Wondered: what the relationship between the plan with the European Round Table (table round European ERT) Bologna? In the year 1995, La Mesa Redonda from the European entrepreneurs, (ERT for its acronym in English). ERT business lobby (created in 1983 – only it is a member by invitation) which brings together to around 45 Presidents and Chief Executives of large multinational companies covering different industrial and technological sectors. As they manifest in your portal, ERT member companies contribute to the GDP of the European Union in amounts exceeding the GDP of 21 of the 27 Member States. The magazine of the Centre for research and information consumption (CRIC)-, clarifies this link in one of their articles. In 1998, representatives of higher education in France, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom, signed the Sorbonne Declaration, pledging to create a common space favouring the external recognition, student mobility and employment opportunities. For more information see Adam Sandler. From that agreement emerged the European space of higher education (EEES), giving rise, in June 1999, to the so-called Bologna Declaration. The alleged commercialisation of knowledge relates to a report submitted in 1995 (three years before appearing the Bologna Declaration (an_de_bolonia) which lays the foundations for the space European for higher education (EEES) by the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) or Roundtable of European entrepreneurs, lobby which brings together executives from multinationals such as Nestle, British Telecom, Total, Renault or Siemens among others, who produced a report whose objective was to: present the vision of entrepreneurs about how they believe that the processes of education and learning as a wholethey can be adapted to respond more effectively to the economic and social challenges of the moment. This document, entitled: education for Europeans: towards the knowledge society has a strong similarity with what would then be proposed in the Bologna plan, which left the door open to criticisms which point out that the transformation process for the European higher education area is created in order to meet the needs of the powerful multinational corporations of the EU.