A judge ordered the prepaid to cover fertility treatments to perform the marriage. The resolution places no limits on the number of attempts to achieve pregnancy. Justice failed again for a couple who can not bear children. A federal judge ordered the OSDE prepaid to cover fertility treatments now engaged in more Alicia (38) and her husband Joseph (41), an employee who belongs to the union of air navigators. What is striking about this is that places no limits on the number of attempts.It only says “as his state of health so requires.” “It was a long road to get here. In the past eight years we did three ICSI and consulted on several sites. Three times cost us much because we had all the money and had to leave to seek help from our families,” says Alice in the tranquility of your home. He adds: “The physician who treats us now we come by recommendations from friends, who had the same problem. The ruling by Judge Carlos Hector Alvarez, head of the Federal court in Civil and Commercial Matters No. 11, OSDE sentenced to “provide for the actors, while his state of health requires and what is prescribed by the attending medical professional, comprehensive coverage ( 100 ) of providing assisted fertilization (IVF) with ICSI technique, which costs approximately 14 thousand pesos.”The judge took into account that is a health problem and that there are national and international standards that sponsor it,” he told lawyer Pablo Rosales. The resolution, Aug. 20, is still not firm because it is the first instance. Among his reasons, the judge cited two similar backgrounds: the family Ayuso, confirmed by a court of Buenos Aires, and a recent decision of the House of St. Nicholas Administrative Litigation against IOMA. In the first case, the judge required the Obra Social de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (ObSBA) to cover up to five attempts. Link to note: http://www.clarin.com/diario/2008/08/27/um/m-01747185.htm