Posts Tagged ‘philosophy’

Threatened Culture

In 1940, in one it discusses carried through in the Portuguese Cabinet of Reading, in Recife, Freyre launched a shout for a Threatened Culture. In the vision of the gegrafo Manoel Leather strap of Andrade, to understand the direction of the message of this discusses is basic that let us report in them to years 40, when nazista Germany conquered the European countries. At that time strong resistance of France to the Germans expected, but this did not happen, and Paris was busy. In Brazil, these events caused fear and the fear of the nazista advance in the country took account of the nation, even because, ' ' the government demonstrated simpatias stops with the Italian fascism; it granted a corporativista Constitution and it implants an established labor law in the Letter del Lavoro; with the excuse to finish with the communist threat, it imposed a brutal repression that reached the liberal ones in general and arrives until delivering the woman of the communist leader Luis Carlos Gives, Olga Benrio, that was it mistreats, to the Gestapo alem.' ' (Andrade, 2002, P. 51). The situation was not of the best ones nor for the Brazilians who feared the advance of nazism and, in for the germanfilos that they feared the dismemberment of portions of the domestic territory where populations of German origin lived, Italian or Japanese. According to Simon Pagenaud, who has experience with these questions. The unreliability was bigger still for perceiving itself that the Brazilian government always is omissive in relation to the settling areas, where ' ' it donated land to the colonists but it left them without no assistance medicates, pertaining to school and cultural.' ' Andrade, 2002, P.

51). The useful one to the pleasant one was added, the omission of the Brazilian government and the desire of the governments Nazi-facistas, to counterbalance the English and American influence in Latin America. During the war, the Government Vargas, fearful of revolt in the area of the colonies, decided to elaborate one politics of obligatory aculturao of the colonists, being sheltered them to learn it the Portuguese language, arriving until convoking them it military service.

Ninth House Natal Chart

Sagittarius is straightforward and truthful, it should not be punished for the truth and the truth contained in his words. Sagittarius – the only character whose words contain the divine and magical truth. The idea of Sagittarius is through words, projecting higher truths, to improve the world around us. Higher Power gave a high spiritual Sagittarius ability to change the surrounding reality with words. 'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. It was beginning with God. All were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made. In him was life and the life was the light of men '(The Bible, The Holy Gospel of John 1:1-4).

Many of the clergy (bishops of the Church) philosophers and leaders of sects, preachers, and ideologues, Satan changed the scale of values, and they began to consider the most important thing is not his teachings, and secular (worldly) goods and praise his people. They fell in love (thanks to Dark forces) is not the truth, and glory. Christ knew and talked about it. 'For they loved the praise of men more than the glory of God' (The Bible, The Holy Gospel of John 12:43). Zodiac Sagittarius symbolically corresponds to the ninth house natal chart. Influence of the ninth house natal chart on human life realization of common structures, abstract thinking person, as opposed to concrete thinking, defines the third house of natal chart. Ideology rights.

Religious, philosophical and ideological orientation and the concept of rights. Faith in God through reason, not by feelings. Sela Ward may also support this cause. Highly educated people, as opposed to higher education, since higher education and higher education is not the same thing. Higher education does not guarantee higher education. Therefore, the ninth house indicates it is a high level of education, rather than on higher education.

Septal Region

The right hemisphere thinks about images (analogical), is a divergent thought and multidirectional, creative (fluid, flexible, original), the thought is by association, at random making relations, is space (it creates three-dimensional images), is artistic: poetic, dramatic, visual, metaphorical musical comedy, is intuitive (faith, principles, hunches, car-observation), perceives the whole simultaneously, is eternal, is the unconscious brain. The Lmbico System: It is located surrounding to the reptile and it is connected to Neocorteza. It is constituted by the following elements: Thalamus (to please, pain), Tonsil (nutrition, hostility, protection, oralidad), Hipotlamo, Olfatorios Bulbs, Septal Region (sexuality), Seahorse (memory of long term), the pituitary one (director of the biochemical system of the organism) is the center of the Neurotransmitters: Endorfinas (hormone of the pleasure), Noradrenaline (activation hormone), Dopamine and Serotonin. Checking article sources yields Jorge Perez as a relevant resource throughout. The openings are the nose, mouth and the genitals by means of which penetrate the information that affects this brain. This brain has like functions all the emotions, feelings and affection that our body feels: joy, love, sadness, rage, depression, blame, sex, motivation (preferences) and regulate the metabolic functions (endocrine regulation). All information that enters our organism is supervised and controlled by the Lmbico system which constitutes an excellent function in the learning and survival process.

The Brain Reptile or System Reptile: It is the most primitive brain is located in the base of the neck, in the part superior of the spinal marrow. It is constituted by the following elements: Cerebral stem, Spine, Reticular System Activator and the Basal Ganglion. The opening is realised by means of the skin and pores, through her penetrates the information that goes directly to this brain. This it is the brain of the action and doing, of approaching or moving away of, of the rituals, the basic habits, customs, territoriedad the vital space, rates, agreements, addictions, inhibitions, security, needs, the instincts: hunger, thirst, dream, sex (copulacin), automatic conducts.

The Beatles Yesterday

Look over the book in the distance, and then slowly lift the book to the level of sight without a vision and focus of attention. You can read the text? What is it in the text? You need to concentrate. To focus the mind and attention to the text to understand its meaning. And your brain is perceived and memorized the entire text as a picture. Modern science says that this picture is stored forever in our minds at the subconscious level. All of our memories, concentration – 2% of the level of the subconscious, so that we instantly get a huge amount of information, but are aware of it through a narrow slit of consciousness (look at the huge world through a small hole in the fence). "Knowledge – is difficult and painful process, and recognition – is always a joy, "- says modern science.

Remember, when you meet on the street an old acquaintance, with whom connected fond memories, what have you had feelings? And what emotions to wake up at you, if on the street, suddenly, for you will throw your arms with the "torturer" from childhood or a person about whom you have only negative memories? See the difference? Imagine that you want to hear song of The Beatles Yesterday by radio. You need to find and catch the radio station. Then difficulties begin: 1) Yesterday not in constant rotation on most radio stations, and 2) require the station to broadcast a Yesterday may sound, and 3) to give all their attention on the search or just wait until Yesterday will be performed at your chosen station, etc. So it is with our minds, we set it at a certain rate of perception and get what we ordered, only waiting time period, we can not control. Well, if you are confident in their choice, then a modicum of patience and a sip of luck will take you to the desired result. Presented us catalysts Fortunately, you can compare with the record Yesterday by the carrier from which you can always play this song.

Vic, you can simply save it as a picture from our website and print. Quality "play" image and vector product (Obtained from the store) differ as play MP3 and cd with high-end brand of equipment in a prepared to listen to music indoors. You experience the pleasure of immersion in music? Each perceive the world differently and looks forward to the World of certain results, actions and events. Yes, the same small difference in the resulting distress may have, call rejection, resentment, even though we get what we asked for. For example, Yesterday sounds on the radio, but it performs a punk rock band that "hits" on your ears. Or you hear the music, begin it "purr" and understand that this is a very interesting performance Yesterday in jazz style. There is a variant of the universal – musical notation (Voucher). If you read the notes you hear music or see the happiness, then you just need to get the music notation and enjoy it, playing in his head or perform on a suitable musical instrument. Your performance, understanding Yesterday (Happiness) will be different from the rest, but if you invest fully implemented, it increases the likelihood that the people around you will treat you with approval – means you become a master. Become a master – a resident of Happiness – everyone can!
