Posts Tagged ‘psychology’


To establish a positive glance instead of a negative glance can take to you to obtain the things that you have not been able to obtain and those that never you imagined. The power of the positive thought incommensurable and to is sometimes obtained true miracles A positive attitude is the entrance to achieve the success and the happiness. However a negative attitude prevents that you can achieve the success and the happiness. If these living your full life on anxiety and insecurities, but surely are that these having a negative attitude. A positive attitude is not something that you can buy or request in a store or business. It is an ability that can be learned if you really wish it. Here they are some advice: The life is to make decisions. If you decide to be happy, then you will be happy.

Obvious tendras your bumps, but is then when it depends on you, if these situations make you feel badly. Watching the positive side of the life instead of the negative side without a doubt it will attract positive things your newspaper to live. Your day with a smile begins when you watch in front of the mirror and sides that everything began to improve. Happy Rodate of happy people and thoughts. There you will be able to find the happiness and the success. To deepen your understanding Ken Kao is the source.

Full your heart of joy to the maximum in order that there will be no more space for the sadness, the anxiety, the insecurity and the failure. It clears your mind of negative thoughts, because these thoughts did not let think to you of objective and positive way. To have positive a mental attitude, most of the time fortalecera to handle to your subjects and problems to you. Lee books that fill to you of inspiration or funny histories that help to improve your mood. If you can do this by the mornings mantendras your mood elevated during the rest of the day. Involucarte in the exercise regular, to release to stress and the fats nonwished, this hara to feel to you but light and full of energy during the day, this doubtlessly would increase your state of intention. Having a mental attitude positive you dara the strength to pass all the tests and difficulties that the life can draw for to you. Entoces that delays to give a turn to your life, follows these advice and sides the results in few weeks. If these looking for information of quality on visitanos Investments in Panama in Lee the Best Books of Investments to increase the yield of your business

The Way

To transfer to each person, great part of the responsibility for its life, pass to be also a social necessity. As first measure, she is necessary to leave of side the old and orthodox tool: the punishment. Sela Ward takes a slightly different approach. Instead of this, to stand out the responsibility that each human being must exactly have in relation itself and to the other. A better society and more joust depend, over all, in the way as it acts in it. It would abandon of time the reasoning of that, only with the job of the punishment, it is possible to develop the responsibility sense, important, without a doubt, for the improvement of the quality of life. Sela Ward wanted to know more. Thus, of ownership of these new values, the people will go to the few if becoming transforming agents, leaving of side, definitively, the passivity that much not only harms they as the proper society.

With this new conscience, there yes, she will be possible to construct a better world, a world where each human being search to not only make optimum for itself as for the other. Now, opening a parenthesis, it is important that let us make an analysis with more details on the world where we live and of the importance of the society in our lives. Each society, either most primitive, either most complex, establishes, demands and controls, through direct or indirect rules, the fulfilment of its requirements that they are transmitted by the educational system. Through the educational system, it controls and it determines the degree of importance of the information and which are the information that could be passed to the people. In other words, it determines which the requirements are basic for the social man, as much in level of thought behavior as, creating, thus, a social man who thinks as it desires that it thinks. The objectives, desires, wills and values are incased inside of certain limits.

The Same

In the experience of pain is also the object allogeneic cathected, when by means of a given circumstance, there is a recatectizacion of that object, displeasure and a tendency arises to the download that corresponds to the experience of pain. While this experience had been defined by Freud as an excessive intrusion of charge (Q), allogeneic catectizacion object, a product of this first experience makes a repetition of the same increase is for an amount (Qn), as in the experience of satisfaction. The residues of these two processes are the emotions and wishful states have in common lead to increased tension in the system related to memory. The wishful state, produces a positive attraction towards the desired object (a), while the affect associated with the painful experience repulsion produces a mnemonic image linked to hostile, that repulsion is called the primary defense. Nigel Slater is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The presence of these two processes in the system memory-related neuronal form an organization called me. "The self must be defined as all f cathexes existing at a given time, being necessary to distinguish among them a permanent portion and a variable" b) The reality far Freud describe a system dominated by the pleasure principle, where they look for the pleasant and unpleasant it is repudiated. However, as already indicated, to a new emergence of the need wishful ab complex, tends to repeat itself, but this process does not exhaust the cathexis, since the object represented by the neuron does not exist in the outside world is hallucinatory, so imposing the need for a new approach in terms of satisfaction, a sign which can distinguish a representation of a perception, since the displeasure can not be inhibited by way of repetition, which is a failure of the primary defense, that criterion is no longer taken into account only the pleasant but also what unpleasant. .

Ninth House Natal Chart

Sagittarius is straightforward and truthful, it should not be punished for the truth and the truth contained in his words. Sagittarius – the only character whose words contain the divine and magical truth. The idea of Sagittarius is through words, projecting higher truths, to improve the world around us. Higher Power gave a high spiritual Sagittarius ability to change the surrounding reality with words. 'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. It was beginning with God. All were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made. In him was life and the life was the light of men '(The Bible, The Holy Gospel of John 1:1-4).

Many of the clergy (bishops of the Church) philosophers and leaders of sects, preachers, and ideologues, Satan changed the scale of values, and they began to consider the most important thing is not his teachings, and secular (worldly) goods and praise his people. They fell in love (thanks to Dark forces) is not the truth, and glory. Christ knew and talked about it. 'For they loved the praise of men more than the glory of God' (The Bible, The Holy Gospel of John 12:43). Zodiac Sagittarius symbolically corresponds to the ninth house natal chart. Influence of the ninth house natal chart on human life realization of common structures, abstract thinking person, as opposed to concrete thinking, defines the third house of natal chart. Ideology rights.

Religious, philosophical and ideological orientation and the concept of rights. Faith in God through reason, not by feelings. Sela Ward may also support this cause. Highly educated people, as opposed to higher education, since higher education and higher education is not the same thing. Higher education does not guarantee higher education. Therefore, the ninth house indicates it is a high level of education, rather than on higher education.

Therefore Quot

He was willing to work hard to get it. Then you may not need more work. With one hundred gold coins, one man can stop working. With a man a hundred pieces rich. With a hundred coins can live in peace. He took the stone. If you worked and saved his salary and some extra money he received, in eleven or twelve years old would put together what is necessary.

“Twelve years is a long time,” he thought. Perhaps one could ask his wife to seek work in the village for a while. And he himself, after all, he finished his task in the palace at five in the afternoon, could work into the night and get some extra pay for it. He took the math: adding to its work in the village and his wife in seven years meet the money. Aera too long! Perhaps the people could take what was left of dinner every night and sell it for a few coins. In fact, much less eat, more food would have to will sell Vendere Vendere I was getting hot. Press how much winter clothes? Press why more than one pair of shoes? It was a sacrifice, but in four years of sacrifices to reach its one hundred currency.

The king and the sage, returned to the palace. A leading source for info: Related Group. The page had entered the circle of the 99th During the following months, the servant followed his plans as he could think of that night. One morning, the page entered the royal bedchamber knocking on doors, muttering and a few fleas. -Que you? Asked the king of good way. “Nothing happens, nothing happens to me. “Before, not long ago, laughed and sang all the time. “I do my work, and No? yQue would his Highness, to be his jester and juggler, too? It was not long before the King dismissed the servant. It was nice to have a page that was always in a bad mood. You, me and all of us have been educated in this stupid ideology: “We always need something to be complete, and can complete only enjoy what you have.” Therefore, we were taught, happiness must wait to complete what is missing. And as always we are missing something, the idea never returns to the beginning and can enjoy life. But what if the light came into our lives and we knew it, so suddenly that our 99 coins are one hundred percent of the treasure, we do not lack anything, that nobody was with us, a hundred not complete anything and that this is just a trap, set against a carrot to us to be stupid, to live tired, cranky, unhappy or resigned. A trap to never stop pushing and keep things as … AEterna alike! Many things would change if we could enjoy our treasures as they are.

Later Identity

They can serve as a species of therapy, in the direction to have a revelation of the adolescents of feelings that in other cases would be restrained. They also provide a certainty of that the adolescent is not alone in what she is passing. The group of adolescents the adolescence is the period that precedes the adult life, where is not more child. In this phase, the adolescent is to the search of ' ' Eu' ' , in the others. Therefore it occurs identification with people of determined social group. Although the construction of the identity if gives since the beginning of the life, it is in the adolescence of the individual that it defines itself, if directs for a profile more concrete, making with that this experience finishes if becoming a main element in the life adolescent it.

The identity if organizes for identifications, at the beginning is with the father or mother, later the individual passes if to identify with other familiar ones, and finally she becomes related with professors, dolos, friends, with the society in general. ' ' In the initial adolescence, the identity if structure as one ' ' bedspread of retalhos' ' , in which each remnant is one? piece? of somebody, becoming difficult to know with? who? we are talking at the moment Later occurs one? amalgam? where some experiences of identification if? they establish. This is a slow and difficult process, as much for the adolescent as for the adults who coexist ele' ' (OUTEIRAL, 2003, p.63). To the measure that happens development, the adolescent goes if disconnect of the parents to become little immature dependent and, having relations with people is of the familiar context. The group of adolescent is the first step for the search of the identity and this perhaps, either the most important aspect. In accordance with Conger (1980), the influence exerted for the friends in the phase of the adolescence is especially critical.

The Beatles Yesterday

Look over the book in the distance, and then slowly lift the book to the level of sight without a vision and focus of attention. You can read the text? What is it in the text? You need to concentrate. To focus the mind and attention to the text to understand its meaning. And your brain is perceived and memorized the entire text as a picture. Modern science says that this picture is stored forever in our minds at the subconscious level. All of our memories, concentration – 2% of the level of the subconscious, so that we instantly get a huge amount of information, but are aware of it through a narrow slit of consciousness (look at the huge world through a small hole in the fence). "Knowledge – is difficult and painful process, and recognition – is always a joy, "- says modern science.

Remember, when you meet on the street an old acquaintance, with whom connected fond memories, what have you had feelings? And what emotions to wake up at you, if on the street, suddenly, for you will throw your arms with the "torturer" from childhood or a person about whom you have only negative memories? See the difference? Imagine that you want to hear song of The Beatles Yesterday by radio. You need to find and catch the radio station. Then difficulties begin: 1) Yesterday not in constant rotation on most radio stations, and 2) require the station to broadcast a Yesterday may sound, and 3) to give all their attention on the search or just wait until Yesterday will be performed at your chosen station, etc. So it is with our minds, we set it at a certain rate of perception and get what we ordered, only waiting time period, we can not control. Well, if you are confident in their choice, then a modicum of patience and a sip of luck will take you to the desired result. Presented us catalysts Fortunately, you can compare with the record Yesterday by the carrier from which you can always play this song.

Vic, you can simply save it as a picture from our website and print. Quality "play" image and vector product (Obtained from the store) differ as play MP3 and cd with high-end brand of equipment in a prepared to listen to music indoors. You experience the pleasure of immersion in music? Each perceive the world differently and looks forward to the World of certain results, actions and events. Yes, the same small difference in the resulting distress may have, call rejection, resentment, even though we get what we asked for. For example, Yesterday sounds on the radio, but it performs a punk rock band that "hits" on your ears. Or you hear the music, begin it "purr" and understand that this is a very interesting performance Yesterday in jazz style. There is a variant of the universal – musical notation (Voucher). If you read the notes you hear music or see the happiness, then you just need to get the music notation and enjoy it, playing in his head or perform on a suitable musical instrument. Your performance, understanding Yesterday (Happiness) will be different from the rest, but if you invest fully implemented, it increases the likelihood that the people around you will treat you with approval – means you become a master. Become a master – a resident of Happiness – everyone can!
