Posts Tagged ‘geography’

The Formation

AIR MASSES the air masses they are great portions of the atmosphere that present similar characteristics of temperature, humidity and pressure, determined for the region of origin of the air mass. According to Mendona (2007), the formation of an air mass requires three basic conditions: considerable surfaces with planura and extension, decreases altitude and homogeneity how much to the characteristics. Of this form, them they are formed on the continental oceans, seas and plains, and almost always they are originated in the places where the circulaes are slower and the more steady atmospheric conditions, as in the regions of the high subtropical and polar pressures. The more time the air mass to remain on the respective region of origin, denser it will go to become, therefore to if moving for another region it will have its modified characteristics. As consequence of the displacement, it occurs brusque changes in the conditions atmospheric-time, influencing the regions for where pass and modifying the temperature and humidity.

This movement of the masses occurs due to the alterations of its characteristics, what it represents the variation of the atmosphere in relation to the surface. Thus, Mendona (2007) affirms that: An air mass that possesss main characteristics of its area of formation, that not yet suffered expressive modification from its original conditions is called primary air mass, while that one that presents significant modification as resulted of the influence of the superficial conditions of the new areas for where it passes is called secondary air mass. (MENDONA, 2007, P. 100). In accordance with Blacksmith (2006), the humidity of an air mass depends on the origin region to be on a maritime or terrestrial surface. Thus, a maritime air mass originates on a great water surface, therefore, will be sufficiently humid and consequently it contains much cloudiness, giving origin to the precipitation. Already an air mass continental it is originated on the terrestrial surface and it is normally dries.

Street Piraputanga

The ranks of the props in the place were in February of 2009, had been demarcated five points being in the following places: (1 and 2) in the entrance of the Street Piraputanga; (3) beginning in the headboard next the fall to the water; (4) in the left lateral of the soil erosion; (5) in the right lateral of the soil erosion. – Third stage; we return in the study area, for more (06) six times that I assist with it of a trena we measure the distances of the props with regard to the edge of the soil erosion with the intention to observe and to write down the occured alterations after the ranks of the same ones. Therefore, in the third phase, analysis of the collections of data, and the work was developed as a whole, giving subsidies for the elaboration of the monograph. 3,1 MONITORAMENTO OF SOIL EROSION. According to War (2002), the monitoramento is made from the evolution of the soil erosion leading in account its expansion space as in such a way secular. Rain is associated with the expansion of this phenomenon being one of the main factors of evolution of a soil erosion. In accordance with the same author must itself first be located the soil erosion in a topographical letter, second to delimit placing it some props to its redor keeping certain distance one of the others, these props must be confectioned of preference in wood and be embedded 30 cm of depth in the ground, and third the had positions of the props become the notations in the field passbook demarcating and to return to each four months not necessarily, depending on the index of the rain of the region can become notations and visits more times, being that the measures must be made of the edge of the soil erosion tie the props for then evaluating the evolution of the same one.
