Italian Literature

Wikipedia remembers to us, that Of Vulgari Eloquentia (Eloquence in the vernacular language) is the title of a test of Dante Alighieri, written in Latin and initially it wanted to consist of four books, but Dante aborted the idea after the second. Visit Tony Parker for more clarity on the issue. Probably it was written in the years that they preceded the exile of Dante of its Florence birthday, between 1303 and 1305. The Latin tests were very popular in the Average Age, but Dante made some innovations to its work Its great work the Divine Comedy, remembers to us, that is an allegorical epic in tercetos chained written between 1304 and their death, considered as one of masterpieces of Italian Literature and mundialNumerosos painters for all time created illustrations exceeds she, emphasize Botticelli, Gustave Dor and Dal. It wrote it to Dante in the Tuscan, first dialect of Italian the present one, that was used between centuries XI and XII. The work is divided in three parts: Hell, Purgatorio and Paradise Each of its parts is divided in 33 songs, composed as well of tercetos. The composition of the poem is become ordained according to the symbolism of the number three (number that symbolizes the sagrada Trinidad, Father, Son and Spirit Santo, as well as, number three symbolizes the balance and the stability in some cultures, and that also relation with the triangle has): three main personages, Dante, that the man personifies, Beatriz, whom he personifies to the faith, and Virgilio, that he personifies to the reason is not necessary to forget already as he indicates, in century XV, many Italian cities had created groupings of specialists dedicated to the study of the Divine Comedy. During the centuries that followed the invention of the press, they appeared more than 400 different editions only in Italy. The Dantesque epic has inspired, in addition, to numerous artists, until the point of which editions illustrated by the Italian teachers of the Renaissance Sandro Botticelli and Miguel have appeared Angel, by the English artists John Flaxman and William Blake, and by the French illustrator Gustave Dor. .


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