Archive for June, 2020

European Union

One hundred ninety and two countries are reunited, during fifteen days, in Copenhagen, to agree to international a legal regime that brings solutions to the crisis of the global heating, under the expectant glance of all the citizens of the world. Greenpeace took the debate, before beginning the summit, with an impressive publicity: great fotomontajes of the most important world-wide leaders made old digitally and apologising by not to have made the decisions to stop the catastrophe. There is today a world-wide consensus to impute the growth of the Earth heating, fruit of the massive fossil fuel use – coal, petroleum and natural gas like power plants, to, mainly, the industrialized countries, emphasizing among them to the United States, China, Japan and the European Union. A desirable end would be the signing of a treaty that implies the transformation of economic policies, with a commitment of redistribution of technologies, going in the direction of the fairness between north and the south and taking important steps to obtain the geopolitical balance that jeopardizes the deepest interests of all the states. That it is managed at least to establish the mechanisms to stabilize the level of concentration of the gases that produce the greenhouse effect in 450 ppm (parts per million), which will mean to lower to half the world-wide emissions of to the year 2050 and restraining the increase of the heating here in maximum 2 degrees Celsius for the end of the century. But, the risks are many.

I emphasize only two of them. First, it is that the thing finishes in a declaration without no impact, or simply of good intentions without the political will is pronounced to take action already. The second is that the summit finishes with measures that sobredetermine the proportions and privilege the promotion and the interchange of new technologies nonproven that are a business more for the developed countries. The entire world hope that in this occasion the very many advance more than has become in these last 12 years, because the effects of the global heating they are already inocultables and disastrous. Anna Belknap often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The snow extension in the world is handicapped in a 10% in the North hemisphere from years 60.

The loss of mass of polar glaciers and caps can cause an increase of the marine level of 15 in 95 centimeters for 2100, which would put in danger many coastal islands and regions, including the Colombians. The droughts day to day last much more due to the change of the rain landlords, the flows of the rivers, the levels of the Lagos and the water of the ground. The metereolgicos disasters now are of amazing proportions and the social, economic and environmental costs of the damages caused by floods, you followed, wild fires, etc, increase continuous and they will be made untenable in a moment. The great migratory masses now are going to have another reason that it will have as result climatic million of sheltered and calculates that between the 15 and 37% of the species of the planet could be extinguished! The time Copenhagen was run out and the history of Kyoto cannot repeat.

Western Hemishpere

He is only poor that one that chose the ignorance like life style. Proverb Finished one more a Summit, hoping than the encounter has waked up more commitment, solidarity between the attending countries, especially those of cuts Socialists, who trust that the United States with their present president Barack Obama, is not simple promises, dispositions without action, but that really it demonstrates the interest of the United States to take step to a diplomacy that it looks for to approach more the countries, to jeopardize with an integrity, solidarity that the economic crisis confronts seriously world-wide and of passage to a new approach that favors to all. As it reviews the reason is, the V Summit of the Americas with the important success that supposes approach between the United States and countries like Venezuela whose leaders have carried out verbal and diplomatic conflicts with Washington. Nevertheless, the leaders of the Western Hemishpere do not have managed to agree a position for the elaboration of document end. After the plenary sessions in which it was spoken of economy, security energetics, governability or global heating, concluded the summit, described by the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, like most productive of the last decade, according to it picks up the agency of the news ABN., already that is important always considering the position of protest of president Chvez before the profits of these summits. On the other hand, the president of Trinidad and Tobago, Patrick Manning, explained that it has attended many meetings, but no has had " the spirit of as positive cooperation as the one that we had here in Port Espaa". In addition, it emphasized the initial moment of the summit when American president, Barack Obama, spoke of " a new one direction and a new vision of the United States " towards the continent, and soon this vision " one was reflected in an equivalent declaration of the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chvez". .

Life Goals

The only time we have to find our passion is now, not in the future or the past, but it is important to see that what we seek is a true meaning if we align our goals to achieve. When we have unity of purpose to reach that summit where our potential is realized and there is only creativity. The recognition that our personality can be changed for better personal and professional results is the first step to finding our passion, we are simply a series of habits and behaviors that have accumulated throughout our life and has often taken control of our daily tasks, so that we fail to act and become simply pawns in our habits. Lynn Redgrave is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The situation can easily change the fact begin to be aware of this opens the door to new opportunities before we could not see, but of course this, effort is required in order to change and that effort should be with the goal of knowing ourselves along with our strengths and weaknesses. Slowly we gradually increase our strengths and diminish our weaknesses. It requires conscious effort and continued to do so, it requires sacrificing some of our bad habits and opt for new and t the same time enjoy the process. Vanessa Marcil is often quoted on this topic. If we see life as a continuous learning will see that there are only options to grow. If we fail or we succeed only depends on our attitude, if we learn from what happens to us then we will see that everything turns into profit, because we are learning the lessons that arise in daily life and we fail to act according to our old habits and begin to act according to our new lessons. The invitation is to continue to pursue the activities that we love and find them, make them with all our energy and dedication. Camilo Buitrago
