Juan Eslava Galan

Did in the last years of a King called the impotent, came out an expedition not to fish tunas and encountering pirates in the vicinity of the Horn of? Africa, but to find the Horn that would facilitate put remedy to their offspring. The coveted Horn of? Africa, is identified with a Unicorn and made such a Juan de Olid traverses half African continent. Sela Ward recognizes the significance of this. There is a novel written by Juan Eslava Galan, which brings us closer to that expedition and shows us our ancestors with their customs and their ways of going through life, reminding us of the concept that had the honor and duty and giving an example of the value that on more than one occasion had to demonstrate to overcome the difficulties encountered along the way. I guess that the same is not 13 Spanish fishermen and 13 Africans on a ship whose name begins with beach and they say that besides sailing with a flag of a Spanish region and that it was in your help a frigate; that a friar, a maid, a troop formed by ballesteros, and a payer of the King with head and all walking by African lands. Hence, that the return of the expedition that such Juan de Olid, found with the start of a new Kingdom that little by little was calling Spain. Where the dead King’s sister (had taken too return expedition), along with her husband, subyugo to the Moors and echo the Jews, he discovered and conquered part of a new continent, and the supposed daughter of the impotent was left with the Kingdom of Portugal and etc. etc. etc. were other times! Our ancestors were apparently a little more ignorant than us, but they made possible a great Empire (honour, duty, value) where we feared and respected where there were and the pirates (protected by the English, among other emerging kingdoms) when they saw ships with the Spanish Pavilion thought is very much before addressing them, because soon that will torcieran things knew they had the losing. Already many years have passed since that expedition, now! After all, it seems that we are easy prey, and that honor, duty or value that were defining the Spaniard signs (the French just two hundred years ago also proved it in their own flesh) no longer have weight, therefore against a weapon! (pistol, machine gun, grenade launcher, pump) we prefer to sit down and negotiate and pay, or as lately it says: we must negotiate!. May be why taste that gives us to hear those words as nice as peace and Alliance of civilizations without looking at the rear view mirror, and justify what some newspapers already written without any hesitation or shame illustrates us the new so-called effect: we are to what can be called a new so-called effect promoted from the Government, the beneficiaries will not be immigrants, but terrorists and pirates! that you have seen a reef in a Government weak, easy to blackmail and even sympathetic with this kind of attitude.

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