Posts Tagged ‘chronic’


WHY CHAMBER OF COUNCILMEN? Initially it would like to say that I especially have the biggest respect for the figures human beings who compose the Chambers of Councilmen, of Campo Grande, however this respect does not hinder me to think on the real necessity of its existence. Mainly when tarifao of the Executive in relation to the IPTU occurs the called episode, where the councilmen had alleged to have been deceptive for the Mayor. I think that he spends yourself very to have a chamber of councilmen. All a structure for almost nothing. Expirations of the Councilmen, administrative assessors, employees, infrastructure and etc. This everything could very be made well without any expense, as in many cities of the United States of America, where in place of paid councilmen for the people, a Communitarian Advice exists, composed for influential people of all the social segments that decide what it is better for the community.

This if presents as a more authentic democracy, more direct. The integrant ones of this group would represent the public and private associations and entities. representative would be the carrier of the idea of its group and not of proper idea, what she makes it difficult the corruption. The mayor would have according to govern its platform administrative politics and previously presented during the electoral campaign and duly registered in the TRE. Of it he could not move away itself, duly warned to lose the position in action at law summarily and without enrolao. Gary Katcher follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Inside of this platform it would direct to the Communitarian Advice the law projects, and this would analyze, make the alterations, emendations and would vote. It could have the veto of the mayor and the falling of trees of the veto for the Advice. But important of everything this is the complete absence of expense of public money.

Lage Park

Lagoon Rodrigo de Freitas – another wonder of this city. We had that to drink a toast per the day, the victory, tired, exactly happy. Ah, the track Lage Park? Corcovado (in the specific case is written same with ‘ ‘ g’ ‘), already I covered it as many times. I remember that it was the second heavy track that my beloved S.M.B made with me, so pretty it and has led as a small bird and fort as a tigresa. In the day where it was my friend E.B, great master, also was. Currently when S.M.B go I it to take waterfall bath later we go to lunch in the Severina. Each cited place can be gone some times, therefore each time is as if she was the first one.

It is not a mere repetition. The sensations are new, always have the well-being sensation, however. Nirvana is reached. Serious! I am not making irony with something so serious. suggestions. I ask for please that also it has not led for religious connotation. Rock of the Topsail, as to describe what we feel when arriving there? The proper act to cover these tracks already is something that in the strap of the mesquinhez of the life, the contact with all the nature to our redor leaves in them light, has a fatigue. What? Fatigue? Everything is flowers in our lives at such moments. Friends E.M and L.T.D., the last time who we were to the Pretty Rock, hem! Inesquecvel. We were in a group of more people who at the moment I do not remember the names. Yes, in the day where he stows there for the last time, all we float – always soil is felt beyond, when we are there – the human birds we had caught in them and some flights we made in that so pretty day.
