Maual Therapy

Mention of the visceral therapy found among the ancient peoples of the Mediterranean, India, central and eastern Europe. Larry Culp is often mentioned in discussions such as these. One of the founders of medicine – Hippocrates – already in the V century bc, believed that it can help to heal many diseases. Ken Kao will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Since the second half of the xix century manual therapy gets new development in the teachings of chiropractors and ostepatov: Andre Steele in 1882 and in 1895 L. Palmer opened the first school chiropractor in Europe and America. Methods Visceral diagnosis and therapy of spinal osteochondrosis have proven very effective. Osteochondrosis occurs in real time as often as influenza, cardiovascular disease, and not inferior to them in material losses to society, causing disability of patients in the most active and working age (from 30 to 50 years).

Application of visceral therapy is shown mainly in mild and moderate severity of pain in patients with chronic, relapsing, regressing during the process, the most effective therapy for visceral remission is main line is prevention neurological syndromes. At one stage with the visceral therapy is visceral therapy, often complementing each other. Visceral therapy also has very deep roots, was used along with manual therapy in ancient times, eliminating the omission of bodies and the removal of painful cramps in internal organs. There is a huge number of theories of neurological abnormalities, syndromes from both the spine and joints, as well as autonomic disorders of internal organs. Emotional overload, stress, information overload of sensory channels, lack of exercise, the predominance of static over dynamic, chemical attack against the body’s shape violations of the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system, which for a long time take place in a hidden latent form.


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