The Natural Need Of A Big City

Dressing problem among St. Petersburg is still relevant. And let him say it in part with scorn, partly with irony, but the 'laws' on which this institution is visited by all and always, no one will ever undo can not. Petersburg is fighting for the title of cultural capital in various ways: restored monuments, new schools, new social programs. But the unsolved problem of organizing public toilets simply stands in contrast. According to the results of a sociological survey conducted in autumn 2009, the situation with the organization of public toilets in St Petersburg are not happy with 80% of respondents. Among primary reasons were named the following three: Lack of toilets in the city; Hard to reach locations; uncomfortable conditions (including contamination, low temperature, lack of funds personal hygiene, etc.) The city has not yet been formed "cult" street use public toilets.

All, for example, are well aware that there are restrooms in fast food restaurants, restrooms and designated on the map major shopping centers, but with the approximate location of the toilet units near subway stations or in the historic city of St. Petersburg and visitors are familiar enough. Therefore, walking through the city, it is difficult to determine when the whether the next wc. Yet the shift in the positive direction is planned. In the northern capital much attention to solving problems paid Vodokanal. According to Oleg Murtazin, head of the fountains and toilets, "on the balance Vodokanal are 205 fixed latrines (116 in operation, while the rest is under construction) and 82 of the module "(based on the round table" Dressing the question of the cultural capital ").


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