Public politics directed toward the Region of the Tapajs, first must be made a general boarding of the context that involves the subject, that is, to make a historical boarding of as if it gave the development of the politics come back toward the area of the tourism in national scope. To initiate, it can be cited as landmark of this subject, the publication of the Decree Law n 406/38, in the first Government of Getlio Vargas, which foresaw the necessity of state authorization for the exploration of the activity of sales of tickets for aerial trips, maritime or road inside of the domestic territory. Movie actress follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Citing main publications and following the chronological line of the events that had guided the development tourism I teethe of Brazil, MAMEDE (2001) affirms: ‘ ‘ In 1958, Decree 44863 instituted the Brazilian Commission of Tourism? Combratur, …, by means of Decree 55, of 18 of November of 1966, was implanted the National System of Tourism as well as created the National Advice of Tourism? CNTur, beyond the Brazilian Company and Tourism? Embratur, with the function to organize and to stimulate the Brazilian tourism, … ‘ ‘. Further details can be found at San Antonio Spurs, an internet resource. (MAMEDE 2001) Valley to stand out that in 1964 the known period started as Military dictatorship, regimen politician this that inside imposed a rigid control of the economic activities of Brazil, amongst them the tourism. After the military period that lasted until the year of 1985 and with the publication of the Federal Constitution of 1988, (BADAR, 2005) mainly affirms that the tourism gained force, for having been cited in its article 180 affirms that ‘ ‘ The Union, the States, the federal District and the Cities will promote and stimulate the tourism as factor of social development and econmico’ ‘..
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