What do women want? These questions were asked of any man! And really what we want, that should do for us man, we are obedient to him? I wonder? That’s me too! To be honest, I do not know. All of that for us do not, We will always be small, we want something – something more! Yes, yes, here we are greedy! And maybe for us and it is not necessary nor what to do! After all, according to statistics, if a woman put 10 men, nine of which are just angels, and One of this poddonkom who already broke no heart, we choose exactly it! And what you can find an explanation? In fact, it is simple, we are women, and in our blood to re-educate, by choosing such a man, we first think about what next to us he will change and never will be available vile! With such thoughts we begin to correct, sometimes we have it out! Well, in case of failure, we collect things, screaming and crying that what he bastard, and I could stay with this man! As if once we do not understand! In general, we – women creating unpredictable, sometimes we can do such things, which men and think they can not. And it is this helps us to be stronger, wiser and more determined!
Our logic, defies any explanation of what on what we are accustomed themselves to run their lives! And whatever we do, we’re doing it for themselves: even when I get up at six in the morning to cook breakfast to her husband, children! If we do not enjoy it, we would not we do it! This is the essence of all our ladies! Neither man nor when there would be administered to women – we are cats who walk by themselves and we also host your own! Oh and if chosen, then we are committed to him forever! A man will only have one – let us make that choice! We women do not have a lot to be happy, we do not choosy, what we consider a man! And to you, dear you are ours, we want only one love, warmth and understanding. No need to refer to the desires of women as something – something unusual, we do not need a star from heaven, we’ll be happy and a cup of coffee in bed! Our desires are comparable to your opportunities..