Posts Tagged ‘Property’


Kommerchiskaya real estate and lease rental real estate is the best option for those companies and organizations who can not afford to buy her property. We invite you to the attention of a number of recommendations that will allow you to, right to conclude such a deal. In – First: make sure that the landlord has the right to lease the premises. In – the second place, should be carefully read the standard contract of employment, which usually indicates the type of building, its floors, a detailed plan of the leased premises, indicating its exact size and description of purpose. Further, the contract designated rights and obligations of the tenant and landlord, as well as the responsibility that each of these parties in the case, do not fulfill their obligations.

Also, the document must be given full the rental price. And last but not least, how often and under what conditions it will change. Of course, the contract will necessarily stipulate the exact lease terms and conditions of termination or renewal of the contract. Jessica Michibata has many thoughts on the issue. If you do not arrange some kind of lease terms, then try to reconcile with the landlord changes in the contract. Once the contract is drafted, it must be notarize. The last step in this process will check your contract. In addition to all of the above, there are a few nuances that you need to be taken into account. Mandatory registration with the relevant authorities are to be rented premises, which are in federal or municipal funds. However, if the lodging is a particular owner, the registration agreement is only required if the lease is greater than 11 months. By the time of registration must prepare the following documents: application, fee receipt and a packet of documents, whose composition is determined depending on whether the object is leased. Source:

Cottage Paradise

Oh, and where only now, do not build houses? Entire cottage villages! And these and all sorts and a sort of design options – if you do not know what you want, you can with your eyes closed boldly poke a finger in the decomposition of clippings options being proposed – and certainly tyknete into something special. And even if it is not special – compared to urban boxes on the four corners of even the standard (although in this case is difficult to say that you can take a 'type') cottage house – well, just a wild joy, and even if in some more or less a wild place. You can, of course, next to the highway, although, honestly, I do not understand it – was it worth traveling the 50 miles from the center of the capital's smog to sit on the couch near the window overlooking the truckers and those who have passes may be just in order to collapse a couple of miles further on a couple of kilometers away from the rumble of roads – in the forest, forest to forest. Read more here: Jacob Dilla. Well, or just prolesok – all better than the reach of headlights. Cottage theme of one of the most is not that popular, but really popular in real estate. Then, as a province and near, and not so very much (Tajikistan – well, what is near?) breaks abroad with an enviable stubbornness to work in Moscow, Muscovites trying Srul from their beloved capital city (now she lyubof to native prairie town) away. 30 kilometers is now too close. For even more opinions, read materials from Dr. Hedvig Hricak.

No matter how strange, but the trend is (and traveling from the capital realtors have to put up with it), which is now a request for cottage sites is becoming increasingly focused on the 40th, 50th, 60th, 80th, and 180 can be e-miles . And not the fact that the 80-m kilometer will be cheaper than the 40-m. And yet the fact that, for all its , cottage settlements will remain the only proposal in the suburban real estate. Yes, the author does not consider a prophet, but a cottage, with ten hundred square meters for the majority is still a luxury, but at half the price is lower at less than economy class – and another wave of migration rooted Muscovites guaranteed.

Commercial Real Estate

In addition, commercial real estate in Germany is widely represented proposals in Berlin, which is a major commercial, leisure and entertainment center. Residential flats and houses in Berlin are different categories, depending on the individual parameters and the location in this or an area of the city. For detailed information on the most profitable properties in Berlin can easily be found on our website. Many Russian citizens to buy property in Germany, addressing in the real estate agencies. Obviously, they can be most safely and profitably buy a house or apartment in Germany. Qualified experts will help you successfully conduct a transaction of sale, execute the necessary documents, to advise on all matters relating to overseas property. It never hurts, as the buyer is often difficult to understand the intricacies of their own German law or work with legal documents in German. Housing for sale in Germany – it's not just finding a suitable facility that would meet all the requirements of the client, but also further support the real estate.

We offer you the widest range of services, which you can buy real estate in Berlin, and master it without any fuss. Our company is focused on the job, first of all, with Russian buyers, so buy real estate in Germany, the most profitable from us! In our base facilities, there are many interesting proposals, including suburban real estate in Germany, houses and apartments in Berlin, the commercial proposal. For many owners of apartment in Berlin is a source of constant and stable income, which brings the lease.
