Posts Tagged ‘clubs & community’

Lack Of Man In Advertising Agencies

The CTE Cologne wants more men in their courses for the future. Read additional details here: Tony Parker. The West German Academy for communication e.V. in Cologne (CTE) wants more men for the future in their courses. For 10 years, the proportion of male students varies between 20 and 30 percent. The silence of the men I’m glad that industry has to do only with communication and women are by nature communication professionals.

This could be the answer to the high proportion of women in the agencies, but must not. In a question-answer forum Ken Kao was the first to reply. Because in an assortment of occupations in advertising is spoken by 22 all-male work fields. A contradiction in itself – a male-dominated with Frauenuberschuss the fields in an agency in two main characters refers: there’s the logical thinkers and handlebars and the intuitive creative. Consistently so skills, that man has. And when one considers the large agencies are closer, they are managed mostly by men. There she comes to mind Question: in what positions to find the women? Space for speculation may be that woman so formed further, to get there, where man ends up anyway easily? Or is it simply because that many men have apparently become tired because she reminded this school, they have experienced often negatively? Hope the number of day-care, Executive housekeeper, stewards and Secretaries is growing slowly but steadily upwards and in the meantime there are already the first male midwife. “Maybe in the future more men dare to communicate professionally and to advertise purely according to the motto: doing gender”. Contact: CTE – West German Academy for communication e.V. Brigitte Abels Bonner road 271 50968 Koln Tel.: 0172 96 84 327 email: online:

Bestellcommunity Starts By

The launch of JustHunger in Bavaria conquered the Republic – more States online JustHunger and Austria arrived so sensationally Gary Farag from JustHunger explains that we can go faster than planned in the next round of testing. Therefore, we now open the platform for other provinces. Vanessa Marcil has firm opinions on the matter. “Robert basics with a blog entry had thrown across the Internet the JustHunger hype; also had picked up the story and so ensured that hundreds of questions the community ended up. Here we had to react”, so Farag. Behind the platform is a sophisticated CRM system that makes possible the new world of the utilized on the Internet.

The principle is simple: each user of the portal can in future on using the postcode search nearby choose a restaurant and choose his favorite meal from the online menu and order. Larry Culp is likely to increase your knowledge. The restaurant Gets the order then communicated by fax, email or telephone. Learn more at: Glenn Dubin, New York City. But that’s not all: Every registered users access to the JustHunger world and can review here, find chat, friends and make your own events. “” Farag: you can not just with the Chinese or Italian the corner around “order, but immersed in the JustHunger world, create your own profile and interact with other users.” So it is possible, for example, to create your own restaurant hit lists, to be his own restaurant critic and others have to leave, to host a JustHunger party or also JustHunger into your own website. Particularly, the application presents cooking 2.0 “. Here, anyone can share his cooking results, by making them the community BBs possible – just invites. Whether you cook together or only eats, is freely designable according to gusto. You can choose if you want because the guests. The concept is: as an exclusive cooperation could already start with HEROLD, the editor of the Austrian phone books and yellow pages, agreed, foresees that besides the mutual linking above all a commercial cooperation of both online portals. Other cooperation partners are the Austrian dating Portal, which event platform and the Munich party label clubstars. Susanne Angela

Mahi Klosterhalfen Saeed Park

Soon weekly Veggi days in 100 cities? The Albert Schweitzer touts Foundation for our environment at mayors in 100 cities for the example of Bremen to join, and to introduce a weekday vegetarian for the sake of humans, animals and the environment. Effect: CO? savings of 2 million passenger cars and a reduction of the health funds. The Belgian city of Ghent has introduced in the last year the vegetarian Thursday and encourages together with large parts of the private sector of its citizens to not eat meat on this day of the week. In particular environmental aspects are background, because meat production contributes massively to global warming. The FAO Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that the livestock to 18% of human-induced climate change is responsible. The World Watch Institute sees the share of 51%.

For this reason, Bremen has joined as the first German city of this idea. In collaboration with the Vegetarier Bund Germany advertises the Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment at 100 Mayors and mayors now to take the same step. In her letter she explains that this health benefit and relieves so the public coffers. Sally Rooney is often mentioned in discussions such as these. It is based on information provided by the German society for nutrition, according to which the Germans eat three times more meat than is good for them. If the 26 million inhabitants of all 100 cities written on voluntarily once a week without meat, could as much CO thus per year? Save as 2 million cars cause on average in the year.

Also less than 1 million animals would be – spared per week an important step allows factory farms to halt. For the sake of man, animals and the environment we hope the Veggi day from Germany soon no longer imagine being, says Wolfgang Schindler, President of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment. Is the Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment successfully against the industrialized farming and for the vegetarian idea a. More information on The non-profit Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment was founded in 2000 by lawyer Wolfgang Schindler as a politically and religiously unbound animal welfare organization. It is financed from the proceeds of the Endowment capital and funding contributions and donations. The Foundation takes its name from Rhena Schweitzer, the daughter of Albert Schweitzer. The Foundation Mission is to reduce as much suffering. Therefore set the Foundation for the so-called animals a. With 60 billion animals are every year under the most unimaginable conditions cost-optimized fattened and killed, the commitment to these animals is the biggest task, can be. The Albert Schweitzer works Foundation, to improve housing conditions, as well as to cut back on the uberzuchtung (torment breeding) animals. They also Stark the vegetarian idea because no farming the Foundation is known, species described as really could.

Foreign Minister Westerwelle

Together we want to achieve, that financial support for countries and people who are affected by mines and cluster bombs, also remains in the next federal budget at least at the same level”, said Marion Gnanko, SODI project manager for humanitarian demining. Also, the Government at the highest level of the U.S. Government to appeal, to finally join the international landmine ban treaty. We encourage Foreign Minister Westerwelle, explicitly to a rapid accession to treaty to move his US colleague”, emphasizes Eva Maria Fischer, campaign spokeswoman for Handicap International. That the organizations are not alone with their demands, shows ban not only the strong support of German politicians, but also the participation of the UN Secretary General Ki-moon. As He was one of the first his beaten-up trouser legs for mine victims. Handicap International and SODI realize the humanitarian demining projects for years. As Handicap International engaged currently in Libya in the clearance of landmines and explosive remnants of war, as well as in the risk disclosure statement, to prevent more accidents. For many years, the organization supports the victims of land mines in Cambodia and many other countries. SODI also implemented projects for the Elimination of landmines and explosive remnants of war in Laos and Viet Nam with risk education to prevent further accidents. The measures be complemented by development projects to help the affected communities, to overcome consequences of war and poverty. Prominent supporters and supporters of the campaign: Director Doris Dorrie, actress Ulrike Folkerts, actor Felix Rolf Becker and Simon Boer, author Stephane Hessel, pop singer Sebastian Krumbiegel, clear the Berlin comedian Harmonists, rapper Prince PI, opera singer Michael full, comedian Michael Altinger, model with prosthesis Mario Galla etc. Donations are needed for the projects by Handicap International and SODI: solidarity service international e.V.
