An anemia is defined by the upheaval in the number of erythrocytes (Red blood cells), in the amount of hemoglobina (transporting Protein of oxygen in the blood), iron and folic acid. By regulating, the anemia is translated in a considerable diminution of anyone of both elements before mentioned. During a pregnancy it is normal that a slight anemia appears, because the mother, from the moment at which she undergoes the gestation, requires of a greater iron contribution to produce red blood cells. This type of anemia, ligature to the iron deficiency, is most common and it is due to that the mother does not take a suitable diet and will have to consume extra iron to be able to have a healthful pregnancy and, thus, to arrive at a good term. In order to avoid a severe anemia that causes an abortion by undernourishment of the product or malformation, it is important to be realised a series of blood analyses that determine amount of erythrocytes and the values of hemoglobina, iron and folic acid in the blood. These analyses must become in the first weeks of the pregnancy, although the optimal thing is to be realised these studies with certain regularity before planning a pregnancy, to conceive it in the optimal conditions. When the patient suffers of an anemia brought about by iron deficiency, it is possible to deal with it with tablets iron, which are I supplement of iron which they do not suppose risk some for the fetus; nevertheless, yes it can cause to certain malaise in the stomach and/or constipation in the mother.
By the amount of physiological changes and the instabilities that can get to bring about a pregnancy, are highly recommendable that the majority of the embarrassed women, or with plans of pregnancy, they ingest iron in a moderate amount. The previous thing must that during the childbirth, they can gets to bleed in such a way that they can lose considerable iron levels, besides the necessary contribution for the fetus during the development during the pregnancy. In case an anemia is suffered caused by folic acid deficiency it is possible to deal with such deficiency by means of the consumption tablets of folato. Also the case of patients with drepanoctica anemia exists, a disease that is hereditary and in that the hemoglobina levels are abnormal. In these cases, the treatment is still cause of a great controversy, since sometimes it is required to as much realise transfusions of blood for the survival of the mother as of the product. Original author and source of the article.