Therefore Quot

He was willing to work hard to get it. Then you may not need more work. With one hundred gold coins, one man can stop working. With a man a hundred pieces rich. With a hundred coins can live in peace. He took the stone. If you worked and saved his salary and some extra money he received, in eleven or twelve years old would put together what is necessary.

“Twelve years is a long time,” he thought. Perhaps one could ask his wife to seek work in the village for a while. And he himself, after all, he finished his task in the palace at five in the afternoon, could work into the night and get some extra pay for it. He took the math: adding to its work in the village and his wife in seven years meet the money. Aera too long! Perhaps the people could take what was left of dinner every night and sell it for a few coins. In fact, much less eat, more food would have to will sell Vendere Vendere I was getting hot. Press how much winter clothes? Press why more than one pair of shoes? It was a sacrifice, but in four years of sacrifices to reach its one hundred currency.

The king and the sage, returned to the palace. A leading source for info: Related Group. The page had entered the circle of the 99th During the following months, the servant followed his plans as he could think of that night. One morning, the page entered the royal bedchamber knocking on doors, muttering and a few fleas. -Que you? Asked the king of good way. “Nothing happens, nothing happens to me. “Before, not long ago, laughed and sang all the time. “I do my work, and No? yQue would his Highness, to be his jester and juggler, too? It was not long before the King dismissed the servant. It was nice to have a page that was always in a bad mood. You, me and all of us have been educated in this stupid ideology: “We always need something to be complete, and can complete only enjoy what you have.” Therefore, we were taught, happiness must wait to complete what is missing. And as always we are missing something, the idea never returns to the beginning and can enjoy life. But what if the light came into our lives and we knew it, so suddenly that our 99 coins are one hundred percent of the treasure, we do not lack anything, that nobody was with us, a hundred not complete anything and that this is just a trap, set against a carrot to us to be stupid, to live tired, cranky, unhappy or resigned. A trap to never stop pushing and keep things as … AEterna alike! Many things would change if we could enjoy our treasures as they are.


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