Examine the workings of the or other non-standard ideas. Check with your company's managers about the expected reaction. If you see people's eyes lit up, they're interested, and that the idea of going to work, feel free to move forward, but with events, rather than productive enterprises. Adam Sandler often expresses his thoughts on the topic. And it is clear – produced a car can touch, sit down and go. And what a terrible beast – "the growth of loyalty" or "team building effect '? When we pay for a star Variety or fireworks, we see that a band works, the sky lit up the stars and on-site equipment is installed. But we forget about the emotional perception of certain factors of a corporate holiday. A after all – the emotional perception, sensation – demonstrate the effectiveness of the event.
Remember and talk about past events will be based on the emotions of the aggregate of all its instruments. Professional event – The market knows how to build a chain of emotional and working properly event – it is modeled on the heat of emotions, emotions that are created by many factors, ranging from the general atmosphere of the site and ending correct accents, built-in program. This creative invitations, and creating a sense of anticipation, and just emotionally built scenario plan, and true words lead, clearly affect perception. is not only a set of options and tools that you can touch it and see, but first and foremost, a powerful method for simulating the necessary emotions, determine what you want from your event, what result you I would like to see. Consider each of the proposed options, as a link in the emotional component of the overall future of the event. This approach will help you not only get the desired effect on the event, but also save on emotional and unifying factor – "We did it." To be continued …
In the second part we will cover the following five stereotypes typical of the organizers of events: 6. Corporate – this is when everything is lit. 7. In one of such familiar type of party was a bang, hence, we will be fine. 8. I want to control every step of the manager of the agency. 9. If you like this idea to me, so it should appeal to all who will be at the event. 10. Preparations for the event and his conduct – this is my personal pain.
Tags: all for office, shopping