
SMC in 2009 – Groups of Capoeira of the Cear Photo: Gerson of the ValleGrupos de Capoeira of the state of the Cear &#039 will go to carry through called project; ' I am craque in the Capoeira and in the drugs I give rasteira' '. The objective is to debate with on authorities, society, entities and people worried about the propagation of the drugs in our capital, searching a combat form, using in this in case that, the Capoeira as half of social inclusion. They are involved in this project about 15 (fifteen) Groups of Capoeira of the Capital and the Interior the State. At San Antonio Spurs you will find additional information. In all Brazil, more especially in our State, the drugs have proliferated in frightful way, taking many them our young to its consumption and the death; to put the disciplinarian Capoeira as instrument comes occupying space of prominence in this context and offering significant contributions through its educators. According to IBGE, 62% of the pertaining to the state of Cear population live below of the line of the poverty, in contrast with a different concentration of income at the hands of a minority; the unemployment reaches 200 a thousand people, mainly the young. consumption of crack in our capital, a drug with the highly harmful power and quick capacity of degradation human being, has grown of frightful form between youth, adds it this the fact of $fortaleza to coexist 700 slum quarters more than, the majority without forecast of politics publishes of education, culture or leisure, measures these that could contribute significantly to brighten up the devastador social picture that comes daily being shown. Ver. Iraguass, Pupils, Professors, C.Mestres and Mestres in Capoeira – Photo Gerson Archive of the Valle Since 2007, the doctor and councilman Iraguass Teixeira PDT/CE, has given its contribution through parliamentary emendation for some Groups of Capoeira in $fortaleza, in the emendations for 2010, the parliamentarian destined R$ 160,000, 00 which will go to contemplate 15 Groups of Capoeira and R$ 20,000, 00 for the accomplishment of the Municipal Week of the Capoeira of 2011, project of law 9041/05, that this year will have as subject: ' ' I am craque in the Capoeira and the drugs I give rasteira' '. .


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