion you can find them in your phonebook as recreation. Sure that it passed all happy and calm. The youth leaders Bogota, are reputed to be very good and professional. Best thing is to enjoy total peace of mind.

The Formation

AIR MASSES the air masses they are great portions of the atmosphere that present similar characteristics of temperature, humidity and pressure, determined for the region of origin of the air mass. According to Mendona (2007), the formation of an air mass requires three basic conditions: considerable surfaces with planura and extension, decreases altitude and homogeneity how much to the characteristics. Of this form, them they are formed on the continental oceans, seas and plains, and almost always they are originated in the places where the circulaes are slower and the more steady atmospheric conditions, as in the regions of the high subtropical and polar pressures. The more time the air mass to remain on the respective region of origin, denser it will go to become, therefore to if moving for another region it will have its modified characteristics. As consequence of the displacement, it occurs brusque changes in the conditions atmospheric-time, influencing the regions for where pass and modifying the temperature and humidity.

This movement of the masses occurs due to the alterations of its characteristics, what it represents the variation of the atmosphere in relation to the surface. Thus, Mendona (2007) affirms that: An air mass that possesss main characteristics of its area of formation, that not yet suffered expressive modification from its original conditions is called primary air mass, while that one that presents significant modification as resulted of the influence of the superficial conditions of the new areas for where it passes is called secondary air mass. (MENDONA, 2007, P. 100). In accordance with Blacksmith (2006), the humidity of an air mass depends on the origin region to be on a maritime or terrestrial surface. Thus, a maritime air mass originates on a great water surface, therefore, will be sufficiently humid and consequently it contains much cloudiness, giving origin to the precipitation. Already an air mass continental it is originated on the terrestrial surface and it is normally dries.
