Tourism Operators

In first place to speak of support in the tourism it is necessary to be cliente of the 3 included dimensions in this word so mentioned currently. The dimensions ambient, sociocultural and economic are basic for tourist companies and destinations. When we speak of tourism we think soon about tourist destinations, hotels and services as tours, strolls and restaurants, beyond store and other services directed toward specific segments of the tourism are business-oriented, experience, health, religious, adventure, etc. Can imagine that the sustainable tourism is that one where the tourist enjoys of products and services, without attacking the environment, consider the sociocultural questions since the purchase of the package, the stay until return for house and understand economic the aspects involved, that include the place where it was carried through the purchase, the destination and the products and services used during all the process. We know that a completely sustainable trip is utopia, but is possible to consider factors to minimize aggression to the environment, to the population, culture and patrimony of the tourist destination, beyond fomenting the economy of the involved segments. With this, diverse sectors of the tourism come developing action with the objective to minimize negative impacts and to generate benefits for its business, community and for the proper tourist who disfruta of that destination, beyond the spreading of the company through the sustainable activities. The trip operators are considered the link of the chain in the tourism, since she has as objective the tourist distribution of the products and services to the travel agencies and the proper tourist. Being thus, we can say that the operators have basic paper in the development of the tourism most sustainable through the adoption of criteria for election of its products and services and the spreading of the destinations most sustainable to the customer, with objective to not only generate the awareness of its suppliers, but of the proper tourist that will have as option the choice for a more sustainable destination.


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