In July 1987 launches ATI EGA Wonder family and Wonder VESA graphics power surpassing the conventional cards. In April 1989, helps establish a VESA standard in the printing industry in May 1991 and ATI product family creates Mach8 able to process graphics independently of the CPU Central Processing Unit. The following year ATI evolves and makes the Mach32 chipset that integrates the controller and graphics accelerator in a single chip.
In November 1993, was released and began trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange. In August 1994 introduced the ATI Mach64 is recognized as the first chipset motion video acceleration, had the support of the Graphics Xpression and Graphics Pro Turbo, I had hardware support for color space conversion from YUV to RGB, and this served to provide MPEG acceleration for PC.
In late 1996 developed the first 3D graphics acceleration chip that I call Rage, ATI already exceeded a million graphics chips sold, besides already had several locations spread throughout Europe. Although it was not until 1997 with his Rage II chipset when it took over the 3D market. This was the first to support hardware Z-Buffer, texture compression, bilinear filtering, trilinear and a number of interesting texture blending modes under Direct3D. In April we launched the 3D Rage Pro as one of the first AGP accelerator with great performance on DVD, he possessed a great design and even used to throw at 2X AGP versions. However, limiting the performance drivers of the plate and lost the top spot in the ranking of the graphics acceleration.
Later this year the company acquired Tseng Labs industry leading 2D graphics, including 40 new engineers in 1998 with the Rage 128 GL development that supports OpenGL. The good performance of the reports allowed the Rage 128 GL extraordinarily run in 32-bit and 32 MB of RAM. However, in the 16-bit (most common in games and applications at the time) this performance was not achieved, so that ATI failed to establish as the market leader in 3D, although he possessed the best support for DVD playback.
In early 1999, Ho was chosen as one of the top 25 entrepreneurs of the moment by Business Week Magazine, plus ATI Rage to put its AGP 4X and created the first mobile graphics card with 8 MB of onboard memory, The Rage Mobility. By April announcement of the new Rage 128 Pro chipset that improved the original including anisotropic filtering, an improved calculation engine triangles and greater clock speed, but improvements were not sufficient and do not get to compete with rivals. ATI also attempt to oust the competition by creating the Rage Fury Maxx which used two processors working in parallel but failed to function as intended and in addition the cost was higher because they also need twice the memory than usual.
In April 2000, ATI acquired ArtX leading developer of high performance graphics chips (one of the Flipper was used for the Nintendo GameCube) and announces the arrival besides its sixth generation of the R100 chip and the first board that the take was the Radeon 256. Its characteristics were a high-bandwidth, technology HyperZ (saving the computation of the objects are not observable), DDR (faster), full hardware Tandler (for calculation of lights and shadows) and Environment Mapped Bump Mapping, and also two pixel pipelines capable of using three textures at once. ATI took a qualitative leap, improved their Catalyst drivers, his performance at resolutions of 1024×768 and above was amazing and returned to lead the industry. The domain bit hard because the drivers of competition drew more out of their products but the advantages in MPEG playback made many users opt for the Radeon, with the launch of the All-in-Wonder Radeon provided toall users I need a video card can offer.
In 2001, the company is dedicated to launch their Radeon Mobility for laptops and the Radeon FireGL workstation graphics that need high power (after purchase of the FireGL professional graphics department to Diamond Multimedia that same year). You begin a time of constant evolution and improvement of its Radeon and R100 chipset (used in the Radeon 7000, 7200, 7500 and 7800GL) evolves to R200 (used in the Radeon 8000, 8500, 9100 and 8800GL).
In the years 2002 and 2003 announced the production and develop the graphic chip in the new console from Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Nintendo’s new console, the Wii (although at the time the project name was Revolution). You develop the R300, which used in the Radeon 9000, 9200, 9500, 9600, 9800 (the end is toward increased so that the user could select the most appropriate depending on the price she was willing to pay) and more acclaimed of all the 9700.