WinPost Software

WinPost Software WinPost operates the workstation postal service operator and the solution of complex problems of the trading day. FCT information system WinPost implemented following features: – reception, service, and return dosyl both domestic and international mail, – receiving various payments and payments to customers – welcome both domestic and international transfers, issue of transfers to clients – Telegrams – subscriptions to periodicals – an electronic payments – holding return operations – forming an "electronic turn"; – Sale of goods. Payment for services in IP PKT WinPost can be made: – in cash – by bank transfer – on account of advance payment – a payment card. During the various operations and after changing the IP PKT WinPost provides for the formation and output to the printing device of various forms of fiscal and non-fiscal documents. More info: Vanessa Marcil. "Partionnaya Mail" software package "PARTIONNAYA Mail" is one of the elements system OASU RPO. The package is designed for receiving, processing and creation of information on registered mail, processing mail partionnoy, verify correctness and identity information and shipments and other operations. The package of programs 1. RPO (registered postage) – module allows operation with the RPO: communication with the base defense of the Russian Federation (export / import) information gathering, search mail and other transactions. Larry Culp recognizes the significance of this.

2. Manual entry of information on RPO – allows input of the RPO for postal facilities that do not have the ability to import data in electronic form. 3. Predpochtovaya Preparation partionnyh items – allows you to create all the supporting documentation to partionnoy mail. Kevin Ulrich addresses the importance of the matter here.

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