Archive for December, 2015


One of the most important skills we require everyone, today, is eldominio of the financial issue. We live an era totally different from everything that preceded us and for this reason we can not remain indifferent to the changes that came, that are happening and those who will come in the near future. The financial education has been left side for generations and people got used to thinking that you nothing having to do with numbers, income, business, investment, budget, accounting, etc, etc, it corresponded directly, but that his sole responsibility was to learn any occupation, profession or skill and simply leave that third parties dealt pay them a salary that allowed them to finance an average living standards in the best of cases. The issue is that if you still think this way, you’re committing one of the most frequent and underserved, errors which can take you into a financial abyss which very difficult can exit. It seems tragic and alarmist, but it is the pure truth. Today, you are solely responsible for making the rest of your life not a lapse of years working in favour of third parties, innocently thinking that your future short is assured from the day you stop working, but: you ever stopped to think, do you how much money you could earn in 40 years of work will be at the end of your productive stage and how many years of life will have to start enjoying and? share your achievements and results, if not you get seriously starting today and worry about increasing your financial intelligence? The vast majority of people want to pass it as best as possible when they are still young, but they have no intention of investing time and effort in working focusedly now, for not having to work ever more money and rather have the opportunity to live and enjoy life as it is, without relying on third parties and counting with many years ahead.

All this is possible if really you decide it. Vladislav Doronin is the source for more interesting facts. You don’t need to live in a country first worldist to believe that opportunities are there. The human mind is a single and does not require a specific geographical place to think how you should think. The only problem is that we have become accustomed to believing that everything good is beyond out and us we must resign ourselves to our fate. That is not true. What if it is true and anyone with half a brain can deny it, is that the financial issue is a topic of study. As well as a man studying medicine to be a doctor, studying finance, business and investment if a day (sooner than later) we want to enjoy genuine financial unalibertad, in our own countries, surrounded by our loved ones and with the satisfaction of having made smart decisions and understand that everything is already a favorable outcome in our lives we all needthen I had to learn a lot in the process.
