For the sake of coexistence, the Consortium will seek to reach an agreement between the parties. If problems continue after the intervention of the Consortium, or if we live at home and do not have a mediator, you can call the police. While this is an extreme measure, it can also be dissuasive. If you checked the noise nuisance, the police may lift a contravention Act, which would require a mandatory conciliation between the parties. Acoustic insulation in case of not wanting to take extreme measures, like using public force, an option to avoid annoying noises is the acustizacion of the home. In this sense we have many possibilities and everything depends on our budget or the particular problem that we have. To reduce the noise that comes from the street, openings of materials that contribute to the comprehensive acoustical insulation, such as PVC can be used.
To this we can add a watertight glazed double: i.e., two glass separated by an air gap. Drapes also help reduce outside noise. The thicker the genre, the greater the protection offered. Double fabrics are ideal for achieving a good acoustic effect. Another good choice are upholstery fabrics: velvet, velveteen, the panama, the jacquard and raffia. If the noises come from the same building as ideal is installing plasterboard as a ceiling or cover the walls with them. These plates consist of a metal structure and a plaster sheet. Between is placed a layer of glass wool which absorbs the vibrations.
If the need for insulation is even greater, asphalt or rubber, noise barriers that are very effective may be placed between the panels. This above process could well be called creating a map of noises for a building. A 8 cm brick wall provides approximately an offset sound reduction index (RW) 37 DB * decibels, the unit that measures the level of sound insulation between two contiguous rooms. A simple partition of standard 15 mm with absorbent inside plate has a 45 dB RW, same sound insulation of a wall of solid bricks, but with 10 times less weight. As discussed us specialized companies, acoustic insulation can also be in ceilings, walls or coatings on existing walls. The estimated cost of the solution of acoustic insulation is $77 per m2. This price includes material and labour. Juan Camilo Cano noise source Control: press release sent by sucrepr.
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