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The word Mr. teaches in to ask for them the God what it desires our heart, and if this order will be in accordance with will d? It and in the definitive time goes to mark itself. We saw in 2 Kings 2:9 ' ' Having they past, Elias said the Eliseu: She asks for to me what you want that I make, before he is taken by you. Eliseu said: I ask for to you that it has touched me for inheritance portion folded of yours esprito.' ' Eliseu was making a bold order the Elias, in the truth it wanted in double the power spiritual that Elias had, the prophet understands to be a difficult order of being granted and pointed a signal with respect to its successor alleging that if she saw it to Eliseu when its was taken been able would be granted to it. All know that Eliseu carried through the double of miracles that Elias carried through, therefore decided to ask for something that would go mark its ministry and marked as much that last fifteen years of its death some people led one dead to be embedded and when hears an invasion of the moabitas these men, when seeing the flock, had launched the deceased in the sepulture of Eliseu and when the deceased touched in its bones immediately came back to live.

God takes the serious o how we ask for! Reading friend, the word Mr. clarifies in them that being the bad men they know to give good gifts to its children, affirming that if a son to ask for to a fish its father to it will not give a snake to it and if the son to ask for to a bread the father to it will not give to a rock celestial father to it does not know to give good gifts to it to its children. God takes the serious one what we ask for! Ezequias after to hear the prophet who it would go to die prayed the Mr. and Mr. added it fifteen years of life, Salomo asked for wisdom alleging that he was boy and God granted to wisdom wealth and peace to it in its reign, the samaritana asked for water and Jesus gave a water to it that gushed out for the perpetual life. The unction of the Spirit is available the one that to ask for and God takes the serious one what you to ask for, have faith and please you Mr. and It will grant what desires its heart. How God in blesses you to Christ! Jezias shepherd Blacksmith.


The questionnaires can be classified in three categories: ' ' questionnaires of closed questions, questionnaires of open questions and questionnaires that combine both the types of questions. these types of instruments play the functions to describe the characteristics and measure definitive 0 variable of a group social.' ' (RICHARDSON, 2002, P. 190). In the here described case, we opt to a questionnaire of opened questions, since a bigger elaboration of the opinions of the interviewed ones is intended. The above-mentioned author still admits, the advantages of the opened questions, but at the same time he also admits some disadvantages: ' ' One of the advantages of the open questions is the possibility of the interviewed one to answer with more freedom, not being restricted to mark one or another alternative. This aid very the researcher when it has little information or wants to know one assunto.uma great disadvantage is the difficulty of classification and codificao' ' (RICHARDSON, 2002, P. 195). In this manner, we will break for the analysis of the data gotten through the interview and of the questionnaire, having considered the opinion of some authors, at the same time where we inside relate its ideas with the perspectives of the inclusion of the pertaining to school scene.

2. CHARACTERIZING the STATE SCHOOL PROFESSOR DIOMEDES SAINTS DA SILVA the school in question is located in the Set Fernando Collor de Melo, in the city of Ours Lady of the Aid, in this state. He was established to take care of to a clientele of four pupils the six years of age, being nominated as Preschool Professor ' ' Diomedes Saints Da Silva ' '. With the increasing demand and the municipalizao of preschool education, the institution was turned toward the attendance of the educandos of the initial series. In this manner, currently, the school takes care of the pupils of the first one to the fifth year of basic education.


Poetical Suatrajetria tried cantorias and its challenges, the twine and improvising suadico, the inicitica alfabetizao and the readings of classics dapoesia universal (Cames and Olavo Bilac). The practical one of the reading became it a self-taught person, however it only was interested for books of histories and common knowledges, but it read ques to guarantee them the knowledge on which it would work in depoesia form. Patativaapesar to have frequented the school for few months, possua a habilidadeinquestionvel in the letters and the forms to interpret world through seusversos. A genius of the memory and orality is owner of a vast production culturalque would reach the radio and if he would spread out midiaticamente until reaching mltiplaspercepes and undoing the border tenuous between what ‘ is considered; ‘ popular eerudito’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ regional and universal’ ‘.

Conscientious Patativa of its dom and its value as poet, and it affirms categoricamenteisso when it says: ‘ ‘ poet who has creativity as the Patativa has, is poucosviu? ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ He is raro’ ‘. (Feitosa, 2003:38). Oque if glimpsed in the trajectory of Patativa of the Assar is permanent dilogodele with its social environment, it wants this dialogue if it gives in chats or in you rhyme. Favourite Suacompanheira was the nature, species of inspired muse. It liked to detrabalhar alone, so that while decides the land, plants, clean; to pudesserefletir better on the things of the life, one to make laborious, that osustento guarantee in such a way of the body, how much of the poetical one. In the interviews, nor always if it showed as the same man of the daily one, had a certainty cuidadocom the approaches most incisive; when in colloquies with anonymous admirers, if it limited to use chaves, that if dealt with cliches, that is, respostasprontas. ‘ ‘ Patativano hears what it does not desire to hear and it has exit of most unusual for asperguntas indesejveis’ ‘. (Feitosa, 2003:18). importante to emphasize how much it primava for a preferential speech on sie on its workmanship, directing the image to be spread out by the media and between seuspesquisadores. Eraum man of strong personality, perhaps until intolerante, but to characterize opoeta goes beyond these trifling details, is to search in closest, the form as Patativainterpretava the things and as its verses spoke on the life, the loves and aslutas not only of the northeasterns, but of all kept out of society people. Umpoeta to the front of its time; the voice in Patativa of the Assar is cantotransformado in some cnticos. REFERNCIABIBLIOGRFICA ASSAR, Patativa of, I say and I do not ask for secret. So Paulo: Publishing presence, 2001. OAK, Gilmar of. Poetical anthology. $fortaleza: Editions Democritus Rock, 2007. FEITOSA, Tadeu Luiz, Patativa of the Assar: the trajectory of one I sing. So Paulo: EscriturasEditora, 2003.

Golden Mountain

I do not know why! _ And now, what vocs they find that the authorities go to make? _ Who knows? Nobody more wants to be delegated here in Golden Mountain range. Although to love the city, after the death of the Fulgncio, everybody lives terrified with the history of the Legend and if the mayor or the judge not to take a step, the city goes to turn city ghost, done the films of caubi. _ But will be that he does not appear nor a man capable to be delegated and goes to be necessary the people to abandon the city? For what we know, the commission agents have only died. From there, if he concludes that the other people are free of the threat. _ Is there that Mr. if is deceptive, young man, therefore the four that they had abandoned were glad men, friends of everybody and later that they had left, they had not spoken with plus nobody.

The Epaminondas was as, wants to say, the first one after the Euclides. Rapidinho was everything very, exactly. Later that the Epaminondas it left, had assumed the Baltazar, the Enoque, the God and Miro. They had taken two months more or less, had delivered the police station and if they had closed without speaking with plus nobody. Only that it opened the peak died of laranjada.

The other wanted to be more male and received lead. Now, what it is that lacks? She is people to see a mount of tanks to enter for the street and the nazistas to finish with everything. Not! People lived a life tranquila to erase a shameful page and I, at least, do not have more nerves. He looks at, the Alberto there is that he had to be nominated delegated. Put citizen the crossbow, only lives with that guitar, seeming that never necessary of nobody.

Great Reserve Luis Felipe

Delivery of prizes in the Hotel MOUNT CONQUERO the next Saturday day 15 of January, will take place in the halls the Hotel Conquero Mount, one of the hotels in Huelva nearer downtown, the delivery of the prizes that every year grants to the Association Luis Felipe of the City of Huelva. The act will be developed as of the 21.00 hours. In this edition, the association has granted the Prize from Culture 2010 to the University of Huelva, organization that was founded in 1993; on the other hand, the Prize of Sports has been granted to the historian and author of Digital History of the Real Recreational Club of Huelva, Bernardine Antonio Or the Leero. To the act of delivery of these awards the mayor of the city has confirmed his presence, Pedro Rodriguez, who will give the prizes the awarded ones, whereas the president of the Association Luis Felipe, Jose Enrique To sweep, imposes the standards of the association. The Association Luis Felipe of the City of Huelva was born with the vocation to disclose the knowledge of the Great Reserve Luis Felipe. This famous Brandy of great reputation, has come elaborating for more than a century in the famous Warehouses Blond from the Palm of the County (Huelva), where the tradition, the climate and the final excellence of a unique product, have done of this referring mark a world-wide one.

Kitchen Well

To add to a description for the article of Son many the elements that you must consider at the time of mounting the industrial kitchen. The hotel trade equipment are very important since each one of the utensils that you use to realise the meals need a care and a specific use, for that reason everything what we used from the pots and frying pans of teflon until the wood places setting can be a center of bacteria. For that reason the nourishing security does not only depend on the foods that we use if not that in many occasions depends on the materials that we put in contact with the food, like can be the stainless steel, the teflon, the glass, the aluminum, the clay or the silicone, that can become the main factor for the creation of numerous germs that can aggravate the food and cause, if they are used bad of way reiterated in a risk for the health. It is necessary to carry far the precaution since the stainless steel can release to heavy metals like nickel and cadmium, the anti-stick properties of the teflon own a toxic component. Other utensils very used they are those of wood and which we needed to know that by its condition of porous nature and the presence of cracks it is very easy that they accumulate rest of foods and humidity, that can generate centers of bacteria. Also they recommend to never wash these instruments in the dishwasher since the heat accelerates its deterioration. In the case of the mud casseroles they recommend to have well-taken care of if they are enameled because the varnish can contain heavy metals.

For that reason against the use of utensils of teflon, aluminum or wood the experts recommend to use the glass, since he does not make any type of reaction in the kitchen, neither he is corroded nor of oxidizes and he becomes one of the sites the more adapted to keep the food. In addition he has more benefits because he does not retain scents, he is anti-stick, he serves for microwaves, furnace and freezer since he resists temperatures that oscillate from 60C. until the 250 C. In addition at the time of the cleaning it is the material that with greater facility becomes disinfected so by all this more recomendado.

Escape To Barcelona In Christmas

Barcelona is a perfect destiny to organize a Christmas escape in pair or with the family. Purchases, funny celebrations, calm atmosphere and a perfect climate to cross the city make of the condal city bind perfect to relax, to break with the routine and to spend Christmases different. The temperate climate of the Mediterranean, with sunny days and average temperatures resists with the own Christmas decoration of destinies with snow and cold, but that also everything floods. The streets are full of lights and is everything a spectacle to cross them at night, in a calm stroll by the Boulevards or the district of Grcia. In a Christmas route by Barcelona he is habitual to find the traditional swap-meets of Christmas. Oldest and popular he is the one that organizes every year to few meters of the Cathedral of Barcelona, in the Plaa of the Seu: The Fira of Santa Llcia. There, the visitor will be able to find all type of Christmas decoration, of course, and the famous figure of caganer, symbol already of Catalan Christmas and that has its version of sportsmen famous, singing, political and until superheroes.

The Christmas purchases in Barcelona acquire a new sense. Barcelona is a city in which unique gifts for all the pleasures can be found. The more interesting route of purchases extends by the side streets of the gothic district and the Tip, exclusive floods of small stores with character, designs, unique pieces of clothes and an amiable and kind personnel. The city is completely open day 24 to complete the purchases, but it gets dressed festive 25, day of Christmas, and the 26, the day of San Esteban. However, 26 many of the main attractions and museums of Barcelona abren until noon and give to the visitor the possibility of enjoying their beauty little people, since the city to duer to me until behind schedule: The Sagrada Family, the cathedral, the Picasso Museum, the Gell park Essential. In order to eat, the Christmas gastronomy in Barcelona is everything an art. The restaurants of Barcelona abren the holidays and offer special menus with combined typical plates with original thought prescriptions to commemorate these dates of excesses and flavor. And to sleep the best thing it is to reserve in a hotel of the center of Barcelona, in a hotel surrounds Fira Barcelona that well is communicated with all the city. This will allow the traveller, mainly to the families, to move with facility and to have the possibility of resting more to little distance of the visited corners of Barcelona in Christmas.

Samuel Akinin Levy

To to find me with me in my nights of insomnia I go laying ways moving away me of manicomio then does not exist worse pain than the pains of the memory with her that we are seeing we do not have pardon already and arise so many infinite doubts questions that affect pains to me that backslide to each proposal. And it is that over the years that passes silente some moments go and they are in my mind. Are memories lived on very pleasing moments are as dear beings who when needing them, I call. That was precious it toned down yesterday in a while leaving the heart abierto in the delay of your love. Today that itself only abandonment that thought and shout to four winds you are owner of my love of which is born and lives that it moves with your anxieties whenever you go away that it waits for plenty of desire to that you show window your desires and warm anxieties to want to me once again. By the passage of time I see that I was accustomed to that you are of my life the motor of my love and is growing the desire are arming the dreams as it is met what we have made Samuel Akinin Levy both Disquisitions noctmbulas To to find me with me in my nights of insomnia I go laying ways moving away me of manicomio then does not exist worse pain than the pains of the memory with her that we are seeing we do not have pardon already and arise so many infinite doubts questions that affect pains to me that backslide to each proposal. And it is that over the years that passes silente some moments go and they are in my mind.

Are memories lived on very pleasing moments are as dear beings who when needing them, I call. That was precious it toned down yesterday in a while leaving the heart abierto in the delay of your love. Today that itself only abandonment that thought and shout to four winds you are owner of my love of which is born and lives that it moves with your anxieties whenever you go away that it waits for plenty of desire to that you show window your desires and warm anxieties to want to me once again.

The Value Of The Memories

Of the memories that I keep from my childhood with more affection, without a doubt it could mention two: osito of peluche Hugo call and a very pequeita wrist of pink rag, something despeluchada, the truth. First gifts of baby were my that I received to pains with hours of life. It is difficult to explain how a so pequeito being remembers certain things. Although it does not turn out strange to find because. Still I conserve to Hugo and the despeluchada one. And I see when them, immediately they come head images from my brothers: its gestures, their laughter, their cares, their pranks. They were first of the family in coming to know me and were first in doing a gift to me that to day of today itself conserving.

I will not remember the moment in which exactly they put in my cradle to osito and the wrist, nor how long happened jugueteando, touching or making bells and whistles to me with them. They appeared in each of my photos, and according to they tell me, came with me to all parts. I liked others, neither the more great nor the more tuna, only those two, only those that me they gave my brothers. And the reason is simply one: the babies yes perceive the gestures of affection, the caresses, the heat of a mother or a father, the tenderness of grandfathers, a smile or a glance. They keep them in his small memory they conserve and them for always. Now, whenever I look for gifts for babies who finish being born, not only I worry that it is practical, original or tuna. He has to be always that special detail that unties a smile, that creates illusion and surprise, that leaves track. A gift is an intention, an admiration and respect gesture.

It is to think with the heart, it is preoccupation, is feeling, interest by which they matter to you. It is gratefulness and it is to receive with the open arms. A gift transmits so much For that reason, we observed when it we watched, it we used and it, in our memory she will remain a person whom always it will appreciate to us and love.


The day of the wedding, without a doubt, is one of the days more unforgettable than they yearn for many fianc2es. But also there is another important event in the life of the married pair, the honeymoon. Generally in the honeymoon, previously planned, the new spouses travel to other places to enjoy their new married life. And exactly the hotels in Ibiza, are not only dedicated to the single woman travellers and whole families, but also to the pairs just married that arrive at the island to enjoy their honeymoon by several days and weeks. The hotels santa eulalia, also are lodgings where the new spouses can enjoy very romantic moments as a dinner to light of the moon and stars a musical bottom.

But everything will depend than they look for just married to celebrate his wedding the certain thing it is that to arrive at Ibiza to celebrate the first days of marriage, is an extraordinary idea to begin the relation of spouses since Ibiza is a cosmopolitan island with old traditions that feed their cultural wealth and offer historical sites worthy to be visited. In addition, they are its white sand beaches crystalline and their waters, that surround to anyone. And that to say of its natural landscapes with that blue sky and a radiating sun that it embellishes to all the island. Weddings in the beach On the other hand, with the advance of the modern tendencies, the fianc2es of now want to feel more identified with their own wedding. So many glide to marry in little conventional places. For example, one of the most favorite options by the fianc2es is to realise its wedding in the beach. Before it, many hotels in Ibiza offer services of wedding to the innovating fianc2es. Therefore, if these looking for next to your pair an original wedding, to marry you in the beach of Ibiza without a doubt are a dream wedding.
