Posts Tagged ‘women's health’

Proper Nutrition

Hundreds of thousands of men and women throughout the world suffer from overweight. They live a dream: to lose weight. Pace yourself with heavy diets, fasting for weeks, taking pills of dubious origin or fall under the surgeon's knife. Ask yourself: is there among your relatives, close friends or at least one person, overweight? The answer is obvious: there is not even one. The reason for excess weight is a long established – sharing violation substances, but one hundred percent of the normalization method of this very exchange has not yet been identified. But at all times, one way of reducing weight is proper diet.

And this is not tea without sugar once a day or a glass yogurt before bed. Proper nutrition – it is a complex combination of many, many factors. Margaret Loesser Robinson will not settle for partial explanations. When forming your diet should take into account such things as: weight, personal preference, intolerance to certain foods, etc. etc. Not secret that each product has one very important characteristic – the number of calories per 100g. This is a very important variable that should be taken into account. There are even so-called Kremlin diet, which, as times and focuses on the qualitative characteristics of this product.

There is even a view that Moscow Mayor Yuri , who actively follows the path of weight loss with this diet. An important distinction between "" (abbreviation for the Kremlin diet ") is that you can not limit ourselves practically to nothing. You can eat fish, meat, flour products every day. All the other diets are inferior in its impact. All foods
