Ninth House Natal Chart

Sagittarius is straightforward and truthful, it should not be punished for the truth and the truth contained in his words. Sagittarius – the only character whose words contain the divine and magical truth. The idea of Sagittarius is through words, projecting higher truths, to improve the world around us. Higher Power gave a high spiritual Sagittarius ability to change the surrounding reality with words. 'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. It was beginning with God. All were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made. In him was life and the life was the light of men '(The Bible, The Holy Gospel of John 1:1-4).

Many of the clergy (bishops of the Church) philosophers and leaders of sects, preachers, and ideologues, Satan changed the scale of values, and they began to consider the most important thing is not his teachings, and secular (worldly) goods and praise his people. They fell in love (thanks to Dark forces) is not the truth, and glory. Christ knew and talked about it. 'For they loved the praise of men more than the glory of God' (The Bible, The Holy Gospel of John 12:43). Zodiac Sagittarius symbolically corresponds to the ninth house natal chart. Influence of the ninth house natal chart on human life realization of common structures, abstract thinking person, as opposed to concrete thinking, defines the third house of natal chart. Ideology rights.

Religious, philosophical and ideological orientation and the concept of rights. Faith in God through reason, not by feelings. Sela Ward may also support this cause. Highly educated people, as opposed to higher education, since higher education and higher education is not the same thing. Higher education does not guarantee higher education. Therefore, the ninth house indicates it is a high level of education, rather than on higher education.

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