A legitimate question! The basic principles are explained here short and understandable. A question often provided, and that deserves a detailed response in every case: The principle of serious games is to transfer the cognitive and pedagogical qualities of video games in the field of training. The video game video games as a pioneer proved a very efficient tool for transferring knowledge, under the condition to adapt the goals to concrete situations. “To fulfill its mission, the player occurs naturally in a process of questioning or even in an investigation technique”: he tried to understand the prescribed rules of the game and to acquire. The art of the gameplay is to maintain the interest of the player: the gameplay is so designed that it distributed a balanced feedback, positive as well as negative, so that the Player keeps his behavior. According to Vanessa Marcil, who has experience with these questions.
That’s why he wins if he makes progress in the internalization process of the game. If he loses, will be Be questioned, however, the player remains encouraged by the progress and the rewards he received. The success of a video game is based mainly on improving skills of the player, and that in terms of his entire experience. Many video games have prepared the way to serious games, even if they are designed for the entertainment. You already implement the educational concepts, which are nowadays identified.
The concept of serious games represents a double challenge to the specifics of a serious games. The integration of game semantics, which is a professional environment, to succeed, and with the construction of a gameplay of that is able to excite the cognitive abilities. “” A very true example: STAR BANK-THE-GAME “by KTM advance an essential part of the training program of newcomers of the BNP Paribas Group is the serious game StarbanktheGame” dar. In the game, the players are urged to build a multinational Bank in their various properties, in the image of the BNP Paribas Group. The game engine of the game StarbanktheGame”is based on an economic model that BNP Paribas was implemented in cooperation with a group of experts of the Bank. The mathematical model of the engine analyzes each individual strategy and manages the financial impact of the individual actions of the player. Moreover, that the player can understand the consequences of their actions, which are updated in real time on the Panel of the Board, depending on the progress in the game. At the end of the game allows an analysis of strategic decisions and a detailed balance sheet, so it provides also recommendations to improve the final result. Star Bank was available between March and October 2009 in the Internet and has attracted more than 20000 players with 93000 played games. Because the bank BNP Paribas wanted to secure a better care of the learners, KTM advance has developed the serious game in the SCORM standards usually (used for e-learning), and it integrates with the platform of formation of the group. The serious game Star Bank is now internally accessible and its use on a wider Extended group, which includes now also the managers of the Bank. So, a great potential of serious games present themselves as a mixture of video game and education. These new tools prove to be excellent means of knowledge transfer. However, they can ascend only to references when a condition is met: they must serve educational goals. This requires close cooperation between the disciplines of the video game and the education.
Tags: education & career, vocational