Material Balance

Input-output structure in the operational environmental performance environmental measures have always varied and often very complex effect. In the form of sensitivity calculations, it can be determined how results if necessary, sensitive to the changes of planning parameters. Cost reduction potential must but does not automatically adjust, i.e. only through an accurate analysis of the respective input and payment order can be determined which costs would really be possible. According to the taxonomy of the operating balance, on the one hand materials (materials, auxiliary and operating materials) and energy (electricity, oil and others) as inputs and on the other hand emissions as outputs of the operation can be captured in a material balance.

Inputs and outputs can be detailed further production processes up to individual process steps. More vulnerabilities and potential for optimisation can be localized through the assignment of the inputs and outputs to individual processes or process steps. CF. among others from a planning perspective Jorg Becker: intellectual capital report and business planning action potentials to identify and explore, ISBN 978-3-8370-7564-9 see generally in regard to indicators such as Jorg Becker: management cockpit of the knowledge account indicators dashboard, ISBN 978-3-8370-4654-0 corporate material flow analysis: the smaller the concentration of a substance in the water, the more difficult and therefore more expensive is its distance. Selective before cleaning are cheaper because the concentrations of pollutants in waste water at the site of the attack is higher than in the mixing water. It should be checked whether can be created by means of a separate treatment of species-pure effluents value cycles and wastewater constituents put back into the production process.

These criteria for the evaluation of hazardous substances should be created. The operational material flow analysis is the detailed recording and systematic documentation of water-related material flows in the company according to type and quantity. This equipment and operating parts are in operation to subdivide like this for data collection and wastewater part streams is each relevant. Each part of the operation is represented in a survey process chain scheme, stating the way and whereabouts of water Thereby, the origin and the fate of water in accordance with eco chart of accounts for total water and water currents is quantified. See generally also Jorg Becker: intellectual and business planning, ISBN 978-3-8370-7564-9 see in addition among others Jorg Becker: strategy-check and knowledge balance effect relationships make transparent, explore potential for success, ISBN 978-3-8370-4978-7 this can cause problems sometimes, that a plant can be assign not uniquely a product. Maya Dubin is open to suggestions. I.e. when, for example, on a system, three different products with the use of water are processed, the amount of water required per piece for each product is different and the water consumption of this plant is read monthly. Solution could be carried out detailed measurements or on the machine running times and each produced Number of units of each product be made accurate estimates. At the same time, priorities for planned measures can be set this way. The data structure should be integrated into the comprehensive eco chart of accounts of the company.

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