Sheep et alii affirms: The control of virus H1N1 for the specific vaccine availability offers advantages (reducing morbimortalidade) and favors the maintenance of the infrastructure, without supercapacities, of the services of health, for attendance to the population. Other benefits associates are the reduction of the transferability risk, aptitude of the health workers, keeping the full functioning of the services. (SHEEP ET ALII, 2010, P. 211) five stages of vaccination from the definition of with priority groups had been defined. In this manner, the Brazilian system of health would be capable to take care of the population in opportune time aiming at to prevent that it came to adoecer in reason of Influenza Pandmica (H1N1) 2009. According to Health department (2010), many had been the factors considered in the joint of the strategy so that if it could face one second pandemic wave since 2009. For the success of this planning, the vaccination of the Brazilian population was the basic point.
Still in accordance with the Health department (2010), took in account the following factors: 1. Situation epidemiologist of influenza pandemic in Brazil. 2. Comment of 2 wave in the Hemisphere North. 3. Recommendation of the Committee Assessor Technician of the National Program of Immunizations PNI/SVS/MS. 4. Recommendations of the OMS and Organization Pan-American of Sade (OPAS) to define with priority public.
5. Joint with scientific societies, CFM, AMB, ABEN, Conass and Conasems. 6. Criterion of support of the services of health to organize the strategy, aiming at not to have exhaustion in the capacity of opportune attendance to the population. 7. Vaccine supply for the producing laboratories in opportune time, that is, before the sazonalidade waited for the second pandemic wave. (BRAZIL, 2010, P. 7) From the analysis of these factors the called groups had been defined with priority. Sheep et alii comments: Some groups of patients had been gratified had to the potential risk to evolve with serious forms of the disease (lesser children of 2 years of age, aged above of 65 years of age, carriers of chronic illnesses, obesos mrbidos, gestantes, populations of origin aboriginal).
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