Posts Tagged ‘medicine’


Quinacrine and kutizon the flu completely ineffective. Patients in need of flu-sided symptomatic treatment and care. tampons (in infants), the appointment on the testimony of headache tablets, phenacetin, aspirin, expectorants, codeine, cardiotonic (caffeine kordiamina, camphor), an infusion of glucose, the use of hypnotics, oxygen. When complications from influenza pneumonia prescribe penicillin (at least 1 million – 1.5 million units per day), streptomycin (1 g intramuscularly, daily), oxygen therapy, cardiovascular drugs. When complications from the central nervous system prescribed bed rest, glucose and vitamin therapy, antibiotics. In the cases occurring with a lesion of the peripheral nervous system, additional methods are used physiotherapy. Prevention.

Activities in focus mostly limited to the isolation and care of influenza patients at home during the febrile period and the first 2 days of convalescence. Decontamination of you sick-divisions of the upper respiratory tract produced by boiled dishes and laundry, dry cleaning 0.2% solution of bleach or 0.5% of the clarified solution of bleach and frequent (3-4 times a day) of ventilation space. Qualified personnel must wear a 4-ply gauze masks. Sick with severe and complicated forms of influenza, with concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system and those who live in dormitories to be hospitalized, the period of epidemic rise of influenza commonly recommended for ultra-violet radiation (lamps LUVs or LUVs-15-30) facilities, cancellation of visits to hospitals, quarantine measures in institutions. Common flu is reduced to improve the working and living conditions (Removal of dust, drafts, contrasting temperatures), personal hygiene, tempering the body, the preventive measures in schools, colleges, dining, entertainment facilities, hospitals, care institutions. Specific prophylaxis of influenza is conducted live influenza vaccine. An important condition for the effectiveness of a vaccination coverage of at least 80% of staff, correct application. Vaccination is carried out among the organized plants

Military Museum

had found one kid expiatoria” of its sins. But she was not the unique one. Also sacrificed to one of more loyal his alfiles” , hardest of its players in the non-uniform chess of the boliburguesa policy: The oxygenated Lina Rum. To this it asked for the maximum sacrifice to him, his freedom, when asking to him that it attacked soothes of Globovisin (independent television channel, opposed the outrages of the regime), order that indescribable muchachota of encapotados ojitos and rozagantes cheeks fulfilled entrusted exactly, with sidearms and tear pumps, but mainly, with the advisable exhibition of his face and the one of his followers (all uniformed and embanderados”) before previously identified cameras of security of the channel, like so that there were not doubts of whom the taking commanded popular”. sacrifice of doncellas” one has become a practice common and current within the present revolutionary anti-culture in Venezuela. With her it is put into most sly the operative operation of the distraccionistas maneuvers with which the regime usually obtains quotas of political oxygen, but the true sacrifice, most painful, the one than naked all the crudity of that practice, cruel is expressed in more than 45,000 doncellas” that the uncontrolled violence has taken by the pieces. They are more than 45,000 women, young people and children, true maids of sacrificio” that vilely they have been assassinated for more than ten years, as a result of a citizen insecurity untied and sometimes accomplice of the chavista government.

That is the true sacrifice. Thus it is called to him, with particular irony, to the Lieutenant Colonel Cold Hugo Chavez, present President of Venezuela from 1998. Mote remembers that in his failed attempt of military coup against the constitutionally elect government of Carlos Andres Perez -1992 – the Lieutenant Colonel Cold Chvez, sworn in and failed her putsch, took refuge in the Military Museum, located near the Palace of Miraflores in Caracas, soothes of the National Executive authority. There one surrendered to the loyal forces to the government without shooting nor a shot, and to give with honor” cleaning demanded would send to the Museum a uniform to him with underclothes. It was apprehended by a pole of the Presidential Guard in one of the baths public of the Museum.
