Posts Tagged ‘materials’

The Wall

Amount of water vapor that passes through the wall to the zone of condensation of P = (EB-EC) FZm / d, where eb, en, water vapor from inside and outside fences; F-space enclosing structure; Z-number of hours; m- vapor permeability coefficient; d-distance to condensation. Thus, in 1 m2 of wall for 1 hour passes and condenses the following amounts of water. P = (935,2-86). (0.14 / 0.51 +0.51 / 0.09) = 4936 mg Despite the fact that the terms of the calculation in 1 m2 of insulation for day accumulated approximately 117 grams of water, the accumulation of moisture and failure of structures with facade insulation is not explicitly observed. Obviously this is due to the fact that as the baseline characteristics were taken extreme values. When milder conditions, the accumulation of moisture is not so obvious, but it is the place to be and certainly reduces the efficiency and durability of structures. When used as a insulation material with a coefficient of water vapor permeability as a board “Penosteks, condensation of moisture in the wall structure is not observed. This is because water vapor is less than the saturated water vapor across the thickness of the wall. Such a regime is more favorable from a hygienic, heat engineering and technical standpoint. At the same time on the inner side plates Penosteks no condensation, since the surface of plates in This layer has a temperature of 200 C, at which condensation is impossible. That is why the insulating material Penosteks is the most effective insulation.
