The Value Of The Memories

Of the memories that I keep from my childhood with more affection, without a doubt it could mention two: osito of peluche Hugo call and a very pequeita wrist of pink rag, something despeluchada, the truth. First gifts of baby were my that I received to pains with hours of life. It is difficult to explain how a so pequeito being remembers certain things. Although it does not turn out strange to find because. Still I conserve to Hugo and the despeluchada one. And I see when them, immediately they come head images from my brothers: its gestures, their laughter, their cares, their pranks. They were first of the family in coming to know me and were first in doing a gift to me that to day of today itself conserving.

I will not remember the moment in which exactly they put in my cradle to osito and the wrist, nor how long happened jugueteando, touching or making bells and whistles to me with them. They appeared in each of my photos, and according to they tell me, came with me to all parts. I liked others, neither the more great nor the more tuna, only those two, only those that me they gave my brothers. And the reason is simply one: the babies yes perceive the gestures of affection, the caresses, the heat of a mother or a father, the tenderness of grandfathers, a smile or a glance. They keep them in his small memory they conserve and them for always. Now, whenever I look for gifts for babies who finish being born, not only I worry that it is practical, original or tuna. He has to be always that special detail that unties a smile, that creates illusion and surprise, that leaves track. A gift is an intention, an admiration and respect gesture.

It is to think with the heart, it is preoccupation, is feeling, interest by which they matter to you. It is gratefulness and it is to receive with the open arms. A gift transmits so much For that reason, we observed when it we watched, it we used and it, in our memory she will remain a person whom always it will appreciate to us and love.


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