Plastic Procedures

Just trouble with our women is that they relate to cosmetology as well as a manicure or pedicure. In what sense? If you go for a manicure, then the end result you are assured: your money for you to make that nail polish, you want to detail. Can choose the color of lacquer, nail shape and so on. According to Sela Ward, who has experience with these questions. In beautician is not so. You know about their problems (eg, bags under the eyes), but to choose to eliminate them – not you. Only a doctor can say what you will do. And sometimes he beautician not sure of the result. This – Roulette. Someone help, and he will be pleased, someone will be disappointed forever. That’s why I call: before you go to beautician, look to the plastic surgeon. Otherwise, you can expect endless walking on the procedures with minimal effect. When can I expect results from plazmoliftinga?

The first effect is to improve the skin turgor, normalization of moisture and skin metabolism is observed after two weeks. Elimination of minor “net” wrinkles only after the full course. Does your method is combined with other cosmetology procedures? We are not against plazmoliftinga combination with other procedures, but only if prior consultation. Nowadays there are many similar methods that affect the skin from the inside – the same mesotherapy, , peelings The plazmolifting better? All of these methods you have the right to life. But Too often we see a very well-groomed woman, looking at which one can say: sleek, and her skin polished and tanned in the tanning bed, and her lips pumped up gels, and wrinkles are filled, and is it expensive makeup, and goes to the beautician seems to work.


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