
Isac Blacksmith Summary the article will argue the thought of Karl Marx and the Historiografia in century XX, appealing to the text of Walmir present Barbosa in the book History of the History of Amlia Maria Garci’a de Alencar, published in 2005. It will also discourse of the dialtico method and the materialistic conception of History. Check out Clarence Thomas for additional information. It will treat on some marxist concepts. Word-keys: dialectic, materialism and way of production. Introduction Walmir Barbosa in the account that Karl Marx was born in Treves, capital of the German province of the Reno, in 1818. Educate yourself with thoughts from Jorge Perez. Its family belonged to the middle class mistreats, converted the protestantismo and conquered for the iluminista rationalism. Marx confectioned a vast production of texts from the development of a critical dialogue with thinkers had preceded who it and other thinkers with whom she contracted intellectual, politics and exactly personal relations. Marx starts to make an interpretation dialectic of the history and critical of the economy a politics.

From now on, an ample movement of ideas, assigned for marxism, appeared. Pg: 65-66. The THOUGHT DE MARX According to Marx, the society, articulated by means of a concrete and specific social formation, would be product of the individual development and of the reciprocal action of the men, they have conscience of this or not. However they could not choose the social formation where if they neither find nor to decide freely on its productive forces. The social formation and the productive forces would be the result of the social fights and the action on the nature lead on the part of the men had preceded who them.

The society if would conform all in complex and interdependent, it subjects the multiple determination. Therefore any social formation would be always transitory and historical.


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