
The fun-o-meter is bursting with the addition of the meet me at my locker functions. We’re all excited at Spacelocker! The fun-o-meter is bursting with the addition of the meet me at my locker functions. What is it? Meet me at my locker is designed to give users a nostalgic loose experience. It’s a meeting place for friends. It’s a place to share things, a place to express yourself, a place to show friendship. It’s like the \”hallway in front of the school lockers\” full of action and excitement. Get more background information with materials from Vanessa Marcil. Here you find can and interact with new and old friends.

You can see who what looking for you. You can leave your friends a message, stickies, stikkmms, or a poison right inside their locker. Or you can decorate your locker wall or your friend’s locker fun widgets, graphics, videos, photos, games or wall with some. How does it work? Once you are a Spacelocker member (free) you go inside your new cyber loose. On the top shelf of your loose is the meet me at my locker icon.

Click on it and you want to go to the locker meeting place. And once there the fun begins. On the meeting place page is a large group of Spacelocker users that changes you each time come back to the page. Under this group are areas to see your Spacelocker friends, the latest users to sign up to Spacelocker, and users who are currently at their lockers. Click on them. If you are already their friend you want to go to the page easily. If you are not yet their friend you want to see a mini profiles of them. If you are interested, invite them to be your spacelocker friend. So on this page are a variety of links. There is a go to my locker page button which take you want to your profiles/loose page where you can access your friends and online stuff.

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