10 Deadly Bacteria That Can Reach The Food (and How To Stop Them From )

Thousands of types of bacteria are naturally present in our environment. Not all bacteria cause disease in humans (for example, some bacteria are used beneficially in making cheese and yogurt). However, the main causes of food-borne illness include parasites, viruses and bacteria such as: 1. E. coli O157: H7 2. Campylobacter jejuni 3.

Salmonella 4. Staphylococcus aureus 5. Listeria monocytogenes in June. Clostridium perfringens 7. Vibrio parahaemolyticus in August.

Vibrio vulnificus 9. Virus hepatitis A, and 10. Norwalk and Norwalk-like virus Bacteria that cause disease are called pathogens. These organisms may be unwanted guests at the dinner table. When certain pathogens enter the food, which can cause foodborne illness. They are in a wide range of foods, including meat, milk and other dairy products, spices, chocolate, seafood, and even water. Million cases of foodborne illness occur each year. Most cases foodborne diseases can be prevented. Careless food handling sets the stage for the growth of pathogens "bugs." For example, hot or cold food stand at room temperature too long, provide an ideal climate for bacteria to grow. Click Sam Feldman for additional related pages. Proper cooking or processing of food destroys bacteria. Fresh does not always mean security. The organisms that cause food poisoning are not those that cause spoilage. Often layers of wax of certain types of products such as apples and cucumbers, and pesticide trap in May. To remove the wax, wash with dish soap too thin and a soft brush, or peel (the best nutrients often in the shell, though). Food may be cross contaminated when cutting boards and utensils that have been used to prepare a contaminated food such as raw chicken, are not cleaned before being used for other food such as vegetables.


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