The concept of “Internship abroad without agency” envelops to foreign firms, like a bomb who want to do an internship abroad and want to inform yourself on the Internet, is the impression already after a short time, you make it only with an agency in the country. This impression is safe in terms of the agencies, the companies that specialize in arranging internships so to so but quite wrong. The opposite is the case. “Eddy”, which is behind the idea, by chance it happened after he made two paid work placements abroad and has come to the following conclusion: “None of the 37 interns from Germany whom I had met in Malaysia an agency paid.” A simple discovery the but the whole “internship industry” could change. “In principle each student, each trainees, professional and of course each student could make an internship abroad without agency”, adds Eddy. The only thing you need are numerous contacts and a reasonable application: to search for internships is waste of time, because although the need for interns from abroad is very high, companies write out explicitly no internship positions. The only thing that helps is the direct line to their counterparts abroad you should apply as early as possible and then compare the different offerings. The differences in the terms and conditions such as salary and other benefits can be tremendous.
“An internship without pay doesn’t mean the company no pocket money, a flat, flight, car hire or compensation through other kind” pays. An internship from which only the company profits is generally discouraged because there are alternatives like sand on the sea. An application is not a data sheet, but a copy. The Chief of staff can do a picture of when reading what added value the trainee in the company can do. There is no perfection in practice”, the only thing that matters is: comply with deadlines at all costs. “A testimony to the good” is on the opposite advert and is therefore not guarantee a commitment. Erhard Petla