Archive for September, 2013

Women Want Something

What do women want? These questions were asked of any man! And really what we want, that should do for us man, we are obedient to him? I wonder? That’s me too! To be honest, I do not know. All of that for us do not, We will always be small, we want something – something more! Yes, yes, here we are greedy! And maybe for us and it is not necessary nor what to do! After all, according to statistics, if a woman put 10 men, nine of which are just angels, and One of this poddonkom who already broke no heart, we choose exactly it! And what you can find an explanation? In fact, it is simple, we are women, and in our blood to re-educate, by choosing such a man, we first think about what next to us he will change and never will be available vile! With such thoughts we begin to correct, sometimes we have it out! Well, in case of failure, we collect things, screaming and crying that what he bastard, and I could stay with this man! As if once we do not understand! In general, we – women creating unpredictable, sometimes we can do such things, which men and think they can not. And it is this helps us to be stronger, wiser and more determined!

Our logic, defies any explanation of what on what we are accustomed themselves to run their lives! And whatever we do, we’re doing it for themselves: even when I get up at six in the morning to cook breakfast to her husband, children! If we do not enjoy it, we would not we do it! This is the essence of all our ladies! Neither man nor when there would be administered to women – we are cats who walk by themselves and we also host your own! Oh and if chosen, then we are committed to him forever! A man will only have one – let us make that choice! We women do not have a lot to be happy, we do not choosy, what we consider a man! And to you, dear you are ours, we want only one love, warmth and understanding. No need to refer to the desires of women as something – something unusual, we do not need a star from heaven, we’ll be happy and a cup of coffee in bed! Our desires are comparable to your opportunities..

October Revolution

I was getting married. Seventh day of November 1976 I sat in the dining room 'Jubilee' and was getting married. An infinite number of guests congratulated us incessantly, shouting 'bitter', something desired. It was all very decent, right. Fatah and white dress, the wedding procession and flowers. Even the TV filming, while it was very cool. The people celebrated the anniversary of the October Revolution and in honor of the event to register a marriage valuable employees, which treated my future husband, was held at the Palace of Culture 'Zheleznodorozhnik' in a particularly festive atmosphere, with a broadcast on local television. Everything was beautiful.

The horror was that I did not feel the anticipated delight crazy luck, or something like that, something good coming from his own wedding in 18 years. Behind my mother's tears, the sighs of envious friends, pre-wedding worries. I was sitting at his own wedding, looked at the drunken guests rose to greetings, kissing the bride and acutely felt the unreality of the situation. It was a movie. Real movies. And I have played a major role. The first sign of the fragility of the marriage was very cold weather.

Never, neither before nor after 1976 a cold this time of year was not. Following unpleasant aspect was the lack of a car that was supposed to take away our sleep in the house of the groom. A relative, who was entrusted to resolve the issue, not agreed, and as a result of beautiful wire married couple in the bedroom did not work. Moreover, we had to walk in the frost in the wedding dress and beautiful shoes instead had someone else's shoe boots so as not to freeze up. AND it was a sign of the second. But the most unpleasant to come. My 'dowry' which should have been delivered to our bedroom to the end of the wedding, was stolen. At first I did not believe it, thought it was just a bad joke. When I realized that this however, burst into tears on his chest and groom mentally said goodbye to him. I already knew, that we do not live together until the silver wedding anniversary. In the 'dowry' was the bed, pillows, my dresses, and other things. But most importantly – there were the boots. This was the third sign. We lived for three years, and then another three years apart, put up again parted. During this time our son was born, and at one period of our separation, I met her first, and only true love. Now, When I approach the half-century anniversary, I understand – the purpose of this marriage was the birth of a son. He became my friend and support, an assistant principal and counselor. But the main thing is not about me. The family of my first husband was no more weddings, although there was still a brother and two sisters. Thus, our son is the only one who will continue to race. So do not believe then in the popular superstitions. Well, my movie where I played a major role, continues, but that's another story.

Star Trek Sequel

Remember that in his preview, Star Trek came to 4 million dollars, during the Thursday May 6, 2009, the film reached 7 million fundraising, climbing on Friday to 33 million! Despite these strong figures, did not overcome to X-Men origins: Wolverine, which remained as the best opening of the year so far, with 85 million dollars raised the weekend (May 8 to 10 2009) (Avatar turned out to be the owner of the ticket office 2009). With the relaunch of a saga, the first movie has to be about the origin. But for the second, you have tremendous opportunities to explore amazing and exciting things. We will be ambitious about what we will do, said Kurtzman (writer of the current film of the franchise). The producer plans are that the script is ready and so begin filming in early 2010 to ensure the continuation of Star Trek in theaters in the summer of 2011. With the review and rewrite of the screenplay by the co-creator of Lost and collaborator J.J.

Abrams, Damon Lindelof this movie is compared to one of the movies most blockbuster of history: The Dark Knight (2008). Although it is too early to talk about an argument, the string E! Entertainment approached Lindelof to have comments on progress: we are looking for a film like The Dark Knight, which was a step forward to Batman Begins. It was really about something and, at the same time, a superhero movie. We don’t want to give up all the things that made the first film (the origin of the story) work because it has been fun and emotional, but we also want to make the sequel thematically resonant. It may be that Damon Lindelof is sincere with the objective that you want to reach production, the origin of a history of science fiction with solid argument and transcendental themes. If you can go beyond with this sequel, the franchise could win more adherents; exit formula is the key to arrive at the current hearing. But mention to The Dark Knight and, indirectly, to Christopher Nolan? Point, we became clear though do not think necessary comparison; now everyone wants to be Nolan or gain some attention with his name.

Diving In Asturias

Diving in Asturias is practised in numerous coves and beaches between cliffs that allow to enjoy a wild and quiet nature. Diving in Asturias Asturias is distinguished by its microclimates that differentiate your coastal central and the mountainous area, which surrounds the province as if it were a theater overlooking the Bay of Biscay, although generally enjoys mild temperatures throughout the year which give you that eternal green landscape. Asturias has two natural parks, natural and wild beaches, cliffs and many fishing ports. Diving in Asturias is broad in possibilities, coves and natural beaches. Diving in coves of Asturias the Asturian Coast consists of multiple small coves and fishing ports that offer numerous dive sites. Diving in coves of Asturias is practiced for example in cabo de San Antonio in Candas, with three coves which is accessed from the cemetery, ideal for the practice of fishing. Delighted and Carranques Beach are also visited for scuba diving, although movement between tides hamper something vision. Are in Gijon several immersion points.

Cape San Lorenzo offers a rocky surface sheltered from the wind and the waves. The twins is reached with boat discover enormous crack that lies between these cliffs, the beach of fine sand Penarrubia. The Cagonera, serine, and Providence are small coves to discover countless channels diving. Laminaria Beach has large rocks and coarse sand, and invites you to dive toward their banks of sand. La playa de Tauran is a natural swimming pool. Spain, in Villaverde, is one of the largest. In Cudillero, the beach of silence is one of the most beautiful and has multiple channels for diving, while that of El Castrillon has impressive canyons. San Pedro de Luina is wild beach of great natural interest, the Concha de Artedo is the most sheltered in temporary days for scuba diving in coves of Asturias.

Diving in beaches of Asturias in Asturias beaches scuba diving also has its surprises as the anchor sunk in Lastres Beach, from whose port numerous dives are carried out. The island of the Deva in Castrillon surprises with its numerous fauna while Santa Maria del Mar does with its black, between multiple services arenas to be one of the best sheltered beaches. Llanes has a huge international fame. La playa de Troenzo combines rocks and sands of Borizo shows characteristic eroded stones of this coast. Gozon account points of immersion. The island of Antromero draws attention by its various islets El Castro makes it possible to follow the cliffs diving along canals. Llumeres is a small beach of Red waters due to the nearby former iron mine, remaining however visibility to diving in its waters. Moniello beach is preferably used for fishing while the cabo de Penas is a dangerous place, of currents, with its sunken ship, the African coast, and a sheltered area where practice scuba diving. Ribadedeva boasts beautiful Santiuste beach or stunning Cove of the canon of San Emeterio or longline, one of the most impressive for scuba diving in beaches of Asturias. Nearby, they expect the Chano cave and El Pindal. Aquatic sports in Asturias the River Sella organizes an international descent between Arriondas and Ribadesella that can be performed by any aficionado of canoe. But in Asturias you can also practice the visit to natural caves or down the channels of rivers. Among the aquatic sports in Asturias missing surfing and bodyboarding, to enjoy as deserves this Green and rugged coast that hides its best beaches and coves. You dive in Asturias? Share your experience on Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest
